View Full Version : sorry I have been gone for awhile

kunoxian drive
February 3rd, 2017, 17:21
I was the guy that was asking questions.... I got one more but I am not sure were to as it.

February 3rd, 2017, 17:21
Ask in the Tavern (here) - it's for general FG questions.

kunoxian drive
February 3rd, 2017, 17:25
ty my friend. I was just wondering what you would call something like a capering setting but witout the story.... that will be all for now... kind of like a world guide.

February 3rd, 2017, 17:35
World Guide sounds fine, alternately "X" Gazetteer, Guidebook to "X", "Y's" Guide to "X", etc

kunoxian drive
February 3rd, 2017, 17:37
ty.. epically.....XD