View Full Version : Looking for players, Savage Worlds Sundered Skies

January 17th, 2017, 19:29
FG License: GM has Ultimate
Game System: Savage Worlds Sundered Skies

Time Zone: Mountain Time, USA
Day of week and time: Something we agree on
If new game, planned start date: Tuesday 1/25
Planned Duration & Frequency: Longer sessions, often as we can
Term: Prefer Long Term Group, but the game doesnt need to last forever

Text or Voice: Prefer voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: at least 2 would love 4, no more than 5
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1
Character restrictions: i dont think so

Details of your scenario: Hey Grounders, my name is Matt or Wookiee, and I am looking to make entertainments with you I have been rpging and dming forever, but recently took an unwanted break but am back now. I found FG and couldnt be happier. I am looking to DM at least one more game, preferably Savage Worlds Sundered Skies. I am new to Savage Worlds but not new to stories nor DMing.

January 17th, 2017, 22:35
Welcome back to gaming Wookiee.
This sound interesting, I would be available Sunday afternoon/evenings so in Mountain time that would be Sunday morning I think.
Depending on my own ability to get a game going of coarse.

January 17th, 2017, 23:05
I can do sundays :)

January 18th, 2017, 01:59
Depending what day and time (I'm pretty far away) I could be interested in this.

January 18th, 2017, 03:27
Well, I am thinking weeknight my time..What works for you?

January 18th, 2017, 03:36
first things first... will this be a 5e campaign? (i only bought the 5e players handbook for ease of character creation) and i also prefer the fifth edition.

secondly, by no character restriction does that mean you dont mind if i use a homebrew race? i really want to make a kitsune or arachne character XD seems like either or would be a ton of fun to RP and figure out a back story for.

third and finally, i can't play on weekdays (maybe weeknights but only monday and thursday) and i won't be able to play on a weekend in march as i volunteered myself to GM for koboldcon :D

so ya either way i am completely unfamiliar to savage worlds myself and would not mind discovering it under an experienced GM such as yourself :D

January 18th, 2017, 03:48
first things first... will this be a 5e campaign? (i only bought the 5e players handbook for ease of character creation) and i also prefer the fifth edition.

secondly, by no character restriction does that mean you dont mind if i use a homebrew race? i really want to make a kitsune or arachne character XD seems like either or would be a ton of fun to RP and figure out a back story for.

third and finally, i can't play on weekdays (maybe weeknights but only monday and thursday) and i won't be able to play on a weekend in march as i volunteered myself to GM for koboldcon :D

so ya either way i am completely unfamiliar to savage worlds myself and would not mind discovering it under an experienced GM such as yourself :D

Unfortunately Savage Worlds is a separate ruleset from D&D. Savage Worlds is more of cinematic and modern. This Sundered Skies is about skypirates and airships and craziness.

When I said no character restriction, I meant anything official.

I DO have a 5e game going Sundays and Monday's at 8pm Mountain Time

January 18th, 2017, 04:20
is the 5e game open to more players or is it full? also oh weird name for a steampunk type of universe then lol XD

since thats the case ummm how different are the rules? you still have the basic character creation method with skills inventory, stats and such right? and what are the races?

January 18th, 2017, 04:25
5e game is 100% open to at least one more, it is monday nights at 8pm mountain time...trying to set up a second day and hopefully we do sundays as well....

yeah it is interesting Savage Worlds covers all of their universes, this Sundered Skies is basically about the planet exploding into floating continents ranging in different sizes from the size of a tower to so large if you stand in middle you wouldnt know it was floating. You fly around in airships and shiat sounds super cool.

they are more cinematic rules less book keeping more playing, there is of coarse character creation and all that, and you can google the races :)

January 18th, 2017, 04:57
i think i will skip on the savage worlds sounds too confusing for me especially since i need to finish off my one shot for koboldcon before march. and while i want to join your 5e campaign.... 8pm there is 10pm for me and since i rent in a house apartment any voice chat would be too much noise :(

if you ever start a new 5e campaign though give me a shout i would be happy to join up :D

January 18th, 2017, 05:00
i think i will skip on the savage worlds sounds too confusing for me especially since i need to finish off my one shot for koboldcon before march. and while i want to join your 5e campaign.... 8pm there is 10pm for me and since i rent in a house apartment any voice chat would be too much noise :(

if you ever start a new 5e campaign though give me a shout i would be happy to join up :D

I would GLADLY do a second 5e campaign, you need a minimum 3 though, if you/we can find two more people I will gladly play

January 18th, 2017, 05:02
I can recommend Savage Worlds as an easy to learn system with a lot of awesome potential.
Unfortunately OP weeknights your time works to early avo my time. :( Looks like another great game goes by me thanks to living in Australia's Australia.

January 18th, 2017, 05:10
I can recommend Savage Worlds as an easy to learn system with a lot of awesome potential.
Unfortunately OP weeknights your time works to early avo my time. :( Looks like another great game goes by me thanks to living in Australia's Australia.

I want to play, and I am a video game designer, I have lots of free time.....its what 4pmish there? i can probably make things work :)

also i feel like Savage Worlds, aside from being easy to learn, is in FG and I am guessing the program does a lot of the thinking for you

January 18th, 2017, 05:32
I would GLADLY do a second 5e campaign, you need a minimum 3 though, if you/we can find two more people I will gladly play

really? alright then do you want me to start up a thread for it? i can do so if you are really willing :D just need to know what time and day is good for you and what you will be allowing. (please allow homebrew races if they are not op, i really want to play a animal person race and i got these from a site and everything so everything on them is already written up including a history and stuff)

January 18th, 2017, 05:34
homebrew you need to show me, see if its ok...and sure start something up....i like after 8pm or 12-5pm no Sunday/Monday nights.....if you want to set it up go for it, it would be 5e LMOP and SK.

January 18th, 2017, 05:48
so Saturday is ok? then perfect also here is the link to the race i really want to be (its fine if you weaken it a bit but its already roughly on par with dark elves and human variants so ya)


finally i got the lost mines one but what is SK?

January 18th, 2017, 05:51
Sk=Storm Kings Thunder.....................Yea thats fine with me.........and what time saturday?

January 18th, 2017, 06:05
Saturday evenings and the race is fine???? :D ty so much dude you made my night (its 1am here lol) i just posted the thread i also put friday evening as an option to but thats more up to you and the people who wish to join.
here is the link to the thread


also i will respond to everyone and organize the group for you and look through the homebrew races they might choose first to root out the ones with no chance of approval, if you want :D

January 23rd, 2017, 01:40
I'm interested in trying this game out. I've used the Savage Worlds system a lot but never got around to playing Sundered Skies, so it would be an interesting change in familiar system. The only thing is I am new to Fantasy Grounds but do have a licence, just never used it.

January 23rd, 2017, 02:20
I'm interested in trying this game out. I've used the Savage Worlds system a lot but never got around to playing Sundered Skies, so it would be an interesting change in familiar system. The only thing is I am new to Fantasy Grounds but do have a licence, just never used it.

I unfortunately think that the SW game is full, i will know closer to Tuesday if there is room, if you would like to join my discord we can keep each other informed what is going on