View Full Version : PC counters and painted minitures

Lord Robert of Worcester
November 21st, 2005, 01:41
I paint minniutures for fun.
I have dozons of pics of them On my comp.
I already made a few local charater counter pics out of them.
Anybody interesed?

November 21st, 2005, 03:45
Can you post an example?


Lord Robert of Worcester
November 30th, 2005, 00:11
My forum symbol is one.
But is u give me a web adrees I can e-mail u samples

November 30th, 2005, 00:13
jaesandman AT hotmail DOT com

I would be totally interested in this. Maybe I can dust off my 1000+ miniatures and take some pictures. LOL



November 30th, 2005, 06:57
I'd love a look as well, I'm always on the lookout for good 'stuff' - whatever it may be.

crusader AT harn DOT se