View Full Version : NPC Trait, Effects in CT?

March 17th, 2017, 02:33
So, I did some more reading of the wiki and could not find mention on what the string/format is required for making effects on NPCs. That said, there are some at least. The troll for example, if given a trait like this:

The troll regains 3 hit points at the start of its turn.

It will have "Effects: (REGEN:3)".

Is there documentation somewhere that explains all the combinations for these? I've got a few creatures that have +2 to saves, others I might want to give other things but I just am not sure what the format is for this.

The wiki I found that mentioned it but didn't seem to cover it was this:

March 17th, 2017, 02:58
5e is parsing the descriptive text and applying the effect so you should replicate a similar example as closely as possible and it should pick it up.

March 17th, 2017, 03:58

March 17th, 2017, 05:13
Sir Nickademus is cleaning up all my posts today :)

March 17th, 2017, 05:43

That is 100% what I needed, thanks for the link.

March 17th, 2017, 14:26
We should designate Nickademus as Sir Effects. He has successfully fielded many questions in this area over the last week or two.

March 17th, 2017, 19:09
I dug into the effect heavily when making my old extension. I generally help new players make effects in every game I'm in, and even the veteran players tend to ask me first for effect syntax before heading to the wiki. I guess in a way, I already am...

March 17th, 2017, 19:37
Sir Nickademus the Effectacious. All hail his magnificence