View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Night Game Sun-Fri 10PM+ CST 5E

March 6th, 2017, 20:42
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Central USA
Days of week, frequency, and time: Sunday through Friday 10pm or later. Any frequency.
Term: Long-term
Voice: Have used Teamspeak, Discord, Curse, Skype, and am open to others.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: Have played and DMed 5E since release.
Fantasy Ground Experience: Have been using FG for about a year and a half. There are undoubtedly others who know it better, but I have a good grasp of it.

Character Type Preferred: Have played and am willing to play any class or type.
About me: I have been role-playing for about 20 years, mostly D&D. I am open to just about any style of play, as long as we have fun. I have been with groups that take things a little to seriously, it is a game and while joking around can get out of hand the goal, to me, is to have fun.

March 7th, 2017, 00:04
Hey, I would be definately interested.

My question is...is that daily Sunday through Friday? Flexible schedule week to week? Or open schedule for now until we pick a date? Conventional wisdom says we won't be playing 6 days a week but you never know.

I have been playing 5e since release (and played the play test). Before that 3rd for years. DMed for most of it.

I will admit that I am looking to play 1 specific character at the moment. It is a non-perfectly optimized character, but I think fits a playstyle I have wanted to play for a long time (teleporting melee fight a la Nightcrawler of X-men). If I get in ai would love to talk more about the build and character.

March 7th, 2017, 03:24
I am just looking for a group to get into and am open to almost any night after 10.

March 7th, 2017, 03:30
My bad hermano, misread the post.

March 7th, 2017, 03:35
No problem. I am looking to start a Friday night game if your interested.


March 7th, 2017, 04:00
I'm down. I'm new to FG (have an Ultimate license, as well), but I want to play as a character first, and definitely more in a cool and chill environment (I love having fun in my play, but I also like people who will play the game). Any class or race, I can build it, and play it.

Edit: Weekend games are preferable, but I'll swing a weekday, if needs be.

March 7th, 2017, 07:57
I would dig joining but I am playing in a storm Kings campaign atm.

Though not whole a deal breaker.

So, character creation was PHB only, no SCAG? I am not usually the guy who is set on a character concept or build, but at least part of what I want to play is built from SCAG options.

March 11th, 2017, 18:47
Sounds good so far. I've never used FG but I do have a plus membership.
Ive played D&D off and on since the box set. I've DM some, but it's been a while so I'd prefer to play a character and get to know FG.
Character : Looking to resurrect a old character from the 80s. Wizard 1st lvl. History to follow if chosen to join the group. Play style is layed back. Not a stickler for the rules as long as no major abuse.