View Full Version : LFG World of Darkness: 1 Player, Thurs/Fri evenings (PST zone) or Sat/Sun anytime.

January 10th, 2017, 22:32
Hello! I'm looking to join a World of Darkness game (or Chronicles of Darkness). My favorite is Werewolf: the Apocalypse, but I'll happily play any of the World (or Chronicles) of Darkness games. I've only dabbled in some of the others though, so I'll be a "mostly new" player to anything outside of Werewolf (at least flavor-wise, not system-wise).

Hoping to find story-based, character-driven fun (balancing combat with story, instead of never-ending dungeon crawls). I love long-running adventures where characters have a chance to come to life and grow. I prefer voice chat, and I'm not really interested in heavy text communication. Text here and there is fine (adding in details in combat, or for OOC (out-of-character) use), but voice chat sells it for me. I do have a paid version of FG, but I've only used it for one game before, so I'm still feeling my way around the program.

I'm in Pacific Standard Time. I'm aiming to play every other week (roughly twice a month), but I would be willing to swing a weekly game if that's all I can get. I'm available in evenings Thurs-Fri (4 pm PST or later), or any time Saturday. Sunday's an option, but only if it's every other week.

If you're putting together a new game, or if you're currently in a WoD/CoD group that has room at the table for one more, let me know! :)

January 23rd, 2017, 20:00
Bumping this post to see if there's any new interest in WoD/CoD.

January 24th, 2017, 00:53
Hey jdb47 - I havent seen a lot of WoD/CoD stuff posted....

January 24th, 2017, 01:09
I haven't seen much either (very little pops up in searches, too), but I figure I'd at least try. :)

Black Hammer
January 24th, 2017, 01:50
I am considering cooking up a Hunter: the Vigil campaign to justify buying the Bundle of Holding that came out for it, but haven't decided yet. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be aiming at a time that would work well for someone on the West Coast, as I'd likely want to get a few Eurozone players. Most likely an Friday or Saturday afternoon EST game early enough that the GMT folks could get in.