View Full Version : Lf 1p storm king's pathfinder saturday's 6:30-10:30 est

February 26th, 2017, 22:50
FG License: I have an ultimate license.
Game System: The game system will be Pathfinder though we are running Storm King’s Thunder from 5e.

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Saturdays 6:30pm-10:30pm
Planned Frequency: Weekly. We have been pretty good at running a session almost every week. Obviously people might need to be absent from a game session from time to time. Frequent absences will be problematic.
Term: At the bare minimum would like to finish the Storm King’s Thunder campaign which is supposed to end at 10th level for 5e. Not sure where it will end us in Pathfinder and would like to continue from there if possible with my own campaign material.

Currently the party is at level six and I anticipate they will be around 12th level by the time the pre-packaged part of the campaign ends.
It consists of:
Half-Orc Barbarian
Human Sorcerer
Half-Orc Ranger
Elf Melee Druid

Text or Voice: We use voice.
Voice software used: We use teamspeak. One of the players has graciously allowed us the use of their server.
Roleplay & Combat mix: The campaign has been about 50/50 but this has come in bursts of both as opposed to evenly layering them throughout. There will be some very combat heavy sessions and some very RP heavy sessions.
Number of Players in game & needed: Right now we have four players and we’re looking for one more.
Character starting level & equipment: Characters will start at level six with gear to be discussed by the GM and the new player.
Character restrictions: Pretty much anything that will work well in a Forgotten Realms setting. Things like Gunslingers and high tech/sci-fi stuff aren’t really appropriate.

Details of your scenario:
  I have been role-playing for over 35 years and have run multiple long term campaigns in 3.0/3.5 and other systems. I have now run Pathfinder and a FG for a few months and the campaign has been flowing very smoothly.
  This campaign is dramatic and action filled. Rules take a back seat to story, character development, and action. Mechanics certainly have their place, however, and I am using Pathfinder for its technical precision over 5e’s touchy feeliness for this very reason. I have no problem with people being super knowledgeable of the rules and correcting me during play. I find that if I flub one situation, I can always make up for it during a later one.
Players who stick to their characters’ personalities and are self motivated to drive the story along are well rewarded in my games. Telling me what you want your character to go and do is far better than me telling you what happens to them. Being along for the ride is great too but don’t expect the spotlight, the glory, and everything that comes with them very often.
This campaign has been incredibly player driven so far. I very much believe in the “sandbox” method of running a game as espoused by Matt Colville (https://www.youtube.com/user/mcolville/videos). The more you ask of me and the more self driven you are, the more you will get out of this campaign.
  Players have already started building their own town which will end up being part of a larger castle. This has become an intrinsic part of the campaign. Enjoying domain building will help you enjoy this campaign a lot more.
  Optionally, elements of romance and scheming can be included if that’s what players want. Storm King’s Thunder already has some of those elements and they always make a campaign more human. Players have already embarked on several romantic and scheming sidequests…
  Lastly, this campaign will be decidedly PG-13 rated and is optimally aimed at mature adults. I would appreciate foul language and extreme content be kept to a minimum. I understand that gamers tend to more R rated fare, but I find the story can be more nuanced without resorting to cruder tropes. That’s not to say I’m a prudish nut or anything. I just find working to keep things “cleaner” makes them more interesting. I’m also trying to practice being a dad now that I have two small children.
Below is a taste of some of the artwork myself and players have produced for the campaign as it progressed. Most of these images illustrate events that occurred in the campaign itself.
Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2236

Link to Obsidian Portal page: https://stormkingspathfinder.obsidianportal.com/





