View Full Version : Layered effects for alignment

January 26th, 2017, 19:01
I’m trying to design an ability that has layers on its detection of alignments before it does things. In this case it would do psychic damage.

The example below is what I have so far, essentially it checks for a condition, if that returns true then it does 2d8 psychic damage, before that it checks if the target is chaotic if true it does an additional 2d8, it also checks if the target is lawful, if it is then it subtracts 1d8 from the damage dice.

I’d like to know if I’m on the right track or if this is even possible in fantasy grounds.

IFT:([condition])DMG: 2d8 psychic, IFT:(chaotic)DMG: 2d8 psychic, IFT:(lawful)DMG:-1d8 psychic;

I kind of am unable to test it out where I am right now and for a while yet, so any help or insight would be appreciated.

January 26th, 2017, 19:07
You are on the right lines. The only thing is you can't chain IFT statements you can only have one on a line otherwise if the first condition is false then everything after it is ignored. So in your example if the first statement was testing to see if the target was poisoned and they weren't then the statement would go no further.

To test for alignment you need IFT: ALIGN (chaotic); DMG: 2d8 pschic.

More information on the IF and IFT statements here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects#A_Note_on_IF_and_IFT).

January 26th, 2017, 19:35
Thanks Zacchaeus,

I want it to not progress when untrue from the 1st condition, if the 1st condition isn't true then the damage should be without any of the additional alignment based damage or just the conditions damage.

However the later condition... from what I'm understanding then is that if the 1st condition is true and the 2nd condition is untrue then the third condition wont be checked?

So the ability checks first for the condition and then checks for the alignment, technically the condition would be dropping 2d8 on neutral targets, on chaotic targets that would be 4d8 and on lawful targets its 1d8.

IFT: custom(condition); DMG: 2d8 psychic; IFT: ALIGN(lawful); DMG: -1d8 psychic, IFT: ALIGN(chaotic); DMG: 2d8 psychic;

I'm thinking this needs to be 3 different effects for it to work then.

1. Condition1; DMG: 2d8 psychic; [target self] >> Drag and drop on the target
2. IFT: custom(Condition1); IFT ALIGN(lawful): DMG: -1d8 psychic;
3. IFT: custom(Condition1); IFT ALIGN(chaotic): DMG: 2d8 psychic;

It's a bit cumbersome but I think that will work.

January 26th, 2017, 20:31
I think you are going to need 4.

The custom bit is simply a descriptor. It won't do anything other than place a name on the target. In other words you can't imbue it with another effect such as damage. It's simply there as a tag which IFT can then check for. So that line would simply be 'Bad Guy' or whatever. So I think your effects would need to be
1) Custom Condition; Bad Guy
2) Basic Damage;DMG: 2d8 psychic
3) Evil Damage; IFT: CUSTOM(Bad Guy); IFT: ALIGN (evil); DMG: 2d8 psychic
4) Good Damage; IFT: CUSTOM (Bad Guy); IFT: ALIGN (good); DMG: -1d8 psychic

All effects would be set to target self and the last three would be expend on next roll.

January 30th, 2017, 04:00
Yep, works fine, thanks Zacchaeus!