View Full Version : LFG: 2 Players LF Friday Night Game 6PM(PST) or Later (D&D 5E Preferred)

February 11th, 2017, 06:38
FG License: 2 Standard License Holders
Time Zone: Pacific Standard TIme U.S.
Days, Frequency, Time: Fridays, Weekly or BiWeekly, 6PM or Later
Term: As long as needed
Voice: Discord, Teamspeak, Ventrilo

Player Details
Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, Pathfinder
Game Experience: Marrus: Experienced player (13yrs+) and Celucia: Newbie Wife (We're in the same room, so I can help her) She's a GREAT RPer though.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Played for about 2 years, 7 or so years ago.

Character Type Preferred: Marrus (Wizard, Barbarian, Rogue) Celucia (Rogue, Paladin)
About Us: We LOVE heavy RP games and enjoy combat. We're pretty laid back, so we're flexible when it comes to overall seriousness of the game.

Thanks for your consideration,

Mr. and Mrs. Marrus Luminus

February 11th, 2017, 06:44
Welcome back!

February 11th, 2017, 06:48
Thanks, JohnD. I was telling my wife about how I used to play a few years back and she sounded interested. We both RP regularly in WoW and I'd like to expose her to a more traditional and structured form of RP. Anyway, Thanks again. :D