View Full Version : 5E Effects that auto-apply (Healing)

January 23rd, 2017, 05:05

I have been using FG as a player for a while, and I am starting to look at some of the more advanced features available to players. I have read the 5E Effects thread, but very little in the way of examples were provided with respect to healing abilities. Running a test 5E game, I attempted to add an effect. Based upon what I read, it would seem I could create a custom effect that would heal me on my turn if I was Bloodied as follows:

REGEN; IF: Bloodied; HEAL: 1D4

I would drag this custom affect to a character in combat tracker with 34 HP and 31 WND, and then start before his turn in the combat tracker and then use the next actor button to go through his turn, but the effect does not seem to increase health (decrease WND). Could I get a tip on maybe what I am doing wrong? I would like for this to automatically apply on his turn based upon a level of health. Actually it would be better if I could get it to apply based upon a status like Heavy or Critical, but I didn't see that as a conditional operator in the wiki (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects#Conditions).

I want to thank anyone that responds in advance for any assistance you can offer.

January 23rd, 2017, 05:55
I think you actually need to use If Then, so;
REGEN; IFT: Bloodied; HEAL: 1d4

January 23rd, 2017, 07:24
I think you actually need to use If Then, so;
REGEN; IFT: Bloodied; HEAL: 1d4

Are you sure about that? I thought 'HEAL' was a modifier for rolls that apply healing, not a gain in hit points itself. Also, 'IFT' would check the PC's target for half hit points, not itself.

I think the proper effect is:
IF: Bloodied; REGEN: 1d4

January 23rd, 2017, 10:41
Indeed, Nickademus is correct.

The HEAL keyword will only aply to heals and healing. Ok, so regeneration is a king of healing but it is special in that it is checked when the actor's turn comes up on the CT. The HEAL keyword on the other hand won't do anything when the actor's turn comes up on the CT. It only works as part of an effect which is specifically targeting something such as in a healing spell or potion. So whatever healing that you want to apply will have to use the REGEN keyword. It can take either a number or dice value as its parameter.

January 23rd, 2017, 11:01
Assuming the wiki is correct, I would agree that IFT may only look at Target's health.

I ran some tests with REGEN, and I can get it to work if I pick a specific number (not a die roll) after REGEN, or if I base the value on an ability modify like REGEN [CON]. Also, note that to use the ability modifier, this must be set up as a Power on the character sheet and applied from there. I noticed that when applied from character sheet, it converts to a number on the combat tracker. It would seem there have not been implemented any regen abilities in 5E that would auto apply based upon a die roll.

Here is my example that did work when applied from effects menu:
UNDYING; IF: Bloodied; REGEN: 1

Here is my example that works when applied as effect of Power from character sheet:

I guess my next step is learning how to create an extension that applies a die roll regen based on character below a certain percentage of health.

Thanks again for your assistance.

January 23rd, 2017, 11:41
It does work with a dice value. The effect should always be done in the actions tab.

January 23rd, 2017, 12:24
Thanks Zacchaeus, I was using an upper case D when I tested it. It works for me as well now. That's one fewer thing I need to learn how to do, much appreciated.

Format of effect with regen die roll:
UNDYING;IF:Bloodied;REGEN: 1d4