View Full Version : ipv4 vs. ipv6 reminder...

March 20th, 2017, 15:38
Hey, all. This isn't an issue I need help with but more of a reminder. So, one of the regulars here (he can identify himself if he wants) was about to start his twitch stream on Friday like he always does and lo and behold his players couldn't connect! He backed out of Fantasy Grounds, ran his connection test and it failed. After some troubleshooting he discovered the issue. Sometime during the day, Comcast had changed his connection from ipv4 to ipv6. After spending time on the phone with customer service, they informed him they could not change it back to ipv4 for him.

So, after some googling of this forum and online in general, we went into windows and unchecked the ipv6 option to "force" his system to process using ipv4 and he relaunched Fantasy Grounds and the connection worked fine!

So, caveat in that I'm not a tech guy, I just know how to read (occasionally). So, anyone that wants to clean up anything I might be uninformed about, please feel free!

My point in posting this is my read of the forum postings lately is the ipv4 v ipv6 was mainly an issue that was affecting countries other than the U.S., but that it was starting to impact the U.S. So, this is just one more example of the impact coming to the U.S. as well. Just glad the "fix" worked! (BTW, I know there are other options until Unity launches like Hamachi, etc...).

March 21st, 2017, 05:04
Thanks for the heads up.

Genghis Tebo
December 13th, 2017, 06:35
And those of you that don't know how to do this.


December 13th, 2017, 15:59
Thanks for this.

December 13th, 2017, 17:38
Won't this kill your internet if your ISP is ONLY providing ivp6?

December 13th, 2017, 18:26
Ah, thanks for the tip. In Belgium, ipv6 is all the rage. Just to be sure, I cling to my outdated cable modem until FGU comes along.