View Full Version : Intermittent Black on Fantasy Grounds

March 18th, 2017, 17:56
So I am having an issue with Fantasy Grounds, and I never had it before. I updated my drivers to the newest safe version for Andromeda, and I opened up FG to do some work on a game tonight to see this. On mouseover, it would appear / disappear - and once I got into the actual campaign, the entire screen would do the same thing, remain black for 4-5 seconds, then show the FG background for 4-5 seconds, then back to black (and so on...).

I am thinking about reinstalling FG, but I was just wondering if anyone ran into this issue before?


March 18th, 2017, 18:00
Well, after toying around with it real quick - I seemed to have solved the issue. My graphics card was trying to override anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering, swapping these to "off" corrected the issue!
(Just leaving this here in case anyone else has this issue)

Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2017, 20:19
Thanks for letting us know the result.
