View Full Version : LF 4-5 Players Weekly Long Term D&D 5E Primeval Thule (D&D Conan)

January 20th, 2017, 04:12
***UPDATED 01/26/2017***

Group FULL for now... Will repost if spots open up! Thnaks!!!! :)

Do you have what it takes to go adventuring in the...


FG License: DM has ULTIMATE; players only need demo
Game System: 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons with house rule add-ons

Time Zone: Mountain Time (United States) GMT -7
Day of week and time: Thursday 6 PM
If new game, planned start date: Session 0 01/26
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4-5 hour sessions, weekly, schedules permitting
Term: Long term (Fates willing)

Text or Voice: Voice (primary)
Voice software used: Team Speak

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50; will vary each scenario
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-5 + DM (4 spots are filled... we need 1 more player)
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 with standard allowed equipment according to class and background
Character restrictions: None (that I can think of at this time), but character's must be fitting/appropriate for the setting (setting info/ background material will be provided) and must be approved by the DM prior to play; DM is open to "odd" characters as long as they have a good story to back up the weirdness

Details of your scenario:

From the campaign setting...

It is a land of deep jungles and golden seas, mysterious and unexplored.
It is a land of knife-edged mountains and deadly glaciers, trackless and forbidding.
It is an age when humankind is a young race, newly arisen on an ancient and
monster-haunted Earth. Mighty cities and sprawling empires rise and fall, weaving a
tale of great deeds and epic tragedies that will be lost and forgotten by the peoples who
came later. Even the land itself is fated to fall beneath the numbing cloak of endless
winter, burying the triumphs and defeats of this vanished age beneath miles of ice.
But for this glittering moment in the slow dream of time, Thule lives—and it is a
fierce, cruel, splendid, and marvelous moment indeed.

Welcome brave adventurers to Primeval Thule!

What's best in life?

If you answered: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." Then this is the game for you!

If you answered: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." Once you recover from your madness, you may be interested in this game!

The good folks over at Sasquatch Game Studio have published a setting called Primeval Thule that is gritty, pulp, sword and sorcery fantasy, seasoned with Cthulhu. Technology is primitive, magic is mysterious and scary, and gods are to be feared!

I plan to run this campaign in a more episodic style. For now there is not one over all plot of save the world or slay the beast. This is a game of gaining wealth and power, and of exploration for excitement's sake and adventuring for glory. This isn't a game of heroes and do-gooders, although you may have to lend a helping hand here and there. Crumbling ruins hold lost treasures that are waiting to be plundered, while wicked beasts or savage cannibals lie in wait for their next meal.

New character class options, new races, new backgrounds and more all await you in Primeval Thule!

New players are welcome!

Send me a private message with your savage character concept, why I should pick you instead of the other guy, how long you have been playing D&D, your experience with Fantasy grounds (Player, GM, Developer level???), and finally your email address. I share access to documents and such via google drive and do all between session interaction via email. Your information will not be shared by me beyond the needs of the gaming group.

Thanks in advance! Hope to hear from many of you soon!


January 20th, 2017, 06:36
I'm going to bed for tonight. Still no responses...

How's Friday at 6 PM sound?

Looking forward to your responses...

January 20th, 2017, 06:51
I'm going to bed for tonight. Still no responses...

How's Friday at 6 PM sound?

Looking forward to your responses...

Hahaha - dont look into the dark corners too hard...

Im sure you will have a hardy team of warriors lining up in short time.

January 20th, 2017, 07:35
Do not fear, the players will come. Two things hold me back. One, I am currently playing Friday nights in a long term game and family reasons prevent me from playing two nights in a row. And two, even if that wasn't so, this is a really bad week for me to put aside time for gaming. However, that aside, I love the concept, and truly hope you find the group you are looking for!

January 20th, 2017, 10:22
Would love to join, but I have a Friday night, and Thursday night would be too late (EST ) for me to still get some shuteye for work. Looks like a fun campaign, love the Conan setting.

January 20th, 2017, 15:59

Still no takers. I'm here all day folks :)

January 20th, 2017, 20:55

I have a Thursday evening group as well, but I could be interested in a Friday night group, though, with my schedule (flight attendant) it is hard for me to hard commit every week for a long period of time. With the years of service I have some control, I just can't say I am a hard commit every week. That being said, I would really like to get into the mechanics of FG. I have it set up, I can run lots of different voice programs as needed (TS is good), and someday I wouldn't mind being part of a streamed event.
Anyway, if you get to the point that you need anyone, I am available tonight (Friday) and actually next Friday, though I will be in Phoenix.
So, Please let me know if I can be of help to you in getting your campaign off the ground at the very least!!


January 20th, 2017, 21:34
Would you be willing to take on a 5e newbie? I'd love to join but I've never so much as looked at the rules. I've played mostly PF and 3.5, by I'd love to try 5e.

January 20th, 2017, 21:59
Newbies are TOTALLY welcome! Sorry that wasn't in the orginal post... usually I put that in there.

Everybody, please read the original post and follow the instructions...

January 21st, 2017, 02:27
A friend and I may be able to join this adventure. We would need it to be in the evening though. I will get back to you with what time exactly would be best for us, but would the later evening be possible on Friday?

January 21st, 2017, 04:03
A friend and I may be able to join this adventure. We would need it to be in the evening though. I will get back to you with what time exactly would be best for us, but would the later evening be possible on Friday?

Later than 6 PM Mountain time?

January 22nd, 2017, 04:16
Still looking for players. I have one potential so far... need 4 more.

Weekly Friday Nights 6PM MST/GMT -7 starting Jan 27th, 4-5 hour sessions.

If I can get 4-5 dedicated players I'm open to any time on Thursday or Friday since I'm off those days. I can't play past midnight MST on Fridays though.

Please read the ORIGINAL POST and please follow all instructions.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

January 22nd, 2017, 05:58
Just messaged you, I bring two players! Myself and one more. If you find us worthy of this adventure let me know, if not good luck on slaughtering the party!

January 22nd, 2017, 06:06
Would 9 pm mountain time on Thursday work? If so, then my friend and I would like to join the game.

January 22nd, 2017, 06:12
We have one irregular player for Friday and Two dedicated players for Thursday...

Need more players... :)

I'm still down for Thursday or Friday... I'm going with the day that gets to 4 players first...

January 22nd, 2017, 09:11
Actually, we can do Friday, and would prefer to if it can be held at 9 pm mountain time. We understand that you can't go past 12, but we cannot play until 9 pm mountain time. If this works out, then please add us to the Friday timeslot.

January 22nd, 2017, 13:44
Actually, we can do Friday, and would prefer to if it can be held at 9 pm mountain time. We understand that you can't go past 12, but we cannot play until 9 pm mountain time. If this works out, then please add us to the Friday timeslot.

9 is too late of a start time for me on Friday. Thursdays, no problem if the entire group wants to start that late, but I work in the mornings on Saturdays and it's a 12+ hour shift usually, so I try not to stay up TOO late on Friday nights (Fridays are my "Sundays")...

I'd love to have you, but we have to compromise on a time to make it happen. Either way, thanks for your interest!

January 22nd, 2017, 20:11
I am running something too. I would love to play in your game though. What did you finally decide?

January 22nd, 2017, 20:21
May I join your group I am new to RPing but I play a Life Cleric.
My calendar is open on Thu and Fri hope I get the opportunity to meet everyone.

January 22nd, 2017, 21:48
I am running something too. I would love to play in your game though. What did you finally decide?

Have not decided on a day yet... waiting on a full group that agrees on a day.

Please let me know what day, Thursday or friday, works better for you...


January 22nd, 2017, 21:51
May I join your group I am new to RPing but I play a Life Cleric.
My calendar is open on Thu and Fri hope I get the opportunity to meet everyone.

Hey! Thanks for responding! I'd love to have you in the group. Please refer to the original post of this thread and follow the instructions.

Also, what is your preferred day, Thursday or Friday?


January 24th, 2017, 04:43
Hey folks! I THINK I have 2 spots filled, but only 1 definitely confirmed. I have 4 spots open. I have had to set the day to Thursday now at 6 PM Mountain Time. I will update the original post here in a few minutes.


January 24th, 2017, 06:46

3 spots filled... still need 2

January 25th, 2017, 20:27
The initial group is mostly filled... just one spot left... I will update the original post.

Starting tomorrow! Need 1 dedicated player for a weekly game on Thursdays at 6 PM Mountain Time!

January 26th, 2017, 19:39
Hey, are you still looking for players?

I'm interested in joining. I can play Thursdays and Fridays. I'm new to FG and have some experience with D&D 5e.

January 26th, 2017, 19:41
Hey, are you still looking for players?

I'm interested in joining. I can play Thursdays and Fridays. I'm new to FG and have some experience with D&D 5e.

Hey inos2711! The group has been filled for now. I have one on stand by. You are second in line if a spot opens up. I'll update the original post.

Thanks for your interest!

January 27th, 2017, 20:51
I would play a friday night game.

January 28th, 2017, 02:28
I would play a friday night game.

I'm sorry, but the group has been filled. Thanks for your interest.

January 29th, 2017, 16:53
I am interested if still looking . I am a veteran d&d player gm . let me know

January 30th, 2017, 17:53
I am interested if still looking . I am a veteran d&d player gm . let me know

I'm sorry but the group is full. Thanks for your interest.