View Full Version : My players are unable to connect to my Fantasy Grounds

March 6th, 2017, 12:09
Hi guys, I've been a pretty happy FG user for a year now, and while I mostly use FG for organizing and using at a real table, I do sometimes use FG to run solo sessions with a few of my players. Until recently, it hasn't been an issue, but I decided to update to Windows 10 from 7, and now am unable to host any games. I've forward port 1802 (which I didn't have to under Win7), but it still will not allow others to connect to me. I've tried turning off Windows Defender, but that doesn't seem to be the issue either. The only time I've managed to successfully run a connection test is when I turn on bridge mode on my router, but that isn't really an option, as I have others in the house who'd be very displeased to lose internet access.

If anyone can offer suggestions for solutions, I'd be very grateful. I'm using a Netgear CG3000v2 if that is of any help.

March 6th, 2017, 12:32
Have you tried to let FG through the firewall in Windows 10?

Try to turn off the firewall and see if that helps. If so, you need to configure the firewall to let FG through. There are two ways you can do that. Either you can add FG to the firewall as an application, or you can open specific ports. It's mostly on the incoming interface you need to do that, but i usually open in both incoming and outgoing.

But as i said, before you try to configure the firewal, turn it off first just to make sure it is the firewall that is the culprit.

If you are unsure how to get to the firewall, just push the start button, then type firewall. Should show up. Use the normal firewall option, not the advanced when you try to turn it off.

March 6th, 2017, 12:45
Hi amcog if it works with the router in bridge mode then its the router you need to look at.

Delete your FG rules on your router.

Create a new Port Forward rule: Port 1802-1802, protocol TCP to your computer/ip on port 1802.

Then you might give yourself a reserved DHCP address to avoid it changing/breaking in the future.


March 6th, 2017, 12:55
Ah, thank you very much damned! I don't know if I did anything different, but it seems to work now. I'll look into DHCP if it acts up in the future, but I'm just glad it's working!

March 25th, 2017, 12:20
I'm running into similar difficulties. I'm clueless when it comes to tech stuff so forgive me. I've attached a screenshot of how I have the TCP ports set up from before and when I tried to change it. I'm getting an error setting the port to "1802-1802" or even just typing in just "1802". Can someone look at them and see what I'm doing wrong?

18343 Before

18341 After

Thanks in advance! --- Prof.Dogg

March 25th, 2017, 15:22
Hey ProfDogg generaly only GMs need to do anything here.
FG usually makes its own Windows Firewall rules.
generally where Firewall changes are required it is with your Router and/or with any Software (AV) firewall.

March 25th, 2017, 15:48
I'm trying to host the game for my PCs. That before image is how FG set it up when it installed.


March 25th, 2017, 15:54
I'm trying to host the game for my PCs. That before image is how FG set it up when it installed.
The "Before" image is showing that "All Ports" are allowed, so that is OK.

Have you logged into your Internet router and setup port forwarding for TCP port 1802 to the IP address of your GM computer?

March 25th, 2017, 17:18
That may be an issue. I'm running a Motorola surfboard and when I go to adjust anything I go to some default Internet menu. Either I'm using the wrong ISP or I've just got my setup in some really weird connections with my wireless router.

March 25th, 2017, 17:30
That may be an issue. I'm running a Motorola surfboard and when I go to adjust anything I go to some default Internet menu. Either I'm using the wrong ISP or I've just got my setup in some really weird connections with my wireless router.
Try going here https://portforward.com/router.htm and selecting your router model and setting up port forwarding. You don't need to setup a static IP address (yet - if ever), just try to get port forwarding working first.