View Full Version : unshare sheet

February 6th, 2017, 06:10
so i accidentally shared a sheet in my campaign.

I could not find a way to unshare the sheet. Is there a way to do it? Cuz it basically revealed a lot of info for the campaign that they're not supposed to know. I'm running the Hoard of the Dragon Queen Campaign.

I just told everyone to close the window. not sure if they actually did it or not.

does this mean they always have access to that sheet now?

February 6th, 2017, 06:27
Find the thing you're sharing in the list of maps - it will have an S in a circle which you can click on and unshare it.

February 6th, 2017, 13:54
Yes, they have access to the sheet. And it might have a P in a circle if you shared it with only one person. Either way, John's directions will fix it.

February 6th, 2017, 18:49
P in a circle means "Public" - all players can view it. S in a circle means it's shared with one or more players (but not all).

In either case, clicking on the P or S will "unshare" it.

February 7th, 2017, 03:29
i can't find that symbol anywhere.

nothing with an P or S. I've even checked on previous things I've shared before and there's no indication of a P or S.

February 7th, 2017, 03:53
ok. it looks like i've been using the wrong place to look for stuff. i found the P symbol.


February 7th, 2017, 19:08
from version 3.2.0 we have new option implemented as filter for shared images, notes, etc. ...

Simply open images or notes etc... and at the bottom is button with text "All"
when you click on it, then it change color to red and status to "Shared"
now you can see all shared material from appropriate file type.
From here you can easily deactivate unwanted sharing for files.

Note: If you are on top position in directories (I mean Group - All) you can filter all shared files from every active addons
which you enabled.

Note2: you cant find this way images shared from PHB through - Library - Images open image and share picture.
This pictures can't be found through upper meanted method. But still it is easier method than going through all module images
and looking for shared ones.