View Full Version : Request - a campaign mode adventure outside restrictions.

February 19th, 2017, 16:13
Hello all,
I have a pfs number and a lite lic. I am a noob to FGII.
what am I looking for?

An adventure (modules or adventure path) to be run in campaign mode.
1. This will provide all players a chronicle sheet for use in a future PFS game.
2. this campaign mode run is conducted outside of the normal restrictions of PFS.
3. Character creation:

The GM could give all the players one item of up to 900 gp in value. (An heirloom from a retired level 12 character, perhaps? could this enable a tank to start with plate? maybe.)
The GM could grant one, or even two bonus feats (or for example- one bonus feat with the stipulation that it be a skill benefiting feat, such as additional traits, additional skill access, skill focus, or a feat like acrobatic, diplomatic, quick fingers, etc.)
The GM could allow all characters to be built with a 30 point total, with the restriction that no ability score will be less than 10 prior to racial adjustment. alternately, a 30 point build where all ability scores must have a minimum points spent.
The GM could allow any and all content even third party materials (*such as dreamscarred press' Ultimate psionics), save abusive combos of race/class/archetype (*i.e. those with stacking multipliers, absurd number of attacks per round, total immunities, or the equivalent of the SDF-1 Grand Cannon).
Players could be allowed to play a desired character race without needing to have a chronicle sheet with the race option granted as a boon.

4. The understanding is that these characters would not be PFS legal and can not be used outside the campaign mode game and might not be able to transfer to other campaign mode games with differing character generation rules.
5. The chronicle sheet is not for use by the campaign mode character, but for a future PFS legal character only once all requirements have been met.

So, if you want to break the mold and do something radical...
If you want to run a campaign mode adventure...

Please let me know. That is what I would like to play. :)

Ken L
February 19th, 2017, 16:31
Statement 1 and 2 are incompatible. If you want other society GMs to recognize that chronicle as legitimate, the prior GM would have to be a society GM that followed the PFS rules and restrictions. I for instance can't run a 28 point buy game, and fill out a chronicle so that 28 point buy character can go romp in another PFS Gm's game as that would essentially invalidate myself as a PFS GM and all future chronicles. In addition that player's character would be considered invalid so one can't trick their way in by running over a GM that was willing to get themselves axed in this matter.

Given your prior post, drop the PFS angle and just look for a normal PF game with your increased limits, I'd even plug that perhaps you can find it on roll20 given their LFG model; I've seen a few 'high powered' games that would fit your criteria.

February 19th, 2017, 16:45
Statement 1 and 2 are incompatible.
There's Campaign Mode for sanctioned content. See the bottom left of page 11 in the society guide. "Campaign Mode: For sanctioned modules and Adventure Paths, GMs are allowed to use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate Roleplaying Guild character as if the character created was a pregenerated character."

What ChadHale is asking to do is fine by PFS rules. Please allow him to try to find a like minded GM and players for this type of game.

This is for all forum members: If you're not interested in taking part in this game then please don't post in this thread. Thanks.

Ken L
February 19th, 2017, 16:49
Didn't know campaign mode was a thing, that's interesting.

Good luck chad.

February 19th, 2017, 16:51
Ken, in ChadHale's defense, he did explicitly say that he knew the games would not be legal for PFS play.

Look everyone, let's be honest, there has been a little bit of miscommunication between everyone in ChadHale's search for a game. The tone has gotten rough and the ChadHale has actually been working hard on making it clear nicely to us, so let's go with that. Despite what is perceived, his level of effort in making his desires clearly show that he is serious in quest to find the right style of game for him.

I think this is what he is trying to ask for (and ChadHale can correct me if I am wrong):

He wants a PFS-style campaign. He wants it to run separate of everyone else's PFS game that follow the explicit rules. He laid out the new rules for this campaign and chronicle records. To anyone else looking, sure, it's regular PF run with their own rules. But his group, they will have a private PFS system for themselves an whoever joins them.

Does that sound right, ChadHale?

February 19th, 2017, 18:50
there's campaign mode for sanctioned content. See the bottom left of page 11 in the society guide. "campaign mode: For sanctioned modules and adventure paths, gms are allowed to use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate roleplaying guild character as if the character created was a pregenerated character."

what chadhale is asking to do is fine by pfs rules. Please allow him to try to find a like minded gm and players for this type of game.

this is for all forum members: If you're not interested in taking part in this game then please don't post in this thread. thanks.


February 19th, 2017, 18:58
I'm a Lindsey fan too, "Shatter me" with miss Hale (*no relation) is nice, though I prefer "beyond the veil". I also enjoy "peter Hollens" vocals, and "The Piano Guys" music featuring chellos.

back on topic; I am looking for a Campaign Mode pfs game that yes...
doesn't use all the restrictions of regular PFS play - if any at all.

February 19th, 2017, 19:03

February 19th, 2017, 21:37
See the bottom left of page 11 in the society guide. "Campaign Mode: For sanctioned modules and Adventure Paths, GMs are allowed to use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate Roleplaying Guild character as if the character created was a pregenerated character."Judging from this wording, it sounds like they changed campaign mode to apply to any modules, not just the 64-page ones. I did a quick search on the Paizo forum, and there's an official statement from Tonya Woldridge that campaign mode is still only available when the sanctioning document actually says so (Source (https://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lj17?OPC-Log-15-Arodus-4716#15)). Just keep that in mind when planning your campaign mode game.

February 20th, 2017, 01:53
Butt hurt

Psst...Hey, I want to play a game that is different from yours.
You don't like it?
well, guess what?

YAY! malkavian andy (and other stuck up snobs) are not the boss of me!
...Please, be fair, and do not reply to this thread anymore.
you have proven that you are only concerned with your opinion
and I am not sorry to say this, "You're opinion is wrong".

everyone else, " thank you, BUT NO ".

Moon Wizard
February 20th, 2017, 02:17
I'm locking this thread for now. I think Chad has made his desired campaign type clear. I'm not sure if anyone is running a game like that, but it's been put out there.

Chad, you may find more luck finding games if you apply to existing games by sending PMs to GMs that list games, instead of waiting for GMs to find you.
