View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Mon or Thurs GMT [UK] Time Zone prefer 5E

February 17th, 2017, 17:58
FG License: Paid
Time Zone: GMT/UK
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any time after 7pm Weekly
Term: Would love a good long running game with a good group but one shots also fine
Voice: I'm up for voice if the group plays voice

Game System Preferred: Would prefer 5E but have played many others
Game System Experience: Historically played quite a bit of D&D, some Warhammer Fantasy, Traveller, WoD, Marvel, etc
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Just starting out but getting the hang of it.

Character Type Preferred: I tend to play the magic tyoes but am happy to mix it up depending on team dynamics.
About me: 33 year old nerd from the UK. Played various RP games while at University and have had sporadic games since, looking to get back into some regular games. I enjoy roleplaying and am further towards the RP end of the spectrum than the min/max end by a long way. In it for a fun game with good people. :)