View Full Version : LF New Players - D&D 5E Campaign. GMT Timezone.

Helvan Raptyr
March 5th, 2017, 15:31
FG License: Standard Licence.
Game System: Dungeons & Dragons 5E.

Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0).
Day of week and time: Evenings in the week (7pm+), and earlier perhaps at weekends. Day to be decided between players.
If new game, planned start date: A couple of weeks time (feedback depending), to get everyone organised and the campaign sorted etc.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Once a week.
Term: Full campaign. Will start off slow and then get into it as everyone becomes more experienced.

Text or Voice: Text and/or voice.
Voice software used: FG Teamspeak server or Discord (headset required).

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40. Though this may differ depending on feedback and how comfortable people may be, as well as their preferences.
Number of Players in game & needed: I would probably work toward a party of five at the maximum, as we are starting from scratch there are currently no party members.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting at 1st Level, basic starting equipment.
Character restrictions: Characters from the Core Class pack will be permitted. Due to a lack of experience I wouldn't incorporate hybrids classes etc. right away. Though new additional classes may be added in future depending on how well the original campaign goes.

Details of your scenario: Fun welcoming environment for newcomers (I myself being one), aiming to have fun. No judgement or frustration about stopping and starting. After all, that's part of the learning for everyone. Start off with an easy introduction to players and the campaign, and then work forward from there.

Me: A fan of Fantasy and RPGs, though admittedly rather inexperienced. But you don't learn without trying!

You: Anyone is welcome, no restrictions. All I ask for is respect for other players and know that we will aim to enjoy ourselves.



March 5th, 2017, 18:13
Hey danny,

I'm interested in the your game. 7PM GMT is good for me, but I can only play on Wednesdays :)

Helvan Raptyr
March 5th, 2017, 21:23
That's fine by me. I shall bear in mind and see if anyone else becomes interested :)

March 5th, 2017, 21:31
That's fine by me. I shall bear in mind and see if anyone else becomes interested :)

Great ! Thanks a lot !

March 5th, 2017, 23:32
Hi, I am also interested in joining your game. I can play during the week and sometimes on the weekend.

I'm also on GMT timezone.

Helvan Raptyr
March 6th, 2017, 00:17
Great, that makes two then so far if you're interested, with a mutual day being Wednesday :)

March 6th, 2017, 08:22
Hey Helv!
Glad to see you are running your first campaign! ;-)

Sign me in ;-p

Which campaign do you like to run?

Helvan Raptyr
March 6th, 2017, 11:26
I'm waiting for feedback to see which campaign everyone would like to do. I was looking at Out of The Abyss or Storm King's Thunder perhaps. But it's really down to what the players are interested in. I'm content with any really :)

March 6th, 2017, 11:48
I'm interested. However, any idea how long the sessions will be?

Helvan Raptyr
March 6th, 2017, 12:18
Again this can be down for you guys to decide. Me personally I'm easy going, and I don't mind how long or 'short' these sessions may be. I would just have it so it is best for everyone :)

Seeing as a few of you guys have inquired, I may make a group for us to discuss it :)

March 6th, 2017, 16:44
Brand new to FG 5E. would be willing to learn with a patient group.

March 6th, 2017, 18:57
I would be interested in getting in on this.My vote for the day would be Sun-Tue. I work a weird schedule.

March 6th, 2017, 22:51
I like the idea of a new campaign. Got almost 2 years on FG and almost 30 years of D&D. I'm available Monday or Tuesday, can probably do Sunday too, though some Sundays I might be a few mins late depending on my earlier group(but not more than 15 mins). I have much experience helping new players build and maintain characters and teaching how the different facets of FG works. Let me know.

Helvan Raptyr
March 7th, 2017, 00:11
That could work, I'm still waiting for input from some others. The only person to get in touch has said most days, so they could work with the days you mentioned too. If you would like I can add you to the group on here but it's up to you :)


March 10th, 2017, 12:46
yeah count me in

March 10th, 2017, 19:19
Keen to join in, if there are still spots? :)

-UK based
-Any day except Tuesdays, after 19:30 GMT is fine - Don't mind fixed or flexible schedule
-Experience with FantasyGrounds and 5e. Happy to help out as best I can.

Would like to be part of a group where newcomers and experienced players can talk comfortably about 'what do you want from the game', 'how can we play together better' etc. :)

DM me or add me on Discord @ Leksika#0559

March 10th, 2017, 21:40
Hey there!
I'm from Scotland, so same time zone. I can play most nights from 7, though I'd need a 15 min break around 8.30 to settle children in bed :) Mondays aren't great, but if it was 7.30 rather than 7 then I could do a Monday.
I used to play D&D back in the 80s and 90s; I've only been looking at it again since January and I like the look of 5E. I'm playing in 1 FG campaign - 2 sessions in, and they are widely spaced, and I'm enjoying the experience so far. I've also started putting a campaign together to host, but that's for the future as I write slower than a 6 year old (it feels like).

BTW any attempt to force me into playing as a dwarf because of the Scottish accent will be taken to a higher authority for stereotyping :)

Hope to get involved


March 10th, 2017, 21:52
BTW any attempt to force me into playing as a dwarf because of the Scottish accent will be taken to a higher authority for stereotyping :)

Made me laugh XD hope I can maybe join your (future) game!

March 10th, 2017, 22:06
Made me laugh XD hope I can maybe join your (future) game!

Of course! :)

March 10th, 2017, 23:43
Are you by chance still looking for new players? I've only ever played 4E before but I would like to get into 5E so I can increase the number of games I can play. I'm in CST (-6UTC), available all day, every day.

March 11th, 2017, 00:38
My Discord is Maasq #7815 if you are setting up a group BTW.

March 12th, 2017, 07:05
I am interested. I have played D&D for a while but am relatively new to 5th E. I am relatively new to FG also. I think I would be a perfect fit. I am willing to play whatever character the party needs. Please pm me if you need me.

March 13th, 2017, 19:01
Hey there, Helvan!
I just thought I'd check in to see if anything was happening with this campaign? It bumps the thread and makes it more visible for other folks too :)


March 13th, 2017, 19:41
Any chance you're still looking? I've got a group of four all together. Just need a DM

March 16th, 2017, 10:28
Oh boy I am interested. Preferably text-based games. Any news?

Helvan Raptyr
March 16th, 2017, 20:02
Gruber, drop me a PM, I might have a project :)

March 16th, 2017, 20:29
I have to say I am disappointed you couldn't bring yourself to respond to me.
Good luck with your campaign nonetheless.

March 16th, 2017, 22:19
Hey! count me in if you have any spots open still, I will need a little help getting setup but ready and willing, thanks!

Helvan Raptyr
March 16th, 2017, 22:53
I have to say I am disappointed you couldn't bring yourself to respond to me.
Good luck with your campaign nonetheless.

It's going well thank you. If you're a little upset I didn't respond to you till now, that's your issue I suppose. I quickly responded to one reply due to time constraints and working. But y'know, you can't win everything.

Given time I was responding to the posts. I'm slightly disappointed that you weren't a little more patient and take into consideration that I might not be able to respond to all things at once. The offer is still there for everyone, and I am more than willing to do another campaign, I'm not a petty person. So anyone who wishes to play in a campaign, if I can find a good time, I am more than willing to DM for.

Helvan Raptyr
March 16th, 2017, 22:55
I'm currently running a campaign as well as playing in one. However, if people wouldn't mind playing in a text-based one, I might consider that, as I haven't actually tried one yet :)

March 17th, 2017, 02:39
Hi Helvan, I'm new to FG, but played D&D in the past, if you are still looking for players in the campaign you are running, I would be interested :D So if you you need me, just let me know

March 17th, 2017, 12:41
Can i join you guys? I was a DM as well as a player) Pls =)

Helvan Raptyr
March 17th, 2017, 13:26
happywhisp, FallenHerosQc, Jakken, Maasq, Rolloburr and Gruber - If you would be interested in any campaign, be it text based or speech based and you are happy with either, I should be able to do one mid/late week (as the two I run and play in are on Sundays and Mondays). If that's alright with you guys? :)

March 17th, 2017, 15:19
If you happen to need a player, I'll be interested! My good days are Thurs, Fri, and Sat And would love to join in.

March 17th, 2017, 20:14
happywhisp, FallenHerosQc, Jakken, Maasq, Rolloburr and Gruber - If you would be interested in any campaign, be it text based or speech based and you are happy with either, I should be able to do one mid/late week (as the two I run and play in are on Sundays and Mondays). If that's alright with you guys? :)

I cant really play text based campaign becouse of my English)) But i would like to join via voice. I can play after 9pm almoust every day.

March 17th, 2017, 20:33
happywhisp, FallenHerosQc, Jakken, Maasq, Rolloburr and Gruber - If you would be interested in any campaign, be it text based or speech based and you are happy with either, I should be able to do one mid/late week (as the two I run and play in are on Sundays and Mondays). If that's alright with you guys? :)

I'm good either way :D for the day of the week, tuesday and thursday I have school in the evening, but otherwise I can make it work

March 18th, 2017, 00:48
I'll give it a miss; thanks for including me though.

Helvan Raptyr
March 18th, 2017, 01:00
No problem.

March 25th, 2017, 23:38
just joined today. would like to join you. can't play wed but any other weekday fine. Saturday nite maybe. thank you

March 25th, 2017, 23:51

I would be interested in a weekend day if it happens and you play later in the day, which would be early for me. I'm GMT-4 currently. Mid afternoon would be great. I also just posted a thread, so I'll paste the relevant info below.

FG License: Standard. If I can get enough experience I may buy Ultimate and DM.
Time Zone: -4 GMT, EDT. I am more than willing to play with folks around GMT 0, or GMT+5 ish, because I can play in the afternoon, morning or evening.
Day(s): Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If it is a campaign, I prefer a set time frame. I can work other things around game time given a 10 day notice. Once a time is set, I can maintain the same schedule.
Term: Long term, one-shot, multi session campaign.
Voice: I am familiar with Discord, and if it will run on a tablet, I can use it. So far discord works perfectly on my tablet.

Game System Preferred: 5E(for now).
Game System Experience: I have only played 5E so far.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: New to Fantasy Grounds, only played a one shot so far, but it was easy enough.

Character Type Preferred: Wizard, Cleric, Rogue, in that order.
About me: I don't have a lot of RPG experienced, but I have learned the mechanics of fantasy grounds quickly so far. I would like more experience, and maybe even a regular campaign. I am quiet until I am comfortable. I love to laugh, and make inappropriate jokes, but I try not to be too offensive. Mature, stable, capable of asking questions and thinking of unique ways of using the tools at hand.
In real life I speak, read and write two languages. I am an introvert for the most part, and I am unfortunately capable at understanding people. My job involves explaining to people that make 5x my salary that I do in fact know more about my portion of the business than they do, and that I am there to support them, and their needs, not just to report them to their boss when they can't follow up.
In D&D I am looking to laugh, and have fun while bending to forces of creation in order to set the world on fire, or smiting the godless. Depending upon the class I play.