View Full Version : LFG Sundays Evenings CST 5e

February 20th, 2017, 04:35
FG License: Paid
Time Zone: CST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Sundays are best. Work 2nd shift during the week, with two Saturdays working, one off. Currently off every Sunday.
Term: Long Term
Voice: TeamSpeak or Text

Game System Preferred: 5e (willing to try others, but will take time to buy products)
Game System Experience: 6 adventures
Fantasy Grounds Experience: 3 sessions

Character Type Preferred: I prefer spellcasters over melee, but I am up for anything

About me:
I have been playing tabletop games for about twenty years and did some LARP for about five. The last few years I haven't done too much, just started back recently with a one-off run by Hermundure and a great AL adventure run by LindseyFan (5-part over two weeks).

TT was primarily 2e, though I did play a 3.5 one shot and liked the system (proceeded to buy most of the books and now they sit here doing nothing lol). Also played through a d20 system Star Wars campaign that I enjoyed.
LARP was through the Camarilla, primarily Vampire the Masqurade and Vampire the Requiem. Also played Mage and Changeling, but preferred the intrigue of Vampire.

I enjoy character development, meaning as I advance my character I tend to base my decisions on character background and what has happened in the campaign so far. Lower level advancements tend to be more background based to get the character to feel the way I envisioned it.

Gaming style is probably around 60/40 RP/Combat.

Currently have hard copies of 5e Player's Handbook, DMG, Monster Manual, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and Volo's Guide to Monsters. Have FG copies of Player's Handbook and Sword Coast.

I have not DM'ed before, but would be willing to rotate with someone if I found the right group and they understand that there will be a learning curve since I am new at it.

Thanks for your time, and happy gaming!
