View Full Version : Items I could use help with

January 31st, 2017, 23:01
I'm still learning FG and here are some items that I have found while setting up FGs for a D&D 5e campaign that I'd like to get some help with. I'm either overlooking the features or have my expectations set wrong. Here are my items.

1) When adding an item like Cloak of Protection. It does not increase the Armor or Saving Throw (ST) when it is equipped. I can update the Armor through editing it but it doesnt change the ST. Is this possible or do I have to remember to add 2 to the ST's that the player makes?
2) When leveling in the Barbarian class, it does not increase the movement speed. I can edit this manually but I thought it might do it automatically. I just want to make sure I'm adding the class properly (click and drag from class to character).
3) Multiclass does not change the Saving Throw Proficiency. So if I pick fighter, I have Saving Throws in Str and Con. But if I multiclass to Rogue, it does not add my proficiency to the DEX and INT Saving Throw. I have not found a way to fix this.
4) When selecting Rogue, it does not give you an option to select the Expertise skills. You can click on the tab and select it there but I just want to make sure that it isnt done automatically.
5) When selecting Rogue, it only gives me the option to pick 1 skill instead of the 4. You can click on the tab and select it there but I just want to make sure that it isnt done automatically.
6) I cannot get the offhand attacks to show up. These attacks should be without proficiency depending on of you have the feat or not. How do you do offhand attacks?
7) I dont see an option to do unarmed attack. This would change depending if the character has tavern brawler or not. How do you do offhand attacks?
8) How do you set to have 1 character grappled by another?
9) How do you add Quest XP to only a subset of people instead of all? I figured out how to apply to all but I cant figure out how to apply to a few of the group without having to back out the amount after applying it to everybody.

I am really enjoying the software and I think my players are also. I appreciate any help or comments you guys have.


January 31st, 2017, 23:32
In order
1) This doesn't happen automatically. You'll need to set up some effects to handle it. See the effects article on the Wiki.
2) This isn't automated.
3) You don't get the saving throw proficiencies from second or subsequent classes, only the first.
4) This is not automated
5) You should get the choice of 4 skills, unfortunately I can't test this right now.
6) You'll need to set up an offhand attack manually. See the character sheet Wiki to see how to do that.
7) Same as 6.
8) Use effects. Open the effects tab (little button top right) and drag the grappled and incapacitated effect onto the PC/NPC on the combat tracker.
9) You can drag a number from chat, quest, encounter and drop it onto the XP box for the player(s) you want to give the XP too.

Sorry, normally I'd link things for you to read but I'm on a tablet. However see the stickies at the top of the 5e forum for the Wiki and other links.

January 31st, 2017, 23:43
I will jump in and throw out one link that should have most of things that Zacchaeus said: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects

It's a long, but good read. Hope that helps!

February 1st, 2017, 00:02
Also, just on point 4. If this is the second class in a multi class you only get one skill not all 4. You only get a choice of 4 if it's the first class.