View Full Version : LFP. Tuesday nights normally every 3 weeks 5E Homebrew

March 22nd, 2017, 23:19
FG License: I have Ultimate License
Game System: 5E Homebrew World

Time Zone:CST US Time Zone
Day of week and time: Normally Tuesday night at 5 (could change days at times as I have floating schedule)
If new game, planned start date:1st game to Start Wednesday March 29th due to last minute work schedule Change :(
Planned Frequency: Every 3 weeks
Term: Long term from 1st up to 20th

Text or Voice: Combination of Both
Voice software used: Still deciding which to use I am open to suggestions

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 to 40/60 little more or less at times
Number of Players in game & needed: 3-6 Players
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level Standard equipment allowed for the class you choose anything else has to fit in with the campaign
Character restrictions: No Monstrous Humanoids/ 1/2 Orcs difficult but allowed/ will allow evil characters provided you play the alignment you choose!

Details of your scenario:
The Kingdom of Barovia

This is a area of life, adventure, and tragedy. Anything is possible, magic is rich, minerals are pure. Honor and valor are sound, Greed is alive, and Evil never sleeps.

Barovia is located in the world of Arcania were dreams become reality and life is lived to the fullest.
The basic concept is of the old medieval lifestyles. Lifestyles of great Kings and noble lords.
This is a land where dragons are still prominent and vast treasure hordes are still around for the taking.

You adventurer are you prepared to take the next step into the Kingdom of Barovia.

About me: Hi, I have been a avid gamer/collector since 1982. I learned about roll-playing with dice to actually role-playing with dice to make the game better. Dungeons & Dragons my first and best loved game favorite by far AD&D 2nd Edition. 5th Edition seems similar so I have no issues with rules/learning the game. I've been a DM/GM since the middle 80's from all types of games not just D&D. Game is open to raw recruits to old veterans no judging till after games begin. The we will see! :)

Link to Gamecalendar page:https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2479

March 24th, 2017, 14:45
Howdy! I've applied on the calendar, but due to my schedule in EST I wont be available until 7pm EST (6 CST) but I will be on promptly at that time. I'm quite experienced in FG and 5e.

March 24th, 2017, 23:11
Sure we will give a try and you can join in at that time. I am going to be on later and you can connect to my Kingdom of Barovia and I will give you the server PW, no voice yet just keyboard.


March 25th, 2017, 12:55
Hi i Have applied as well on the calandar i i'm new in d&d fantasy grounds i only don't know so good how the system works :confused:

March 26th, 2017, 11:44
Hey, just applied on the calendar Im new to FG so I dont really know how to use it that well yet.

I would really love to play, the only problem is that i wouldn't be able to make the first game this week because of a function at work that i have to be there for.

Edit: I am actually able to make the first game now if i get in, apparently my work overestimated the amount of staff they needed >.>

Artemis Entreri
March 27th, 2017, 23:46
Interested in joining after a long hiatus with FG and DnD after getting completely swamped at work for most of last and beginning of this year. Trying to sign up on calendar but keep getting thrown off my account, gonna keep trying though!

March 28th, 2017, 01:53
I have 2 spots left with 3 people on board to go, if you want to make a character up I will see who to go with since more than likely not everyone will show up for the game on Wed. night. So if you want to stop in I will be on the site till late this evening.


puny roll cracked derro

if you can't get in, just PM me

March 28th, 2017, 01:54
I have 2 spots left with 3 people on board to go, if you want to make a character up I will see who to go with since more than likely not everyone will show up for the game on Wed. night. So if you want to stop in I will be on the site till late this evening.

Thanks Pandar

puny roll cracked derro

if you can't get in, just PM me

March 28th, 2017, 03:54
i would love to play but I cannot log into the calander, keeps telling me I need to sign in.....

Liquid Prime
March 28th, 2017, 06:48
Hello I would love to join your game.
I am new to FG and table top role-playing in general, but very enthusiastic to learn. This would be a great experience to later teach my friends. I have not made a new character yet and hope i could wait till game night to due it with everyone's advice, if you think I should make one before hand please reply. Tho i do roughly understand the character creation due to having played some of the video game adaptation (nvn, nvn2, and baldur's gate 2) if it means anything. Sincerely hope you will let me join in the fun.
Thank you very much

Edit: So i read your post again and saw that you did want us to make our characters before hand and so i have.

March 29th, 2017, 13:11
A wonderful afternoon to you.

I would love to join your game today. I have a character ready to go for the event (Even though all my characters are out of Barovia, I am ready to toss one back into the fray again (Unused, that is)) and a lot of time to help set up, get you acquainted to FG and other affairs. D&D is something I play on a very frequent basis and thus am a fervent player of it. Unlike a few people I know however, I am not someone to judge other players for being new, making non-sensible decisions (Though I like to see otherwise, of course) or just doing their own thing altogether. I hope there is still a spot left so that I can join, because I enjoyed my time in Barovia (The Hardcover and the entirety of AL modules for it (Though 'enjoying' could be interpreted as a debatable term)) and would love to participate in today's session for it

Thank you for reading through and considering this application

April 7th, 2017, 05:10
Looking to play this upcoming Wednesday 12 April, 5:00 pm CST start time. As long as we have enough of the original group to play. I am still looking for one more character spot to be filled, I will be online later tomorrow night if anyone wants to stop in to look over the world and see if they want to play in the game and get a character set-up or show me one they have made already. I will not be online till after 8:00 pm CST tomorrow night till around 10:30pm you can pm if you can't get into the game server.

The server alias is

puny roll cracked derro

Thanks Pandar

April 7th, 2017, 06:41
Hey Pandar, I would say I would like to join your game, but every 3 weeks is much too far apart in my opinion. Is there any way to have the game more frequently?

April 7th, 2017, 11:08
I brewed "Ed Worts Haus Pale Ale" from Homebrew Talk, hit FG in less than a week and went from grain to glass in 10 days total. Flavor was super smooth and drinkability was amazing. Smell was a bit lack luster. Hoping it improves a bit after some cold conditioning.

April 8th, 2017, 04:07
I am trying to see if maybe every two weeks, depending on my schedule at work and the fact that my mother-in-law is in hospice right now so my wife and I are taking care of her till the time. So things still up in air some what and with everyone from the group so far it looks like we are going to try to go with Wednesday as that seems to be the best day for the players right now.

Afraid that is the best I can do, no guarantees especially since my job has a floating schedule
