View Full Version : *Insidious Retrobution*

March 6th, 2017, 22:09
This campaign takes place in the world of Fearun, after the Hunter Trilogy of the R. A. Salvatore series but in an alternate reality. Where the heroes of the Hall successfully protected the town of Shallows and ultimately pushed back the Orc King, this reality differs in that all the heroes perished in the sacking of Shallows and the conquest of the Spine of World was successful and spread across the entire continent.

I do not have Ultimate License so you will need basic membership.


Will use discord voice chat. https://discord.gg/wGzcan2.

Looking to game on Sunday evenings 6-9 pm EST (3 hours). Every two weeks as the campaign will be created concurrent to test playing. Not sure how long campaign will last, will depend on interest (player input is requested). Looking for 4-6 players, level 1 character creation will be on the first session. This is an adaptation of campaign I created a year ago for my local D&D group played around my dining room table. Asking that all are over 18 (mature only). Game will be played every two weeks ( will GM multiple sessions depending on demand). Very few limitations on race or class, but there are some. Please PM or email before spending a lot of time rolling up a character. This will be a low magic item campaign (not a Monty Hall GM). There will be 'sand-box' aspects to the module (i.e. town/castle building & follower recruiting - but not to the point of bogging down the game play or role playing.) Willing to make this a more prominent part of the story if the group so desires.

I have been playing and GM\ing since 1984. ( I am 48) Laid back, but will not tolerate bullying or controlling players. Willing to compromise, please keep it to core rules (5e) and don't expect miracles due to my newness to FG.

Expectations: Players to work on background of characters and enjoy Role-play, there will be a few aspects of dungeon crawling, but going for a more balanced module. As this is my first time GMing FG constructive criticism is welcomed.

Limitations to class and race: Spell books will be hard to come by. Very limited on available items during first few sessions. No monstrous humanoid PC's. No evil PC's. Standard array on ability scores (15,14,13,12,10,8) before race adjustment. Half-orcs will be very difficult (but not impossible) - think Drow (Dritz). Classes that require orders will be challenging.

March 6th, 2017, 22:16
I recommend rounding your post out more with things like what you're looking for in players, when and how long each session will be, any programs/equipment that players will need (including anything more than a demo license if you have anything less than an ultimate license), what kind of DM you are, how many players you're looking for, how long the campaign will likely last, what timezone you're working with, etc. These things help players/viewers to know whether or not they can even participate in the game, let alone whether or not they're a good fit for it/vise versa.

March 6th, 2017, 22:42
Thanks for the input. Updated the post. Let me know what you think. Thanks again.

March 6th, 2017, 22:50
Fantastic, that looks great. Personally, I only play games that are weekly, so I won't be applying, but good luck finding players.

March 6th, 2017, 22:52
Thanks again for the input. When I finish the complete module, I will run it weekly. Campaign is not fully completed in FG.