View Full Version : some user feedback

December 9th, 2005, 17:41
Just wanted to post up a couple of thoughts about the product for the developers to give them some feed back. I have to say I love Fantasy Grounds. I have very limited experience with any other play via internet products, but I do have 20+ years experience of table top D&D and other games, and this is great.

I have hosted over 12 game sessions now and since the upgrade to version 1.05e we have had no tech problems to speak of. On Monday we will be trying out version f. We have run up to six players with no problems all the while using either skype or the add on Festoon (which allows more then five to connect for conference calling). Before the e upgrade we did have some issues with players dropping when actually rolling the dice. We went around that by using hotkeys and skype/Festoon. The problem has gone away since the E edition. Just to mention it, the host, mine, has very rarely crashed. It was always the players who got kicked.

By using Dundjnni and Campaign Cartographer I have become spoiled I fear because of how easy it is to unmask a dungeon and share information with players. I have to thank the various people who have posted the different tokens, I am neither technical nor artistic so would be unable to do that kind of stuff.

There are a few things that I would like to request. Most of these are from a DM’s point of view to make actual game play a little easier and might already have been addressed.

1) Have the chat window be able to come to the top of the open items. It easily gets buried when you have several different things open, which is easy to do if you are the DM. Maybe via a hot key.
2) Save Tokens on maps when FG is shut down, or crashes. It is annoying to try and remember where everyone is when the players are in the middle of a dungeon crawl that will be finished at the next game session a week later.
3) Be able to place the initiative sheet to a hot key so it can be called up to the top layer for easy viewing.
4) Have Modifiers stack with readied hot keys. As a DM the /die command is a great ability to have. It greatly speeds up combat, but suddenly your readied attack roll hotkey is worthless when suddenly a player is flanked and the orc gets a +2 for one round. I do not want automation mind you. Even my players would like it as they have some of their often used skills and saves readied. I will point out that we love the actual dice rolling for the important rolls. Especially the 6d6 kind of rolls. Just gives it the table top feel.
5) Collect all the tips and tricks the various people have posted into one document. There are many helpful things posted and in the manual, but it is not easy for a first time user either player or dm to quickly get the hang of.
6) Allow the players to play multiple characters. This would be as multiple characters, henchmen, animal companions or mounts, and NPC’s.

Thank you again for the product. It has been well worth the money. Game on.
