View Full Version : Interest Check on Pathfinder Urban Campaign

January 27th, 2017, 06:11
FG License: Full Licence
Game System:Pathfinder

Time Zone: MST (GMT -7)
Day of week and time: Thursday / Friday / Saturday @ 3am MST (10am UTC, 11am CET, 7pm JST and 9pm AEST.)
Planned start date: Depending on interest will be good to start by next week
Planned Duration & Frequency:Planning on having a weekly game, and probably running around 3-4 hours or depending on how long people want to have it run, will have a set amount that we run so people can plan accordingly.
Text or Voice: Voice Preferred
Voice software used: Skype or Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: looking to have around 6 players for this. Could run with 5 or 4.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level with standard starting gear/gold
Character restrictions: Official Print only please.

If we can garner enough interest in a completely urban and city scape campaign I would love to run it. Will give you a small background etc. into the adventure to see if it your cup of tea. Also I am still learning the more advanced uses of FG, and may take a combat or session to get my bearings as well since I have not picked up FG in quite a while.

High above the Castle Ward, the emperor’s son, Lord Erasmus Atregan, looks down upon the citizens of the Azindralean colony, ruling solely by the fate of his birth. He smells the fear of his citizens- their despair, their outrage. Even he realizes he will only revel in his power for so long, for Azindralea has always been a place of change.

Yet, as dozens of courtly sycophants scurry to appease the demands of Lord Erasmus, the shadowed corners of New Azindralea mask the plots of those waiting wolves who seek the demise of his power. Among those who conspire against him stands General Uril Krakon, a powerful and ambitious man of old Kortesian blood who is slowly crawling from beneath Atregan’s political shadow. To that end, he’s carefully orchestrated a series of events; some to stir discontent, others to serve as distractions. One of the former is the Fight Clubs that have become popular throughout the Trades Ward. Off-duty soldiers engage in lopsided scraps with city residents. These brutal displays of pugilistic prowess quickly devolved into crudely run highstakes pit-fihts. In the end, one soldier- Malkan Abberbaugh- tried to speak out. In response, he became yet another victim of crime in the Great City. The fight clubs continue, and the General’s plans for upheaval and unrest move steadily along. The City needs unexpected heroes to step forth. Still, many would-be champions walk the King’s Road.

With whom will your heroes side as the Great City prepares to face the inevitable and usher in a new age of change?

PS. This is a published adventure to get my feet wet in the system and see if there are people that fit my play times (being a restaurateur is tough some times.). Thanks in advance and look forward to meeting any hopefuls.

Grey Mage
January 27th, 2017, 13:07
The game sounds interesting, but did you really mean 3am MST?

January 27th, 2017, 13:20
3am MST is also 10am UTC, 11am CET, 7pm JST and 9pm AEST...
If you do the conversions in your post it will help other people not skip over the post quite as quickly :)

January 27th, 2017, 20:10
Thank you damned.

January 29th, 2017, 04:04
If anyone is interested this usually falls under aussie majority play zones

January 29th, 2017, 04:47
Hi CrazyYodler,
i would love to join this campaign. but im only free weekends, if you end up ruining them on the weekend please let me know =)



January 29th, 2017, 09:43
very interested I can play Friday or Saturday
I would like to play a melee reach weapon ranger. but I am very open with what I play if that's not avalable

January 29th, 2017, 10:11
I'm interested but can only play on Saturdays at that time.

January 29th, 2017, 10:25
Hey, If you still looking for people I'll put my name down. Aussie player. Any of the days you put would be fine for me

January 29th, 2017, 22:15
So at the time being we have:

Rivver (Sat)
Ragnu (Sat)

See if we can get any more hits and Ill start a calendar for it.

January 30th, 2017, 10:31
i ment thurs/Saturday not Friday. but it looks like Saturday is the day for everyone so prolly won't matter

January 31st, 2017, 05:19
Yea saturdays look like its the time avail at the moment. Will probably see if we have any more bites to fill up the crew.

January 31st, 2017, 11:14
3-4 people is a great number for pathfinder IMO 5+ gets really bogged down and you have to give monsters so much extra hp to make them survive more than 1 or 2 rounds it gets crazy

January 31st, 2017, 17:06
Hi there, I'd be very interested in joining and can do Saturday (I'm based in the UK).

January 31st, 2017, 22:25
Hello, I live in the states, am I correct in that it would begin at 5 am for EST? If you'll have me, I'd love to join! However dedicated, I'm still relatively new to Pathfinder, would that be an issue?

February 2nd, 2017, 05:25
Hello, I live in the states, am I correct in that it would begin at 5 am for EST? If you'll have me, I'd love to join! However dedicated, I'm still relatively new to Pathfinder, would that be an issue?

No no problem can ease you into the process. Also would you need help for creation or want a pregen?

February 2nd, 2017, 08:33
Will post a calendar invite and host a discord channel and try to set up a session zero for everyone to agree to. Will do this in the next hour or so.

If you havent used discord its pretty nice since it also works as a chat channel as well and can be used on mobile devices.

Looks like we have a decent amount of interest as well.

February 2nd, 2017, 08:50
Just clarifying that currently we have six people interested and looks like we will be playing on Saturdays! sounds fun and should line up well with my schedule as well (would give me ample time to prepare etc.)

February 3rd, 2017, 23:31
If ya lose someone, I'll throw my name in the hat

It'll be ohh-dark-thirty in the AM for me but what the heck ...let everyone else sleep in the house while I have some laughs.

Dark Mullisha
February 4th, 2017, 02:21
If there is space I would be very interested.
My Time Zone is Australia,

Character selection I will fill gaps in Party.
