View Full Version : Lost Mine of Phandelver - LF1P

January 19th, 2017, 11:05
This game has finished LMoP and is leading into Tyranny of Dragons.

FG License: Ultimate
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: UTC/GMT+1 (consider DLS!)
Day of week and time: Wednesday, 20:00 UTC/GMT+1
Next session: 24 May, 20:00 UTC/GMT+1
Planned Frequency: Every 2 weeks, or twice a month.
Term: Until end of campaign, but could be long term.

Text or Voice: Voice, text for some instances of communication.
Voice software used: Discord

Game System Experience: At least half a year of D&D 5e experience and some games under your belt gives you a preference. New players are not preferred.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Understanding the basic principles of FG and needing no to little help setting up are required. If help is needed, please approach me before a session.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40, we've had session with exclusive roleplay and vica versa.
Number of Players in game & needed: 3-6 (Currently 4)
Character starting level & equipment: 5, Standard Array, Class Starting Equipment. Standard Fantasy (DMG p.38). Secondary characters are allowed Point Buy.
Character restrictions: PHB, SCAG, EE, VOLO
• Feats allowed
• Multiclassing allowed, from a roleplaying perspective
• No (variant) races with flight
• None of the EE races
• Allowed Volo races: Orc, Hobgoblin, Aasimar, Goliath, Lizardfolk

Details of your scenario:
Faerun once again is under threat by a cult of Dragon worshippers. A group of local heroes or misfits, is called to action in aiding investigating these cultists.

Basic requirements for your application:
• Players of ages 21 and up.
• Players are ok with GMT+1/2 timezone playtimes, you can be from anywhere else still.
• Players attend every two weeks, on the Wednesday.
• Players that have patience, discipline, commitment and respect for the game, other players and the DM.
• Players that have not played this adventure before.
• Players that have a good grasp of the English language.
• Players must have a decent mic and be audible and clear.
• Players that have the intent on balancing the roleplay and game elements of D&D.
• No munchkins, quarterbackers, meta-gamers, rules lawyers, mix-maxers, etc.
• No rape fantasies, assaulting and/or insulting/bullying other players or the DM.

If all or most of the above fit you? You may very well be the adventurer I am looking for! Adventure on, at your own peril..

Submission rules:

Reply here or PM me with Character name, race, class in the title - in the post list the following, you can leave some of the fields as estimates or monikers for privacy reasons, copy and paste the below list into your application:

Player name:
Player age:
Experience with tabletop RPG's:
Experience with FG:
Experience with D&D 5e:

Character idea?
>>Character name, race, class<<- Fill out your character's background, goals, ideals, why she or he would go adventuring, etc.

About you and why should I pick you?
Insert your reply

A precious trinket of yours was stolen, perhaps a family heirloom or trinket of value to a significant other, how would your character respond?
Insert your reply

You come upon a great treasure hoard in the town well, cleverly hidden by somebody. Rubies, sapphires, gold and other riches in amounts you have never seen before, the town has been busy with strange figures lately, how would your character respond?
Insert your reply


Cheers for checking out this listing, feel free to ask questions through a PM and may adventure find it's way to you!

January 19th, 2017, 13:03
Hi Mathizsias,

I wish I could join, but alas I have DM-ed this adventure earlier. The timezone and the bi-weekly arrangement would fit me perfectly. I will keep my eyes open hoping to see another announcement from you after this adventure has concluded. :)
Good luck and have fun!

The calendar event says Thursday, 2nd Feb, but your post above says games will be held on Wednesdays.

January 19th, 2017, 13:14
Hi Mathizsias,

I wish I could join, but alas I have DM-ed this adventure earlier. The timezone and the bi-weekly arrangement would fit me perfectly. I will keep my eyes open hoping to see another announcement from you after this adventure has concluded. :)
Good luck and have fun!

The calendar event says Thursday, 2nd Feb, but your post above says games will be held on Wednesdays.

Thanks for the tip, I'll reach out to you via PM. The current campaign has somewhat deviated from the beaten path. ;)

January 19th, 2017, 20:22
Player name: Jacob / Lyvern
Player age: 23
Experience with tabletop RPG's: Played 3.5e, 4e, and 5th. By far the most with 5th.
Experience with FG: Played briefly in two campaigns on FG, though both petered out. Might need a quick refresher, but nothing too in depth.
Experience with D&D 5e: Several years DMing and playing.

Character idea?
>>Ky, Dragonborn Paladin<<-
Ky would likely be a young Paladin, fresh out of his training, still naive with pure ideals. He would uphold his god's tenets without questions- until given a reason to question them. Used to being around other, similar youths, he'd be surprised, or confused if more, ahem, resourceful allies suggested doing something he viewed as bad. He'd likely change over the course of the campaign, as he learns more about the world and his allies. He would want some type of grand quest/adventure that one might read about in books. Since those don't come about every day, he'd settle for something that pays the bills, for now, while gathering experience adventuring.

I'm very flexible on characters- If Ky doesn't quite match up with the party/your world, I can easily switch.

About you and why should I pick you?
Hiya, my name is Jacob. Online I typically go by Lyvern, or just Ly. I've been wanting to join a good campaign for a while now, but haven't had much luck. I've got loads of 5e experience, and have played it nearly since release. When it comes to playing, I'm typically quiet to start, but open up more as I grow used to the group. I'm always looking to have a fun time- not just for myself, but for everyone involved. I'll always put the fun of the group first. Your time works for me- it'd be about 3pm on Wednesdays, and I'm off at 1pn (I'm in EST.) Additionally, I've played just the very beginning of LMoP- and I'm pretty sure the DM put in a good amount of homebrew content, but said campaign didn't last more than 2 or 3 sessions, so almost all of it is still new to me.

A precious trinket of yours was stolen, perhaps a family heirloom or trinket of value to a significant other, how would your character respond?
Ky would be seriously offended- theft is, of course, wrong. He would go to lengths to get the stolen item back, as well as teporting the thief to local authority. While he might give a few good bruises to the person who took it, he wouldn't go so far as to kill.

You come upon a great treasure hoard in the town well, cleverly hidden by somebody. Rubies, sapphires, gold and other riches in amounts you have never seen before, the town has been busy with strange figures lately, how would your character respond?
Ky would want to determine if it seems stolen or not. If it's a cache of some sort, hidden away by someone to keep their own fortune safe, he would likely cover it up and be on his way. Maybe even leave a little hand-written note suggesting they improve it in some way. If it was clearly the stash of a band of thieves or rogues, he'd get in touch with the local guard.

Thanks for reading! If you prefer discord, you can message me at Lyvern#9562

January 20th, 2017, 14:30
Currently full.

January 28th, 2017, 00:40
Please reply here.

May 11th, 2017, 15:28
Taking an additional player, please reply here!

May 11th, 2017, 17:01
Player name:Nick / Valesima
Player age: 24
Experience with tabletop RPG's: 5e Rise of Tiamat
Experience with FG: None , but I'm an avid pc gamer who learns quickly
Experience with D&D 5e: 5e Rise of Tiamat

Character Idea: Would like to play a Fighter, Druid second choice, Monk third choice.

If I'm a player you might be interested in let me know and I'll build something for a class

May 11th, 2017, 22:02
Player name:Nick / Valesima
Player age: 24
Experience with tabletop RPG's: 5e Rise of Tiamat
Experience with FG: None , but I'm an avid pc gamer who learns quickly
Experience with D&D 5e: 5e Rise of Tiamat

Character Idea: Would like to play a Fighter, Druid second choice, Monk third choice.

If I'm a player you might be interested in let me know and I'll build something for a class

Tyranny of Dragons basically is Rise of Tiamat and Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

May 11th, 2017, 22:19
K, I'll take that as a no.

May 11th, 2017, 22:21
Sadly, if you know the plot, I have to pass on your application. Thanks for applying though. :)

May 12th, 2017, 15:58
Player name:Nick
Player age:34
Experience with tabletop RPG's: Closing on 20 years now.
Experience with FG: Got the ultimate license and been running games constantly.
Experience with D&D 5e: Game master since Next.

Character idea?
--Since I am not aware what are the needs of the party I will just pick the following. If there is a need for a specific role though, I will be more than happy to fill it. --

Zophil the Tall, Halfling Rogue.
After being in the streets for too long Zophil had enough. I will become the best rogue this damn city has seen. No more should I be looked down, mistreated or manipulated, the future is holding greatness, treasure and... Zophil gets slapped in the face and returns to reality. Yes Master your...your... your...food is ready... I...I...I will be with you in two seconds... One day... One day I'll be free.

About you and why should I pick you?

Long time Game master of multiple Rpg's. I am pretty much always the game master so I rarely find a game as a player. Once I do I make sure my experience will help glue the group together since that's the most difficult part of online games. I know the difficulties a game master faces so I most certainly wont cause you any difficulties or troubles.

A precious trinket of yours was stolen, perhaps a family heirloom or trinket of value to a significant other, how would your character respond?

I would start organizing my plan of identifying the thief. I am to scared to confront the thief but I will make sure that I can will get it back with my silent and stealthy approach. Perhaps I might teach him a lesson or two. He should know not to steal from the greatest and tallest Halfling in the city.

You come upon a great treasure hoard in the town well, cleverly hidden by somebody. Rubies, sapphires, gold and other riches in amounts you have never seen before, the town has been busy with strange figures lately, how would your character respond?

Finally!! I was searching for my rubies for months!! My precious are back!!! Pick them up fast and make sure no one sees me! RUN FOREST RUNNNNNNN.

May 17th, 2017, 10:39
Player name: Alex
Player age: 24
Experience with tabletop RPG's: Approx half a year d and d, previously played changeling the lost and shadowrun
Experience with FG: No, used roll 20 and quick to learn
Experience with D&D 5e: played approx half a year this would be my third, the other two fizzled out

1st Character idea?
>>Character name, race, class<<- Fill out your character's background, goals, ideals, why she or he would go adventuring, etc.
Kellen Nim
Forest Gnome, Ranger 2 Rogue 3 (Thief)
Kellen's parent's were killed when he was young whilst being trained to hunt & track animals. Kellen couldn't face being in the same town he lost his parents so set out with his few possessions trying to find work but there wasn't much work for someone specialising in tracking people he ended up on the streets young homeless barely getting enough coin to get by. Word got out once the other homeless people shared their food & used his talent to find their loved ones get them off the street. This led him to be taken in by the other thieves guild quickly riding up using his skills to find track and pickpocket marks. He finished his basic thief training and decided to travel to get more training maybe find those who killed his parents maybe get something shiny in the process.

A precious trinket of yours was stolen, perhaps a family heirloom or trinket of value to a significant other, how would your character respond?
Use all my knowledge of underground networks & urban tracking skills to find the guy hunters mark if I have to maybe leave an arrow in their thigh when I find them. My trinkets are all I have left from home.

Why should you pick me?
There is no rogue in the group you need someone with quick hands. I haven't played many d & d sessions so all this would be new to me something new enjoyable & fun. I don't have anything fixed weekly so would be able to make sessions.

Only issue currently is I'm in Guam till 6th of June. So might be able to start 7th depends on jet lag.

You come upon a great treasure hoard in the town well, cleverly hidden by somebody. Rubies, sapphires, gold and other riches in amounts you have never seen before, the town has been busy with strange figures lately, how would your character respond?
Insert your reply

I look for magic weapons for magic armour anything that might help me catch people steal things or protect myself if there isn't anything like that look for as much as i can steal without people noticing or making it seem like I was there.

I have just seen the above post is someone else wanting to play a rogue so if space for both I have a second option
2nd Character Choice:
Character Idea:
Lightfoot Halfling Trickery domain cleric

The son of a rich noble had many perks, the toys whenever he wanted never going hungry ... but what it didn't come with was friends. All the other kids were out playing whilst Erric was stuck inside being dragged to court meetings told to sit outside and wait for his father. He prayed daily for friends but got nothing, until one day Leira answered taught him tricks tricks to let him convince his dad to let him go outside to actually see the world, but by then it was too late. He was a man now he had to go out and explore the world find new friends follow Leira's path and have fun with people along the way....

A precious trinket of yours was stolen, perhaps a family heirloom or trinket of value to a significant other, how would your character respond?
Hunt down those who were responsible manipulating and charming those along the way to help get it back.

You come upon a great treasure hoard in the town well, cleverly hidden by somebody. Rubies, sapphires, gold and other riches in amounts you have never seen before, the town has been busy with strange figures lately, how would your character respond?
Steal loot plunder, sort through it find what is most valuable least common first and take as much as i could carry on my back and move as fast as my little legs can carry me!

May 23rd, 2017, 09:43
We've since filled up through a private application. Thanks for applying, if we need another player I will reach out to any of the people that posted here, first.

May 23rd, 2017, 15:39
Thoughts on playing a Kender?

May 23rd, 2017, 15:43
Thoughts on playing a Kender?

No thoughts really, mechanically they don't exist within my campaign set in the Forgotten Realms - they're not within the boundaries of my player's creation rules either. I wonder why you'd ask?

May 23rd, 2017, 15:54
No thoughts really, mechanically they don't exist within my campaign set in the Forgotten Realms - they're not within the boundaries of my player's creation rules either. I wonder why you'd ask?

That's why I ask. The questions that you have proposed would be intriguing to say the least using a Kender. I've seen stranger things than crossing sets.

May 23rd, 2017, 16:06
The questions are there to gauge player commitment, creativity and interpretation, I hadn't thought of it in the context of race. I suppose any Halfling or Gnome could fit the bill of a Kender in personality traits.