View Full Version : Looking for group

February 12th, 2017, 21:16
Hello everyone

I own an Ultimate fantasy grounds license since 2015, but didnt got enough time to play with it, this month i tested and worked around a little with it and its awesome, and i fell confident to try it as a player, so i wanted to join a dungeons and dragons group, i got some experience, started 20 years ago, played:

-Dark sun 2th edition
-Forgoten realms 2th edition
-Mystara 2th 3.5th and 4th edition
-Red steel 2th edition
-Greyhawk 2th edition

Also DMed:

-Planescape (Lady of Pain FTW)

And tried other RPGs:
-DMed Alternity
-Vampire Masquerade and Dark ages

I tottaly understand English but have less practice in hearing and talking, so i would be really glad if i could join some group :-)

Thank you

February 14th, 2017, 16:58
Hey there. Just noticed your thread while a-skimming and figured I'd drop in and post some ads.

Me and a group of some puurty cool people have a bunch of ins if you're searching for a group.:

I run a 3.5 Dragonstar game: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar

We run a few 5e Saturday games (we don't have a calendar for those, but if you drop me a PM I'll bring you into our Discord and you can ask around)

And, similar to that last one, several of my buddies are in games during the week they could totally talk to DMs and try and get ya into if you're available then.

If any of those options sounds appealing, and you're still skimming for games, send me a PM and we'll see what we can get ya into.

Crit post, out.

February 14th, 2017, 17:26
I am looking to get into a group as well

40 years of age and have only played AD&D tabletop. Great group of guys eons ago. Now I'm here and just discovered Roll20 a week ago. Purchased the $40 package on steam last night. I also have a Discord account if anyone would like to chat. Good game times for me are Saturday late night CST(9PM) till the wee hrs of the morning. I'd like to play 1st 2nd edition but also like 4E from what I've listened to on critical hit. But it seams like everyone does 5e on FG. True?

much respect


February 14th, 2017, 17:41
Neato, I got in with AD&D too.

Sometimes it can definitely seem like there's an overwhelming number of 5e games, but worry not, there's plenty of other editions.

You might wanna check the 'Looking for Group' channel on the official Discord server (https://discord.gg/VKbhkSt)

You might also wanna start a new thread, asking about running a ADD or 2ND game. Never know, you might find a ton of takers.


February 14th, 2017, 23:00
Thank you Max

Ill give a look on Discord right now, looks really nice.


February 13th, 2018, 17:22
LFP 1-2 VTM20th campaing, time -5GMT(EST-USA). Date Thursdays 7pm local until late; FG License: trial