View Full Version : Sharing images/stories/etc with characters

January 30th, 2017, 14:23
I have a question because I was answering a question on FB about sharing images with one PC but not the rest of the group. Then it got me thinking about how the database handles this and JPG might have to chime in here.

Say there are five players, with five characters. One player has unscheduled RL events that make him have to skip sessions at the last minute occasionally but the rest of the group is regular attendees. The GM hands the PC off to one of the other players to run rather than handle themselves.

If the GM shares an image with the char that is currently being ran by the non-original player obviously the image is shared to that db.xml and the player can see the image in their image tab. If the DM removes the ownership to transfer back to original player, does the first player lose said image?

TL/DR: Are individually shared items tied to player instance of the database, or character in the database?

January 30th, 2017, 15:34
Holders of data are players. When you share, the system looks st who owns character and shares with that player.

So, in the case you are describing, when the real player returns, if they need that image or data, you will have to re-share the data. The person who pinch-hit during absence will still have the image/data cached.

January 30th, 2017, 16:18
The link will have an "S" in a circle next to it to indicate it's shared ("P" is public). Click the "S" to "unshare" it - the original player will no longer have access. Then you can share with the other player, and only they will have access.