View Full Version : Is There A Poison Template?

March 7th, 2017, 10:48
Using Pathfinder Ruleset.

Just wondering if there was a 'box' to add poisons to an adventure? I'm not finding anything under Items that shows there is anything specific.


March 7th, 2017, 16:18
There's nothing specific, and no poison automation, in the PFRPG ruleset. If the poison will be distributed/owned then add them as an item, with the poison details in the description. If it's just for GM reference then put the same details in the body of a story entry or the "Other" tab of a creature if it's creature specific.

Nilram the Grey
July 16th, 2017, 16:45
So there is no way to create an effect with a related DC such that a saving throw can be made and it used to determine full or half damage plus the application of an effect? I guess the only way to do this is to make a trap/item creature and add it to the CT?

July 16th, 2017, 16:48
Yes, making an NPC and adding it to the CT is the way to go. You can then give it any necessary actions to make the save, apply damage etc. Which ruleset are you taking about by the way.

Nilram the Grey
July 16th, 2017, 20:59
I'm using 5e these days.

July 16th, 2017, 22:27
You may find this useful (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35937-How-to-Automate-effects-on-NPCs).

Nilram the Grey
July 19th, 2017, 03:54

Thanks. I have found that helpful multiple times now.