View Full Version : Edited Race information in 5e... how do I push that to players?

January 28th, 2017, 22:11
Running current version with PHB.

I've figured out how to edit the languages in the chat box (awesome, btw!). I've figured out how to make copies of the PHB races and edit the languages that they populate on the character sheet.

So here's the question: I can open the PHB to my players, but I can't figure out how to let them see my edited versions of the races. Can anyone help with that? Or do I just need to turn off PHB for my players and populate the character sheets myself?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


January 28th, 2017, 22:16
Hi dogmatic welcome to FG and to the community.

You'll have to export your new races to amodule and share that with your players. Type /export into the chat and you'll get a window popping up. Tick 'races' and fill in the boxes with a name etc and then click export. Open a new campaign, go into your library and find the module you just created and drag the green tick onto the space beside it. This will share it with your players when they join - make sure the module is also open.

January 30th, 2017, 15:36

Next question: I've made a custom class derived from Paladin. When I click on the "Paladin Spells" link, I get a nicely formatted, but un-editable, "Paladin Spells" window with collapsible (by levels) lists. I know how to replace the link in the class description, but I don't know how to create a like list. Is there an easy way built in, or do I just need to do it as a note?

January 30th, 2017, 16:36
You can also create your own spells but I'm not sure how you would go about creating a new spell list from within FG. I suspect that you might have to use par5e to do that.

January 30th, 2017, 17:20
Roger. Thanks!

I'll get into par5e and see if I can figure it out. Thanks for your help!