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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Thurs Tues or Fri 9pm PST (or later) Prefer 5E

February 16th, 2017, 07:56
FG License: Standard Monthly

My name is Justin

I am a 41 yo father of three living in PST (California) and Have a small window I can play in, looking for something Friday nights, the later the better, Looking for a weekly game, I am fairly new to DND.

I am open to invites on other days and times on a case by case basis

I very much enjoy the game, especially the roleplaying aspect and am looking to play 5E content. Modules or Seasons. I can use Voice chat, TM or Discord or any other requested

I have been playing for about 5 months and recently started hosting my own homebrew campaign at my local game shop. My knowledge is increasing. I have ZERO experience with FG but I am a savvy person (I work for a computer company named after fruit....) and I pick software up quickly. A guiding hand for my first character creation in FG would be nice.

I love playing casters, especially Warlocks, but have always wanted to play a Bard or a Ranger. I am open to all classes or playing any class that is needed to round a party out

I am committed to the game and will show up unless I am absolutely not able to, I really dislike wishy washy players. I also would like a more adult and less kid oriented group

Well I hope Someone is looking for a fun new addition to their game,let me know!

February 17th, 2017, 16:26
Justin (aka JacobSteep),

I want to extend a hearty welcome to D&D and the FG community. While I am not presently looking to build another group for a campaign, you are the type of player I would be looking for. Therefore, I have no doubts you will find a group that is well suited to your needs and preferences. My advice is to keep looking in the LFG forums for DMs seeking new players. Personally, I will add you to my contacts in case I do decide to start a new group or need to invite players to my current campaign.

February 18th, 2017, 21:46
Thanks TMO, I just ran through Death House with Praetors Rejects last night and it was awesome, Hopefully more games in my future! Please definitely keep me in mind

February 19th, 2017, 04:38
Thanks TMO, I just ran through Death House with Praetors Rejects last night and it was awesome, Hopefully more games in my future! Please definitely keep me in mind

I've got similar life realities and am in the same time zone. Count me in if there's an opportunity that fits Justin's landscape.