View Full Version : New to D&D and Fantasy Grounds

January 24th, 2017, 19:52
Hey everyone,

I finally got myself into D&D about 2 months ago. I have been trying to find a group that will take in a new player to 5e (would also like to try 4th), but due to most peoples lack of interest in taking on a... basically brand new player and schedule conflicts, I haven't really had any luck. I work Mon-Fri 3-11pm CST. All my local game shops play mostly on Wednesday's or sometimes Saturday's, but all Saturday games seem to be a "friends only" game or are full.

I have 2 friends, for the past month, who come over on Saturday's and we started Hoard of The Dragon Queen. However, it's only the 3 of us, the other player I'm with does not work as a team and plays purely as a solo player, nerd rages when a challenge arises and I actually caught him cheating when he picked up his dice and rotated it. I wrote down all his rolls 2 sessions in a roll and the only time he rolled below a 20 was when he knew it would hit the mob after I hit it with something below 20. So he hasn't come back for a month because he knows I am going to confront him about it. Long story short, the game has died. So RIP $400+ I spent on miniatures, maps and books.

However, I'm still staying strong and hoping to find a good group of mature players who...
A) Do not nerd rage when something becomes difficult or they don't get their way or whatever
B) Focus on the game and do not carry on side conversations when it's not their turn
C) Reliable people who show up and when they cannot, they let the group know

I have played about 8 different sessions of 5e only since it was released. Every experience has been aweful. From bad DMing, nerd rage, unreliable / immature people and cheaters.

So in a nutshell, I'm a fairly new player to D&D and completely new to Fantasy Grounds. If you are looking for a player who will be dedicated to showing up and play, who is mature and focuses on the game. Please hit me up. I'm really dying to complete a game or play in a never ending game with the right people.

I am available to play Saturday and/or Sunday's after 4pm CST. (I raid in WoW on Saturdays and Sundays 12-4pm)


January 24th, 2017, 22:03
Hey Steve,
I am getting back into D&D after years away and just got FG myself. I can certainly deal with someone new if you can. We both sound like we have some similar pet peeves with people who are too angry, unfocused and needless to say rude when it comes to no-showing their friends.
I used to DM a lot before life pulled me away from the game. Now that I'm getting back into it my apprehension from just ripping the band aid off has been not wanting to slow experienced people down or ruin their gaming experience while I suffer through my learning and growing pains. As I said, if you can deal with that I can. Your times available seem to meet mine too as I'm looking for a Saturday evening or Sunday evening game. Let me know what you think. Maybe if we can attract one or two other new guys who are of similar mindsets we can get something started and just learn as we go. We could always start small and add a person or two as they come available as well.
Let me know if this sounds interesting to you. I'm going to pick up a pre-made module or two for new players as I think getting back to DM-ing will be a stiff enough learning curve between 5e rules, FG interface without taking on having to create content. If you're hoping to start out with someone with more experience that's cool too -I totally get it and wouldn't be offended.

January 24th, 2017, 22:21
Hi guys and welcome. New is new. We are all new at least once or a dozen or so times. Its not an impediment in most games so long as you always remember that there are other people at the table and they all want their turn/time too :) When applying for a game its best to be up front and let the GM know you are new or fairly inexperienced and the GM will let you know if its an issue.

If you do want to start a group I have no doubt that you will be able to form a group quite quickly. You will still have drop outs and a couple of incompatible players over time - it is the nature of playing online. How can you manage/mitigate its effect? Keep dialogue open, set expectations, accept that everyone is likely at a different level and that not everyone always wants the same thing from the game. When you have an issue with someone or something dont let it eat you - have a quiet chat one on one and do it diplomatically and see if agreement can be reached. If you have table rules (a good idea) set them out early - no bullying, no talking over each other, GM decision final, no sexist/racist comments/rp, swearing/no-swearing, etc.

If you are the GM and you alwo want to be a player put it out there. I will run something for the first 2 months and then Id love someone else to have a turn even if its just for a week or a month and then Im happy to go again.

Start with a published module to make it easier on you as a new GM - something like Lost Mines of Phandelver is very good.

Anyways - a few (too many?) thoughts - have fun!

January 24th, 2017, 22:36
Excellent advice damned. Thanks much. I just purchased Lost Mines and just want to be sure I have a solid grasp of the interface and basic 5e rules then I'm ready to take a shot as a GM. I loved being a DM in the past and once I get the UI down on FG (already working hard on that) I'll take a shot with players who will hopefully put up with the growing pains! Thanks again for the advice.

January 24th, 2017, 22:41
...once I get the UI down on FG (already working hard on that)...
Invaluable learning aid: Start a second instance of FG on the same computer as the GM instance. "Join Game" with an address of localhost This allows you to see exactly what the players see, which is invaluable in learning the overall process of GMing a game. Do the same for your first few sessions when running a game so you know what records are shared, how the masked map looks, which tokens are visible, etc..

January 24th, 2017, 22:42
The most important thing to understand is adding PCs and NPCs to the CT and from the Ct to maps.
Get that (and Encounters if making your own stuff) under your belt and dive in and learn with your players :)

January 24th, 2017, 23:11
Nice, so I can dry run as a player as I learn the GM side. Great advice thank you Trenloe!

January 24th, 2017, 23:12
Thats the plan damned. Hopefully they will be as patient with me as I plan to be with them! Thanks for the advice here. This community was always described as supportive and now I see what people mean by that. I'm impressed.

January 25th, 2017, 17:46
Hey Steve,
I am getting back into D&D after years away and just got FG myself. I can certainly deal with someone new if you can. We both sound like we have some similar pet peeves with people who are too angry, unfocused and needless to say rude when it comes to no-showing their friends.
I used to DM a lot before life pulled me away from the game. Now that I'm getting back into it my apprehension from just ripping the band aid off has been not wanting to slow experienced people down or ruin their gaming experience while I suffer through my learning and growing pains. As I said, if you can deal with that I can. Your times available seem to meet mine too as I'm looking for a Saturday evening or Sunday evening game. Let me know what you think. Maybe if we can attract one or two other new guys who are of similar mindsets we can get something started and just learn as we go. We could always start small and add a person or two as they come available as well.
Let me know if this sounds interesting to you. I'm going to pick up a pre-made module or two for new players as I think getting back to DM-ing will be a stiff enough learning curve between 5e rules, FG interface without taking on having to create content. If you're hoping to start out with someone with more experience that's cool too -I totally get it and wouldn't be offended.

Yeah, I'm down man. Just hit me up and we can figure out a time to mess around with the FG program on a trial campaign, if one is available.

January 26th, 2017, 22:32
AccessDenied & Underdog..

I am new to FG as well, trying to learn how to use it.. I have been a D&D player since 2e and enjoy 3.5... only played a couple of 5e campaigns since it came out... I tried DM'ing one of the 5e campaigns but we had a nerd rage issue and the group fell apart.... so if u don't mind i would like to join your quest on learning FG...


January 26th, 2017, 22:38
Guys if you want to mess around with fg i have time tomorrow night let me know by PM me we can do a shared screen with talk on discord

January 27th, 2017, 02:43
I literally am in the same position. Started DMing and playing D&D a month ago, now I have FG and im ready to test, ply, 1 shot, huge custom campaign, play, DM everything.
Love getting to know awesome creative people.

January 27th, 2017, 04:35
AccessDenied & Underdog..

I am new to FG as well, trying to learn how to use it.. I have been a D&D player since 2e and enjoy 3.5... only played a couple of 5e campaigns since it came out... I tried DM'ing one of the 5e campaigns but we had a nerd rage issue and the group fell apart.... so if u don't mind i would like to join your quest on learning FG...


Sorry... couldn't resist.

January 27th, 2017, 23:17
I just bought my $40 licsense on FG. Let me know when you guys would like to run a trial campaign or start a new one.

January 27th, 2017, 23:49
I have the ultimate and showing some stuff to nameless 1, you are welcome to join AccesDenied, PM me if you want, it is around 21:00 east tonight

January 28th, 2017, 02:31
I am actually doing a raid tonight in WoW at 9pm CST. After that is over I would love to get on and check it out if you are all still on.

January 28th, 2017, 11:28
Just bought the $40 FG pack. New to online tabletop rpgs. I would love to learn this system with you guys. Will be getting the character pack asap.

Typically available on Sundays, evenings are better. I am on CST, so an hour difference. I have been away from rping for a few years now, but played tt for about fifteen years and did some larp for about three years.

Would you be open to me learning with you folks?

January 28th, 2017, 22:08
Hey Dyark,
Sorry I missed this as I wasn't on yesterday. I've been consuming tons of videos, reading the huge manual :) - really seems like it's a DM dream. My focus now I making sure I'm familiar enough with 5e basically and then giving it a shot either as a player in a one shot or just getting the new guys together and fooling around with the interface, maybe get the characters rolled, depending on how it's going even start the MoP module.

January 29th, 2017, 02:15
Hello all,
I just started with FG and had my first session yesterday, went really well. i enjoyed it alot and would be up for another group on Sundays. (my time is UTC + 10 so i think thats your Saturday, still trying to get my head around the times.) if you are still looking for a player let me know the time or put up a calendar so i can try work out if im available.

hope to hear form you soon.


January 31st, 2017, 18:05
Hey folks. I see a bunch of people wanting to join a game, or run a game. But has anyone put something forward that is concrete? If you guys can do weekdays during the day, I can run something 2-3 hours a day during the week.

I am also getting the hang of DMing via fantasy grounds, but I used to run 2nd and 3rd ed games all the time.

So it's a bit of a learning curve with 5th, and fantasy grounds.. but it's coming along. Let me know if you are interested.

February 1st, 2017, 03:31
If you guys are accepting more players i am new to DnD. Ive played one game over altspace and listened to several campaigns on podcast. I have a players handbook and really want to play but cant seem to find any group through any type of media or local game store. Im available tuesday thursday and friday 4-10 pst. I am very reliable during these times if its a multiday campaign as well.

February 1st, 2017, 13:50
I am also in the same situation as Linner. Brand new to D&D and having trouble finding a local game to play. I would love for the opportunity to play and learn and ideally would like to get into DMing but want a few games under me to be able to understand things from a players perspective. I am available pretty much any EST evenings.

February 1st, 2017, 22:34
Historically, I haven't run many games from the modules provided, but I was going with fantasy grounds to ensure a better understanding of the app. Does anyone have any time between 9 - 3pm Central available?

February 3rd, 2017, 19:29
I would be interested in starting with you would be fun

February 3rd, 2017, 19:54
Hey new friends! I have a FG blitz for AL coming up next week (starting on Thursday the 9th). I will be running at least one AL game that can accept 1st level PCs, every day for a week. The times will be various and I will keep some of the times mentioned here in mind. Look for all the posts on Monday, listing all my times and slots.

February 3rd, 2017, 23:06
Hey Pelimar,
Hang in there. i spent a good 2 weeks looking for groups and games, now i i 3 that im goin to try out for this weekend. it would of been 4 but the times didnt work out. i recommend trying the discord channel and just sign up to any game on the calendar that suites your time =).

People have been really nice and dont seem to mind new players.

Good luck

February 4th, 2017, 00:04
Thanks Ragnu.

Fortunately I was able to find a game with a bunch of new players that kicks off tonight. Excited to learn!

Hey Pelimar,
Hang in there. i spent a good 2 weeks looking for groups and games, now i i 3 that im goin to try out for this weekend. it would of been 4 but the times didnt work out. i recommend trying the discord channel and just sign up to any game on the calendar that suites your time =).

People have been really nice and dont seem to mind new players.

Good luck

February 4th, 2017, 00:42
i would be interested in playing with you if you wanted to dm for the first time.

February 4th, 2017, 00:44
Hello all. I'm new to FG as well. Was looking for a group to play with. Any new campaigns let me know. My free time varies but can be adjusted if you guys have a set game schedule.

February 6th, 2017, 19:06
I am new to FG and played D&D back in the late 80s and early 90s, Looking for something I can play once a week in the evenings EST. I looked into the calendar and it seems to be lacking DMs for Newbies. I was hoping for a Adventurers League Group. Also I am looking to see what I should get just starting out on FG Mod wise.

February 6th, 2017, 22:13
I am new to FG and played D&D back in the late 80s and early 90s, Looking for something I can play once a week in the evenings EST. I looked into the calendar and it seems to be lacking DMs for Newbies. I was hoping for a Adventurers League Group. Also I am looking to see what I should get just starting out on FG Mod wise.

I will be throwing out a bunch of upcoming AL games for newbies later today. Mama wants that xp reward bonus for helping new players! I should have my schedule up by 10 pm EST, so you can plan which games you are interested in. I ran a table of 5 brand new AL & FG players last night and it worked out great, so I know I can get you up to speed quick!

Jim Bennett
February 7th, 2017, 17:00
Hey Steve,
I am getting back into D&D after years away and just got FG myself. I can certainly deal with someone new if you can. We both sound like we have some similar pet peeves with people who are too angry, unfocused and needless to say rude when it comes to no-showing their friends.
I used to DM a lot before life pulled me away from the game. Now that I'm getting back into it my apprehension from just ripping the band aid off has been not wanting to slow experienced people down or ruin their gaming experience while I suffer through my learning and growing pains. As I said, if you can deal with that I can. Your times available seem to meet mine too as I'm looking for a Saturday evening or Sunday evening game. Let me know what you think. Maybe if we can attract one or two other new guys who are of similar mindsets we can get something started and just learn as we go. We could always start small and add a person or two as they come available as well.
Let me know if this sounds interesting to you. I'm going to pick up a pre-made module or two for new players as I think getting back to DM-ing will be a stiff enough learning curve between 5e rules, FG interface without taking on having to create content. If you're hoping to start out with someone with more experience that's cool too -I totally get it and wouldn't be offended.

Here is another "newbie" to D&D....I too have played WoW, a host of WWII cardboard battles, and am currently trying to learn HARN & TRAVELLER.....but still looking for my first RPG real experience....I'm a bit of an old geezer...but I'm keen in Western Canada....would love to be involved here on FANTASY GROUNDS ....Is this group of newbies and "returnees" getting together.... SATURDAY and SUNDAY afternoons are possible times for me ....as I am on Westcoast.

Jim Bennett
February 7th, 2017, 17:04
Excellent advice damned. Thanks much. I just purchased Lost Mines and just want to be sure I have a solid grasp of the interface and basic 5e rules then I'm ready to take a shot as a GM. I loved being a DM in the past and once I get the UI down on FG (already working hard on that) I'll take a shot with players who will hopefully put up with the growing pains! Thanks again for the advice.

I am on Pacific Coast.....familiar with RPG....right now trying to learn HARN and TRAVELLER...but never played an RPG ftf.....played WoW for quite a while to level 52 Dwarf...done lots of WWII cardboard battles in Advanced Squad Leader.....am keen.... Would you accept another novice in your first GM'd adventure....can meet your scheduel.

February 7th, 2017, 19:31
I will be throwing out a bunch of upcoming AL games for newbies later today. Mama wants that xp reward bonus for helping new players! I should have my schedule up by 10 pm EST, so you can plan which games you are interested in. I ran a table of 5 brand new AL & FG players last night and it worked out great, so I know I can get you up to speed quick!

I did not see any new game up in AL I am not sure if you where able to do it Let me know. I am still looking for a Group. Also what add-on should I look at I have the demo and there is nothing in there for me to do a character with so I am look to build one as well and might just buy the basic pack.

February 7th, 2017, 20:16
The games are all up. Look for a forum thread about Miranda's gone Mad for the full details on the games. A demo license is just fine. I own Ultimate and all the books. I recommend standard to people so you have more time to fiddle with the system on your own, but there is no need to have it to start or play.

February 7th, 2017, 21:27

February 9th, 2017, 16:54
I am still working on setting the day/time of the game.. but I have one set up to accept new players also..


Would like to do weekdays around 11Am - Noon with a hardstop at 3pm.

Let me know if you are interested by signing up.

Jim Bennett
February 9th, 2017, 18:42
Newbie here....
(1) Seems you have a newbie welcome adventure around 6:00pm on 23rd???? I'm interested....would that be 6:00pm CMT....so 5:00pm PST?
(2) Do I need to show up with a character? I did play WoW and made it to a 52nd Level DWARF....so I could attempt a low-level DWARF creation if appropriate? Please advise...
I can't tolerate too much immature behaviour as I am 69 years of age...but very young at heart....
Looking forward to your reply....

Jim Bennett
February 9th, 2017, 18:43
Newbie here....
(1) Seems you have a newbie welcome adventure around 6:00pm on 23rd???? I'm interested....would that be 6:00pm CMT....so 5:00pm PST?
(2) Do I need to show up with a character? I did play WoW and made it to a 52nd Level DWARF....so I could attempt a low-level DWARF creation if appropriate? Please advise...
I can't tolerate too much immature behaviour as I am 69 years of age...but very young at heart....
Looking forward to your reply....

Oops.... FEB 16 is date of your calendar offering....(NOT 23rd)

February 9th, 2017, 19:12
Couple of things Jim. If you haven't set your time then you are going to see the time in BST (why, I dunno.. but that's how it is) and how I suspect you saw the 6pm time. I would like to run the game around 11AM CT so 9AM your time in the PNW. But we can move that an hour or so.. I just have a hard stop at 3pm CT.

As for how we would set up the chars, I would PM ya on the side, and I would invite ya into check out fantasy grounds, get familiar with interface, and set up a character.

Jim Bennett
February 9th, 2017, 19:34
Couple of things Jim. If you haven't set your time then you are going to see the time in BST (why, I dunno.. but that's how it is) and how I suspect you saw the 6pm time. I would like to run the game around 11AM CT so 9AM your time in the PNW. But we can move that an hour or so.. I just have a hard stop at 3pm CT.

As for how we would set up the chars, I would PM ya on the side, and I would invite ya into check out fantasy grounds, get familiar with interface, and set up a character.

I'm in then....9:00am PST on 16th on Canada's westcoast [email protected]....
Shall I do a 1st Level Dwarf?

February 10th, 2017, 22:35
Hey Teatherwind, I'm also new to fantasy grounds and would like to join this group if possible. Making sure, the current time slot is Thursdays at 11am ct (im est but that works fine for me). I have a digital and a real PHB and ive rolled up characters as practice so I'll be able to show up with a character. I've been playing around with fg, going through the demo campaign and stuff so I have an ok idea of how to work fg. I applied on the calendar page as well. So if theres anything else you want to know or whatever let me know. Thanks!

February 10th, 2017, 23:11
Mispost ...lol

February 10th, 2017, 23:14
Yep, you got the time right. It's midday. If you want I can get with you before the game to make sure that you character is what you want and we can go from there.

February 10th, 2017, 23:47
Yep, you got the time right. It's midday. If you want I can get with you before the game to make sure that you character is what you want and we can go from there.

Yea that sounds good, I only used standard PHB stuff but it would be good to make sure everything is set up correctly. When would be good for you to talk?

March 3rd, 2017, 17:24
Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a good day/night. I am a new player to D&D 5e (I have played about 4 sesions of 3.5 with some friends) I really like the game and want to get into it and enjoy what it has to offer. I am a complete "noob" for 5e and would like to find a group of people to play with. I am off of work Friday - Sunday, I work nightshirt so I do not wake up until about 3 pm (USA central) and I have no problem staying up past 6 am haha. If you have any questions for me please feel free to ask or send me a PM. Have a good one =)

March 3rd, 2017, 19:53
Welcome, Allpower! You're going to have a great time here! Be sure to keep an eye on the game calender and forums for openings. They are quite regular and most gms are more than happy to train you on thier FG obsession. I have some games for newbies coming up, but they might be a little over a week before posted. If you don't find anything before then, jump right in!

March 4th, 2017, 03:41
I will keep looking but if i do not find anything I will definitely love to play with you =)

March 9th, 2017, 20:36
hi everyone i am Jake code name SethChaos i am 30 years old from puerto rico i want to get back into D&D have not played sense 2008 want to enjoy the game to the fullest and have fun with it looking for a group that will be active and play weekly or monthly even every 3 days i dont mind i dont work so hit me up if possible thank you have a nice day PS i still need to learn the races playable for 5e and i will probably play a Monk