View Full Version : Necromancer direction

February 8th, 2017, 14:23
Good morning, everyone. I hope I posted this I the right place.

I'm looking for advice on a directing to take a 3.5 human cleric necromancer for a new game I'll be joining. Rules need to be kept to official material, but no books are off limits.

I know I want to do the minionmancer thing so at lvl 1 I'm looking at a neutral (maybe LE?) Afflux cleric taking deathbound and evil domains. What gets me is feats. I know the corpsecrafter chain has a couple decent ones that really come on at lvl 5. Past that should it be divine metamagic cheese to buff my minions?

I do plan on pretty well staying as a cleric simply because they're so damn versatile, but I would entertain a PrC that would increase both divine spell casting and rebuking level.

Any input would be welcome.

February 17th, 2017, 06:15
Idk, but I'd love to see what you got going with it it sounds very nice!

February 18th, 2017, 04:01
I decided to start as human, and I went with the Undeath domain instead of evil for the Extra Turning feat. Then I took the first Corpsecrafter and Profane Lifeleech. Nothing too special at the moment, but this is really as far as I've gotten.

February 18th, 2017, 21:05