View Full Version : Ruleset Creation Help

January 22nd, 2017, 20:10
I'm a pretty new Fantasy Grounds user and want to be able to make a rule set and modules to cover a couple of the RPGs I play.

I want to do a Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and Starships and Spacemen 2e rule sets or have something so I'll be able to play them. All 3 of those games use similar mechanics.

The LL ruleset I saw was done for an older version of Fantasy Grounds and has some problems.

I did get the Castles and Crusaders rule set as I got told that looking at how that one was made would help.

I don't know where to start. I looked at what I could find online and got confused very quickly.

Do any video tutorials exist that show how to make a rule set or a PDF one that is easy to follow and up to date?

I'm totally confused about how to do this. I just want to be able to get character sheets and npc/mpnster data in.

Please help.

January 22nd, 2017, 21:49
Hi Jay_NOLA - building a ruleset is a massive investment in time and energy.
If you locate the Castles&Crusades ruleset file (its a .pak) and you unzip that you will see the code and graphics that make up that ruleset.
It is written in XML and LUA and will require a fair effort to dissect and learn depending on your programming skill.
In a month or three Ill likely release a basic version of D&D B/X which is very similar to LL.
It wont be a full ruleset - it will be an extension on MoreCore but will include a full library.

January 22nd, 2017, 23:40
Another couple of options: the AD&D ruleset is out now and the Swords and Wizardry ruleset is coming out soon. Either one of those could likely be similar enough to Labyrinth Lord to make it work.

January 24th, 2017, 21:13

I'll be looking forward to the D&D B/X one