View Full Version : PC Average HP gain

January 20th, 2017, 07:37
Hello! I am very new to Fantasy Grounds and have been working on setting up a few modules of my own. Today I brought some of my players into the game just to introduce them to features early and give a tour of how the game will be played. They were all very excited about things to come, as am I.

During our time just "messing around", one of my players noticed that when they were leveling up their PC, the system was automatically giving them the Average HP for that character + MOD. Is there anyway to turn that off? I looked through the settings and I did not see anything of the sort.

Thank you.

Moon Wizard
January 20th, 2017, 08:24
No, there is no option to turn it off, but you always know what is being added. (d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7, 2d6=7)
So, you can just roll a dice in the chat window and adjust by the difference.
