View Full Version : Looking to join a group who can cope with irregular schedules.

January 17th, 2017, 19:04
I am looking for a group to join as a player, preferably in either DnD 5E or Pathfinder or World of Darkness.
I am a dad with an irregular working schedule, so I cannot commit to set days, be it in the week or the month. So the group needs to be able to dynamically plan playsessions. Anything from once a week to once a month should work.

I am generally a loyal player and easy going. I enjoy just about anything a GM wishes to throw at the group. The social interaction and making a few virtual friends is paramount. Min maxing is not really my thing. I generally like character with less than ideal setups very much. And yes... that might be just an indication of my capability as a player regarding the rules... lol. :D

I own an Ultimate license of FG and I am currently working on my own campaign as well with the intention to start DM-ing at some point.

My timezone is GMT+1, so US West Coast residents aren't very compatible with my schedule.

January 17th, 2017, 21:53
try this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?34424-Expedition-to-Sleeper-Island-a-5e-West-Marches-Campaign

January 17th, 2017, 22:16
Thanks for the pointer, @damned! It seems like a perfect fit indeed.