View Full Version : Art Asset List for 5e Themes

January 10th, 2017, 19:26
This is a list of all the graphical assets in the 5e/CoreRPG ruleset that are assigned an image file. I may have missed a few as there are some floaters that I have no idea where they are used. I'll edit this for accuracy as needed. May fellow developers use this as a checklist for creating new themes.

Format of Entries
Each entries is labelled as one of the following assets (which is based on use and may not match the ruleset folder of the current asset): buttons, frames, icons, radial menu choices.

Buttons are controls that have multiple icons based on whether they are being clicked or rotating through choices. They have the following format.
Button: purpose ["icon name"]["icon name"]

Frames are borders, backgrounds, and windows that other controls sit inside of. Most are tiled to enable resizing. They have the following format.
Frame: purpose ["framedef name"]

Icons are images that have only a single state, whether they can be clicked on or not. They have the following format.
Icon: purpose ["icon name"]

Radial choices are the circle images that appear in a ring when you right-click something. I kept them separate as it seems most developers don't want to alter them for a theme. Many are used for other purposes than their icon name would suggest. They have the following format.
Radial: purpose {also: additional purposes} ["icon name"]

Common Components

Button: generic button ["buttonup"]["buttondown"]
Button: close window ["button_close"]["button_close_down"]["button_close_hover"]
Button: open help ["button_help"]["button_help_down"]["button_help_hover"]
Button: link button ["button_link"]["button_link_down"]
Button: empty link socket ["button_link_empty"]
Button: shared link button ["button_link_share"]["button_link_share_down"]
Button: clear ["button_clear"]["button_clear_down"]
Button: roll ["button_roll"]["button_roll_down"]
Button: generic action ["actions"]["actions_down"]
Button: add modifier ["button_action_modifier"]["button_action_modifier_down"]
Button: expand details ["details"]["details_down"]
Button: generic expand ["button_expand"]["button_expand_down"]
Button: generic collapse ["button_collapse"]["button_collapse_down"]
Button: dropdown arrow ["combobox_button"]["combobox_button_active"]
Button: down arrow ["button_arrowdown"]["button_arrowdown_down"]
Button: edit-enable ["button_edit"]["button_edit_down"]
Button: edit-add ["button_add"]["button_add_down"]
Button: edit-delete ["button_delete"]["button_delete_down"]
Button: edit-confirm delete ["button_deleteconfirm"]["button_deleteconfirm_down"]
Button: window resize handle ["window_resize"]["window_resize_filled"]
Button: check circle ["button_checkon"]["button_checkoff"]
Button: speech/set speaker ["button_speak"]["button_speak_down"]
Button: locked ["padlock_open"]["padlock_closed"]
Button: identified ["record_identified"]["record_unidentified"]
Button: prompt confirm ["button_dialog_ok"]["button_dialog_down"]
Button: prompt cancel ["button_dialog_cancel"]["button_dialog_cancel_down"]
Button: prompt roll ["button_dialog_roll"]["button_dialog_roll_down"]
Frame: generic frame ["metalplate"]
Frame: window title bar ["windowtitle"]
Frame: generic group ["groupbox"]
Frame: light background ["fieldlight"]
Frame: dark background ["fielddark"]
Frame: field with focus ["fieldfocus"]
Frame: adding field ["fieldfocusplus"]
Frame: required field ["required"]
Frame: dice field ["fielddice"]
Frame: temp modifier/language choice ["tempmodsmall"]
Frame: gray header ["headergray"]
Frame: black header ["headerblack"]
Frame: header lines ["headersimple"]
Frame: border ["border"]
Frame: list row shade ["rowshade"]
Frame: filter ["filter"]
Frame: active filter ["filter_active"]
Frame: search ["search"]
Frame: active search ["search_active"]
Frame: scrollbar rail ["scrollbar_base"]
Frame: scrollbar handle ["scrollbutton_normal"]
Frame: dropdown box ["combobox_list"]
Frame: dropdown scrollbar ["combobox_scrollbar"]
Frame: tooltip ["tooltipbox"]
Frame: text divider ["separatorline"]
Frame: manual roll ["manualroll_entry"]
Frame: horizontal tab line ["tabs"]
Icon: active tab divider ["tabtop"]
Icon: question mark ["question"]
Icon: left arrow ["arrowleft"]
Icon: right arrow ["arrowright"]
Icon: small left arrow ["arrow_sm_left"]
Icon: small right arrow ["arrow_sm_right"]
Icon: rollable field ["field_rollable"]
Icon: small rollable field ["field_rollable_transparent"]
Icon: linked field ["field_linked"]
Icon: drag roll ["action_roll"]
Icon: drag attack ["action_attack"]
Icon: drag damage ["action_damage"]
Icon: drag heal ["action_heal"]
Icon: drag effect ["action_effect"]
Icon: narrow footer flourish ["footer_narrow"]
Icon: wide footer flourish ["footer_wide"]
Icon: expand categories ["button_expand"]
Icon: collapse categories ["button_collapse"]
Icon: white expand categories ["button_expand_w"]
Icon: white collapse categories ["button_collapse_w"]
Icon: error ["error"]
Icon: radial menu ["menuhub"]
Icon: radial node ["menuback"]
Radial: close FG menu ["closeprogrammenu"]
Radial: close FG ["closeprogram"]
Radial: return to launcher ["return"]
Radial: maximize FG {also: original image size} ["maximizewindow"]
Radial: windowed FG {also: resize image} ["restorewindow"]
Radial: add entry ["insert"]
Radial: edit {also: drawing} ["edit"]
Radial: stop editing {also: exit drawing} ["stopedit"]
Radial: remove entry ["delete"]
Radial: clear {also: PC release/clear ownership} ["erase"]
Radial: share ["windowshare"]
Radial: unshare ["unshare"]
Radial: share link ["linkshare"]
Radial: unshare link ["linkprivate"]
Radial: share all links ["linkshareall"]
Radial: unshare all links ["linkprivateall"]
Radial: close window ["close"]
Radial: delete window ["windowdelete"]
Radial: lock window ["lock"]
Radial: unlock window ["unlock"]
Radial: minimize window ["minimize"]
Radial: restore window ["restore"]
Radial: number 2 ["num2"]
Radial: number 3 ["num3"]
Radial: number 4 ["num4"]
Radial: number 5 ["num5"]
Radial: number 6 ["num6"]
Radial: number 7 ["num7"]
Radial: number 8 ["num8"]
Radial: number 9 ["num9"]
Radial: number 10 ["num10"]
Radial: number 15 ["num15"]
Radial: number 20 ["num20"]
Radial: number 100 ["percent"]
Radial: clear dice ["dieclear"]
Radial: list insert entry ["listinsert"]
Radial: list remove entry ["listdelete"]

January 10th, 2017, 19:26
Major Visual Elements

Character Sheet

Button: item carried/equipped ["button_char_inv_none"]["button_char_inv_carried"]["button_char_inv_equipped"]
Button: add weapon ["button_weapon"]["button_weapon_down"]
Button: add power group ["button_star"]["button_star_down"]
Frame: character sheet window ["charsheet"]
Frame: char sheet popup ["charsheethelper"]
Frame: AC shield ["acicon"]
Frame: ability score ["abilityscore"]
Icon: main tab label ["tab_main"]
Icon: skills tab label ["tab_skills"]
Icon: abilities tab label ["tab_abilities"]
Icon: inventory tab label ["tab_inventory"]
Icon: notes tab label ["tab_notes"]
Icon: log tab label ["tab_log"]
Icon: actions tab label ["tab_actions"]
Icon: temp modifier indicator ["tempmod"]
Icon: armor stealth disadvantage ["char_armorcheck"]
Icon: carried column header ["char_inv_carried_header"]
Icon: class section ["char_class"]
Icon: background section ["char_background"]
Icon: race section ["char_race"]
Icon: senses section ["char_senses"]
Icon: defense and mobility section ["char_init"]
Icon: health section ["char_stats"]
Icon: skills and proficiencies section ["char_abilities_purple"]
Icon: feats section ["char_abilities_green"]
Icon: features section ["char_abilities_red"]
Icon: traits section ["char_abilities"]
Icon: languages section ["char_abilities_blue"]
Icon: inventory section ["char_inventory"]
Icon: treasure section ["char_treasure"]
Icon: encumbrance section ["char_encumbrance"]
Icon: log section ["char_notes"]
Icon: weapons section ["char_attacks"]
Icon: powers section ["char_abilities_orange"]
Icon: spells section ["char_powers"]
Icon: weapon type melee ["char_weapon_melee"]
Icon: weapon type ranged ["char_weapon_ranged"]
Icon: weapon type thrown ["char_weapon_thrown"]


Button: scroller handle ["button_scrollerpan"]["button_scrollerpan_down"]
Button: zoom handle ["button_zoomer"]["button_zoomer_down"]
Frame: map window ["imagebox"]
Frame: map window header ["imagebox_header"]
Frame: toolbar background ["toolbar_back"]
Frame: toolbar button row ["toolbar_30"]
Icon: pin ["image_pin"]
Icon: public pin ["image_pin_public"]
Icon: preloaded ["image_sent"]
Icon: locked ["image_locked"]
Icon: pins visible ["image_shortcuts"]
Icon: zoomed ["image_zoom"]
Icon: toolbar mask mode ["tool_mask_30"]
Icon: toolbar drawing mode ["tool_paint_30"]
Icon: toolbar erase mode ["tool_erase_30"]
Icon: toolbar grid menu ["tool_grid_30"]
Icon: toolbar shift grid left ["tool_left_30"]
Icon: toolbar shift grid right ["tool_right_30"]
Icon: toolbar shift grid up ["tool_up_30"]
Icon: toolbar shift grid down ["tool_down_30"]
Icon: toolbar increase grid ["tool_plus_30"]
Icon: toolbar decrease grid ["tool_minus_30"]
Icon: toolbar multiselect mode ["tool_select_30"]
Icon: toolbar target select mode ["tool_target_select_30"]
Icon: toolbar clear targets ["tool_target_clear_30"]
Icon: toolbar target allies ["tool_target_allies_30"]
Icon: toolbar target enemies ["tool_target_enemies_30"]
Icon: image loading ["image_loading"]
Radial: sharing menu ["imageviewmenu"]
Radial: share with players {also: whisper, token selection mode menu} ["broadcast"]
Radial: preload image ["send"]
Radial: lock player view ["imageviewlock"]
Radial: unlock player view ["imageviewunlock"]
Radial: synch view ["imageviewsynch"]
Radial: update view ["imageviewupdate"]
Radial: layers menu ["layers"]
Radial: navigator {also: CT targeting menu} ["goto"]
Radial: mask image {also: GM claim PC, roll all NPC initiatives, CT target all non-allies} ["mask"]
Radial: delete mask ["deletemask"]
Radial: enter mask edit mode ["maskedit"]
Radial: exit mask edit mode ["maskeditoff"]
Radial: set square grid ["grid"]
Radial: set hex grid ["gridhex"]
Radial: switch square-hex ["gridchange"]
Radial: remove grid ["gridoff"]
Radial: enable snap to grid ["lockgrid"]
Radial: disable snap to grid ["unlockgrid"]
Radial: display pins ["shortcutson"]
Radial: hide pins ["shortcutsoff"]
Radial: drawing menu ["drawingmenu"]
Radial: enter drawing mode ["drawingediton"]
Radial: exit drawing mode ["drawingeditoff"]
Radial: draw stroke ["drawingstroke"]
Radial: enter erase mode ["erasestroke"]
Radial: erase drawing ["eraselayer"]
Radial: lock drawing layer ["lockdrawing"]
Radial: unlock drawing layer ["unlockdrawing"]
Radial: expand drawing menu ["expanddrawing"]
Radial: expand drawing up ["expanddrawingup"]
Radial: expand drawing right ["expanddrawingright"]
Radial: expand drawing down ["expanddrawingdown"]
Radial: expand drawing left ["expanddrawingleft"]
Radial: pointer menu {also: add spell action menu, CT add effect to list} ["pointer"]
Radial: pointer arrow ["pointer_arrow"]
Radial: pointer cone {also: short rest, clear short effects} ["pointer_cone"]
Radial: pointer circle {also: long rest, clear all effects, clear initiatives} ["pointer_circle"]
Radial: pointer square ["pointer_square"]
Radial: delete pointer {also: delete spell action, CT delete effect in list} ["deletepointer"]
Radial: delete all pointers ["deleteallpointers"]
Radial: delete pin ["shortcutdelete"]

Combat Tracker

Button: menu ["button_menu"]["button_menu_down"]
Button: next round ["button_ctnextround"]["button_ctnextround_down"]
Button: next actor ["button_ctnextactor"]["button_ctnextaction_down"]
Button: quicklist ["button_quicklist"]["button_quicklist_down"]
Button: expand targeting ["button_section_targeting"]["button_section_targeting_down"]
Button: targeting grab ["button_targeting"]["button_targeting_down"]
Button: expand abilities ["button_fist"]["button_fist_down"]
Button: expand offense ["button_sword"]["button_sword_down"]
Button: expand space ["button_space"]["button_space_down"]
Button: expand effects ["button_effect"]["button_effect_down"]
Button: actor visibility ["visibilityon"]["visibilityoff"]
Button: effect visibility ["button_toggle_visible"]["button_toggle_gm"]
Button: effect active ["button_toggle_on"]["button_toggle_skip"]["button_toggle_off"]
Button: effect expire ["button_toggle_all"]["button_toggle_action"]["button_toggle_roll"]["button_toggle_single"]
Button: effect target ["button_toggle_self"]["button_toggle_trgt"]
Frame: combat tracker window ["ctbox"]
Frame: group box ["ct_subgroupbox"]
Frame: no-faction actor ["ctentrybox"]["ctentrybox_active"]
Frame: friendly actor ["ctentrybox_friend"]["ctentrybox_friend_active"]
Frame: neutral actor ["ctentrybox_neutral"]["ctentrybox_neutral_active"]
Frame: hostile actor ["ctentrybox_foe"]["ctentrybox_foe_active"]
Frame: effect duration box ["durationadjustment"]
Icon: no faction ["ct_faction_empty"]
Icon: friendly faction ["ct_faction_friend"]
Icon: neutral faction ["ct_faction_neutral"]
Icon: hostile faction ["ct_faction_foe"]
Icon: turn socket ["ct_passive"]
Icon: current turn ["ct_active"]
Icon: drag targeting ["drag_targeting"]
Radial: roll PCs initiative ["portrait"]
Radial: initiative menu {also: target all allies} ["turn"]

Party Sheet

Frame: party sheet window ["partysheet"]
Frame: character entry box ["partysheetentry"]
Frame: small toolbar button row ["toolbar_20"]
Icon: order tab label ["tab_order"]
Icon: XP tab label ["tab_xp"]
Icon: small toolbar drawing mode ["tool_paint_20"]
Icon: small toolbar erase mode ["tool_erase_20"]

Chat Window

Button: poll chioce ["poll_empty"]["poll_check"]["poll_negative"]
Frame: chat window ["chatbox"]
Frame: text input ["chatentry"]
Frame: drop highlight ["chatboxhilight"]
Frame: speech bubble ["chatframe_chat"]
Frame: flavor text ["chatframe_story"]
Frame: chat roll ["diebox"]
Icon: normal chat mode ["chat_speak"]
Icon: story chat mode ["chat_story"]
Icon: action chat mode ["chat_action"]
Icon: ooc chat mode ["chat_ooc"]
Icon: emote chat mode ["chat_emote"]
Icon: GM typing ["chat_wait"]
Icon: GM halt ["indicator_stop"]
Icon: GM afk ["indicator_prompt"]
Icon: hidden roll ["gmdieicon"]

January 10th, 2017, 19:27
Icon: chat dice tower ["dicetower_icon"]
Icon: chat cast ["roll_cast"]
Icon: chat attack ["roll_attack"]
Icon: chat attack miss ["roll_attack_miss"]
Icon: chat attack hit ["roll_attack_hit"]
Icon: chat attack crit ["roll_attack_crit"]
Icon: chat damage ["roll_damage"]
Icon: chat heal ["roll_heal"]
Icon: chat effect ["roll_effect"]
Icon: chat current turn ["turn_flag"]
Icon: chat item transfer ["coins"]
Icon: chat black d4 ["d4icon"]
Icon: chat black d6 ["d6icon"]
Icon: chat black d8 ["d8icon"]
Icon: chat black d10 ["d10icon"]
Icon: chat black d12 ["d12icon"]
Icon: chat black d20 ["d20icon"]
Icon: chat red d4 ["d4ricon"]
Icon: chat red d6 ["d6ricon"]
Icon: chat red d8 ["d8ricon"]
Icon: chat red d10 ["d10ricon"]
Icon: chat red d12 ["d12ricon"]
Icon: chat red d20 ["d20ricon"]
Icon: chat green d4 ["d4gicon"]
Icon: chat green d6 ["d6gicon"]
Icon: chat green d8 ["d8gicon"]
Icon: chat green d10 ["d10gicon"]
Icon: chat green d12 ["d12gicon"]
Icon: chat green d20 ["d20gicon"]
Icon: chat blue d4 ["d4bicon"]
Icon: chat blue d6 ["d6bicon"]
Icon: chat blue d8 ["d8bicon"]
Icon: chat blue d10 ["d10bicon"]
Icon: chat blue d12 ["d12bicon"]
Icon: chat blue d20 ["d20bicon"]
Icon: chat purple d4 ["d4picon"]
Icon: chat purple d6 ["d6picon"]
Icon: chat purple d8 ["d8picon"]
Icon: chat purple d10 ["d10picon"]
Icon: chat purple d12 ["d12picon"]
Icon: chat purple d20 ["d20picon"]
Radial: copy to clipboard ["chatclipboard"]
Radial: display dice only ["crossed"]
Radial: display total {also: table step 1} ["equals"]
Radial: halve total ["halve"]
Radial: double total ["double"]
Radial: invert sign of total ["negate"]
Radial: GM afk icon ["prompt"]
Radial: halt icon {also: player afk, CT clear effects menu} ["hand"]
Radial: clear chat window ["chatclear"]
Radial: stop logging ["logoff"]
Radial: resume logging ["log"]


Button: combat tracker ["button_ct"]["button_ct_down"]
Button: party sheet ["button_partysheet"]["button_partysheet_down"]
Button: options ["button_options"]["button_options_down"]
Button: calendar ["button_calendar"]["button_calendar_down"]
Button: color picker ["button_color"]["button_color_down"]
Button: lighting ["button_light"]["button_light_down"]
Button: modifier window ["button_modifiers"]["button_modifiers_down"]
Button: effects window ["button_effects"]["button_effects_down"]
Button: character select ["button_characters"]["button_characters_down"]
Button: maps ["button_maps"]["button_maps_down"]
Button: npcs ["button_people"]["button_people_down"]
Button: items ["button_items"]["button_items_down"]
Button: notes ["button_notes"]["button_notes_down"]
Button: tables ["button_tables"]["button_tables_down"]
Button: backgrounds ["button_backgrounds"]["button_backgrounds_down"]
Button: classes ["button_classes"]["button_classes_down"]
Button: feats ["button_feats"]["button_feats_down"]
Button: races ["button_races"]["button_races_down"]
Button: skills ["button_skills"]["button_skills_down"]
Button: spells ["button_spells"]["button_spells_down"]
Button: library ["button_library"]["button_library_down"]
Button: tokens ["button_tokencase"]["button_tokencase_down"]
Button: encounters ["button_encounters"]["button_encounters_down"]
Button: parcels ["button_parcels"]["button_parcels_down"]
Button: quests ["button_quests"]["button_quests_down"]
Icon: first index page ["masterindex_page_start"]
Icon: previous index page ["masterindex_page_prev"]
Icon: next index page ["masterindex_page_next"]
Icon: last index page ["masterindex_page_end"]

Token Bag

Frame: token bag window ["tokenbag"]
Frame: token hotbar ["tokenbagbar"]
Button: edit-zoom in ["button_zoomin"]["button_zoomin_down"]
Button: edit-zoom out ["button_zoomout"]["button_zoomout_down"]
Icon: token bag ["tokenbag"]
Icon: shared token bag ["tokenbagshared"]
Icon: up one level ["tokenbagup"]
Icon: goto top level ["tokenbagtop"]
Radial: arrange tokens {also: token selection modes} ["arrangegrid"]
Radial: shuffle tokens {also: module revert changes, roll all initiatives} ["shuffle"]
Radial: zoom in ["tokenbagzoom"]
Radial: zoom out ["tokenbagzoomout"]
Radial: reset zoom ["tokenbagreset"]
Radial: clear bag slot ["tokenbagclear"]

Prominent Elements


Frame: name number box ["tokennumber"]
Icon: token socket ["token_empty"]
Icon: token facing [file=token_facing]
Icon: health bar ["healthbar"]
Icon: health dot ["healthdot"]
Icon: more effects ["cond_more"]
Icon: generic effect ["cond_generic"]
Icon: bonus effect ["cond_bonus"]
Icon: penalty effect ["cond_penalty"]
Icon: effect cover ["cond_cover"]
Icon: effect immunity ["cond_immune"]
Icon: effect resistance ["cond_resist"]
Icon: effect vulnerability ["cond_vuln"]
Icon: effect ongoing damage ["cond_ongoing"]
Icon: effect regeneration ["cond_regen"]
Icon: effect blinded ["cond_blinded"]
Icon: effect charmed ["cond_charmed"]
Icon: effect deafened ["cond_deafened"]
Icon: effect encumbered ["cond_encumbered"]
Icon: effect frightened ["cond_frightened"]
Icon: effect grappled ["cond_grappled"]
Icon: effect incorporeal ["cond_incorporeal"]
Icon: effect invisible ["cond_invisible"]
Icon: effect paralyzed ["cond_paralyzed"]
Icon: effect prone ["cond_prone"]
Icon: effect restrained ["cond_restrained"]
Icon: effect stunned ["cond_stunned"]
Icon: effect unconscious ["cond_unconscious"]
Radial: delete token ["deletetoken"]
Radial: delete all tokens {also: award xp} ["deletealltokens"]
Radial: rotate clockwise {also: image resize vertical} ["rotatecw"]
Radial: retate counterclockwise {also: image resize horizontal} ["rotateccw"]
Radial: lock token movement ["locktoken"]
Radial: unlock token movement ["unlocktoken"]
Radial: accept token movement ["tokenacceptmove"]
Radial: lock token scale ["lockzoom"]
Radial: reset single token scale ["tokenresetscale"]
Radial: release token scale ["unlockzoom"]
Radial: token visibility menu ["tokenvisibility"]
Radial: always visible {also: grant rest} ["lockvisibilityon"]
Radial: always invisible ["lockvisibilityoff"]
Radial: mask-based visibility ["maskvisibility"]

Modifier Stack

Frame: modifier edit highlight ["modstackfocus"]
Icon: modifier stack ["modcollector"]
Icon: active modifier ["modcollector_counter"]


Button: load module ["module_unloaded"]["module_loading"]["module_loaded"]["module_unloading"]
Button: permissions ["module_statenone"]["module_statepending"]["module_stateblocked"]["module_stateallowed"]
Frame: selection box ["moduleselectentry"]
Icon: public entry ["record_public"]
Icon: shared entry ["record_shared"]
Icon: read only entry ["record_readonly"]
Icon: unaltered record ["record_intact"]
Icon: altered record ["record_dirty"]
Icon: has tokens ["module_hastokens"]
Icon: remote module ["module_remote"]


Button: edit-add table ["button_add_table_guided"]["button_add_table_guided_down"]
Icon: insert column ["button_col_insert"]
Icon: delete column ["button_col_delete"]
Radial: more options ["radial_plus"]


Frame: calendar window ["calendar"]
Frame: calendar selection box ["calendarselectentry"]
Frame: month box ["calendarmonthentry"]
Frame: log list window ["campaignlistwithtabs"]
Frame: current day highlight ["calendarhighlight"]
Icon: calendar ["calendar"]
Icon: visible log ["dot_red"]
Icon: GM log ["dot_blue"]

January 10th, 2017, 19:27
Utility Windows

Frame: windows (manual rolls, options) ["utilitybox"]
Frame: windows (color picker, lighting, portrait select) ["utilitybox2"]
Frame: windows (prompt, effects, modifiers, reference manual, export, language options, library, module activation, asset indexes, item forge) ["utilitybox3"]
Icon: day lighting ["lighting_day"]
Icon: night lighting ["lighting_night"]
Icon: fire lighting ["lighting_fire"]
Icon: forest lighting ["lighting_forest"]
Icon: color picker base ["colorgizmo_base"]
Icon: color picker main orb ["colorgizmo_color"]
Icon: color picker main shading ["colorgizmo_effects"]
Icon: color picker big button ["colorgizmo_bigbtn_base"]
Icon: color picker big orb ["colorgizmo_bigbtn_color"]
Icon: color picker big shading ["colorgizmo_bigbtn_effects"]
Icon: color picker medium button ["colorgizmo_medbtn_base"]
Icon: color picker medium orb ["colorgizmo_medbtn_color"]
Icon: color picker medium shading ["colorgizmo_medbtn_effects"]
Icon: color picker small button ["colorgizmo_smlbtn_base"]
Icon: color picker small orb ["colorgizmo_smlbtn_color"]
Icon: color picker small shading ["colorgizmo_smlbtn_effects"]
Icon: color picker invert numbers ["colorgizmo_bigbtn_text"]

Item Forge

Icon: transparent decal ["forge_transicon"]
Icon: blank ["forge_blank"]
Icon: ok ["forge_ok"]
Icon: error ["forge_error"]
Icon: gear ["forge_item_advgear"]
Icon: armor ["forge_item_armor"]
Icon: mount ["forge_item_mount"]
Icon: tool ["forge_item_tool"]
Icon: vehicle ["forge_item_vehicle"]
Icon: weapon ["forge_item_weapon"]
Icon: magic armor ["forge_magicitem_armor"]
Icon: magic potion ["forge_magicitem_potion"]
Icon: magic ring ["forge_magicitem_ring"]
Icon: magic rod ["forge_magicitem_rod"]
Icon: magic scroll ["forge_magicitem_scroll"]
Icon: magic staff ["forge_magicitem_staff"]
Icon: magic wand ["forge_magicitem_wand"]
Icon: magic weapon ["forge_magicitem_weapon"]
Icon: magic item ["forge_magicitem_wondrousitem"]
Icon: magic spell ["forge_magicspell"]

Portraits and Character List

Frame: active GM actor name ["id_active"]
Frame: inactive GM actor name ["id_inactive"]
Frame: portrait name ["mini_name"]
Icon: portrait frame ["charlist_base"]
Icon: portrait mask ["charlist_mask"]
Icon: chat portrait frame ["portraitchat_base"]
Icon: chat portrait mask ["portraitchat_mask"]
Icon: chat GM ["portrait_gm_token"]
Icon: portrait as token frame ["portraittoken_base"]
Icon: token portrait mask ["portraittoken_mask"]
Icon: shared list portrait frame ["miniportrait_base"]
Icon: shared list portrait mask ["miniportrait_mask"]
Icon: color dot ["charlist_pointer"]
Icon: inspiration star ["charlist_inspiration"]
Icon: player typing ["charlist_typing"]
Icon: inactive player ["charlist_idling"]
Icon: player afk ["charlist_afk"]
Radial: ring bell ["bell"]
Radial: kick from server ["kick"]
Radial: confirm kick ["kickconfirm"]


Button: refresh CR ["button_enc_refreshcr"]["button_enc_refreshcr_down"]
Button: refresh XP ["button_enc_refreshxp"]["button_enc_refreshxp_down"]

Reference Window

Frame: reference window ["recordsheet"]
Frame: reference list window ["referencelist"]
Frame: ref manual page window ["referencepage"]
Frame: ref manual page header ["headerref"]
Frame: ref manual chapter background ["reference-chapter"]
Frame: ref manual section background ["reference-section"]
Frame: ref manual sidebar text frame ["referenceblock-sidebar"]
Frame: ref manual text1 frame ["referenceblock-text1"]
Frame: ref manual text2 frame ["referenceblock-text2"]
Frame: ref manual text3 frame ["referenceblock-text3"]
Frame: ref manual text4 frame ["referenceblock-text4"]
Frame: ref manual text5 frame ["referenceblock-text5"]
Frame: ref manual book text frame ["referenceblock-book"]
Frame: ref manual page text frame ["referenceblock-page"]
Frame: ref manual picture text frame ["referenceblock-picture"]
Frame: ref manual pink text frame ["referenceblock-pink"]
Frame: ref manual blue text frame ["referenceblock-blue"]
Frame: ref manual brown text frame ["referenceblock-brown"]
Frame: ref manual green text frame ["referenceblock-green"]


Frame: main desktop ["desktop"]
Frame: sidebar strip ["shortcuts"]
Frame: dice tower ["dicetower_normal"]
Frame: dice tower hover ["dicetower_drop"]
Frame: hotkey box ["hotkeybox"]
Frame: number box ["hotkeytitlebox"]
Radial: reset dice ["arrangedice"]
Radial: set dice positions ["lockdice"]
Radial: default dice positions ["unlockdice"]
Radial: customdice ["customdice"]
Radial: edit hotkey text ["hotkeyedit"]
Radial: clear hotkey ["hotkeyclear"]

Stories and Notes

Frame: story/notes window ["storybox"]
Radial: paragraph type menu ["textparagraphtypes"]
Radial: body text type ["textbody"]
Radial: heading text type ["texttitle"]
Radial: speech bubble text type ["textchat"]
Radial: assign speaker ["assignspeaker"]
Radial: list text type {also: reparse spell actions} ["textlist"]
Radial: link text type ["textlink"]
Radial: table text type ["texttableh"]
Radial: text formatting menu ["textformatting"]
Radial: bold text ["bold"]
Radial: italic text ["italics"]
Radial: underlined text ["underline"]

Minor Elements

Character Selection

Frame: character selection window ["charselect"]
Frame: selection box ["charselectentry"]
Button: edit-import ["button_import"]["button_import_down"]
Button: edit-export ["button_export"]["button_export_down"]

Minimized Icons

Icon: altered glow ["minimized_glow"]
Icon: image ["minimized_image"]
Icon: encounter ["minimized_combat"]
Icon: item ["minimized_item"]
Icon: npc ["minimized_npc"]
Icon: utility ["minimized_utility"]
Icon: reference ["minimized_reference"]
Icon: note ["minimized_note"]
Icon: story ["minimized_encounter"]

Action Groups

Button: attack ["button_action_attack"]["button_action_attack_down"]
Button: damage ["button_action_damage"]["button_action_damage_down"]
Button: heal ["button_action_heal"]["button_action_heal_down"]
Button: effect ["button_action_effect"]["button_action_effect_down"]
Icon: use power ["usepower"]
Icon: weapon group ["power_weapon"]
Icon: preparation casting ["power_casterprep"]
Icon: spontaneous casting ["power_casterspontaneous"]
Icon: spell cast ["spell_cast"]
Icon: spell damage ["spell_damage"]
Icon: spell heal ["spell_heal"]
Icon: spell effect ["spell_effect"]
Radial: add cast action ["radial_sword"]
Radial: add damage action ["radial_damage"]
Radial: add heal action ["radial_heal"]
Radial: add effect action ["radial_effect"]

Manage Characters

Button: point buy cost toggle ["button_statpointmode"]["button_statpointmode_down"]
Frame: die cup ["collector"]
Frame: chat window ["localchatbox"]
Frame: roll box ["localrollbox"]
Icon: horizontal tab line ["tabhorizontal"]
Icon: stat rolled ["local_statrolled"]

(These graphics are not used by FG but are the basis of other graphics that are.)

Button: blank wide button [file=button_blank][file=button_blank_down]
Button: blank square button [file=button_blank_small][file=button_blank_small_down]
Icon: blank drag action [file=action_blank]
Icon: blank radial action [file=icon_blank]
Icon: blank minimized asset [file=minimized]

January 10th, 2017, 19:41
** reserved **
stupid character limit...

Didn't need it after all. Well, I'll keep it for overflow in case I need to add a bunch more.

January 10th, 2017, 22:02
Stickied (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27296-Guides-videos-and-other-helpful-information&p=244137#post244137)

January 10th, 2017, 22:55
A new Developer Assets area.... interesting. We'll have to see what we can do about filling that up.

January 11th, 2017, 00:37
One really pesky one to find (it took like days for me to figure this one out), that is not included in your list is:

It's located here:
CoreRPG / graphics / toolbar / toolbar_back.png

The file that you'll need to include to override this (as well as all the files listed below) is: CoreRPG / common / template_toolbar.xml

What it is...

There are also all of the other toolbar buttons in that same folder, which don't appear to be in your list.

<icon name="tool_toggle_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_toggle_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_select_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_select_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_paint_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_paint_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_erase_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_erase_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_mask_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_mask_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_grid_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_grid_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_left_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_arrow_left_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_right_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_arrow_right_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_up_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_arrow_up_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_down_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_arrow_down_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_plus_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_plus_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_minus_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_minus_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_target_select_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_target_select_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_target_clear_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_target_clear_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_target_enemies_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_target_enemies_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_target_allies_30" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_target_allies_30.png" />
<icon name="tool_paint_20" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_paint_20.png" />
<icon name="tool_erase_20" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_erase_20.png" />
<icon name="tool_mask_20" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_mask_20.png" />
<icon name="tool_unmask_20" file="graphics/toolbar/tool_unmask_20.png" />

^^^^ what all these are:

January 11th, 2017, 00:44
My biggest piece of advice for figuring out what each of the art assets is, and where it's positioned is to go and change the art asset to a really bright / obnoxious color (#00FF00), then go hunt around for it in the extension you're creating. Then once you know where it's located in the User Interface, then you'll know what you're editing. The one thing you're going to find out is that when you look at each individual art asset on it's own, it's going to look identical to the last one you just looked at. You're going to find some surprises this way. You will also get a feeling for how large the asset is in the user interface... a lot of them have a pixel area that is larger than the image which appears in the UI, there is a lot of use of transparency in the CoreRPG, so knowing how much of the area that is figured into the original art asset that you should use becomes important as well.

January 11th, 2017, 01:14
I knew about the toolbar buttons and background and planned to add those to the Maps entry. Though I skipped the graphics as they didn't appear in the files I was looking in. Forget to go looking for them.

My biggest piece of advice for figuring out what each of the art assets is, and where it's positioned is to go and change the art asset to a really bright / obnoxious color (#00FF00), then go hunt around for it in the extension you're creating. Then once you know where it's located in the User Interface, then you'll know what you're editing.

I was already familiar with this method, but I prefer to use find-in-files to see where the ruleset is assigning the graphic. It's much quicker and can show when an asset is used for multiple things.

You will also get a feeling for how large the asset is in the user interface... a lot of them have a pixel area that is larger than the image which appears in the UI, there is a lot of use of transparency in the CoreRPG, so knowing how much of the area that is figured into the original art asset that you should use becomes important as well.

I am surprised that you know about the difference in graphic dimensions and FG UI pixel area since testing your theme I found that you didn't seem to change any of the pixel areas to match the graphics that you changed the size of (resulting in instances where clicking something in your theme has the functionality of something else nearby). You copied the asset declarations that set the pixel area (even whole windowclasses and lua file rather than merging the changes which I imagine will cause you hella conflicts with other extensions and updates), but it doesn't look like you changed any of the number to match the new sizes of your graphics.

Changing the graphic size is frustrating as it requires alterations to the window bounds, offsets, margins and placement of embedded objects like scrollbars and resize handles. I was surprised to see that you decided to go that route.

January 11th, 2017, 01:23
I was surprised to see that you decided to go that route.

I didn't really decide to go any route... I honestly have very little idea what I'm doing... I mean, like I've never done any of this before. I'm sure most of what I've done will break at some point, though I can't imagine anything will break unless FG makes major changes to how it works (something akin to the 3.2 update). I am hoping to go through everything I've got and "fix" it in the ways you are talking about.

Basically I copied all of the existing info from the CoreRPG & 5E rulesets, then modified anything that looked broken. If it looked the way I intended, then I left it alone.

Again, I know for sure I did a lot of this flat our wrong.

Moon Wizard
January 11th, 2017, 01:26
It's all about fine-tuning once the users are actually using it. ;)


January 11th, 2017, 01:29
It's all about fine-tuning once the users are actually using it. ;)

In order to be "fine tuned" it needed to be tuned to begin with!

Yeah, I honestly didn't know if there would be any interest in the themes I made, so I just kind of got them done and out there. Now that they seem to have caught on a bit, it seems I owe it to everyone (and myself) to actually go and do it right... plug up the holes, etc.

January 11th, 2017, 01:34
I forget where the page was, but there are merge rules for windowclass that could drastically help out your theme. You could literally just have the art data listed in your files and it would merge with the other data from windowclass (so if an update changes a line in the <script> tag your theme doesn't break the ruleset). I highly recommend you look into them. Also, there is a way to overload functions to get a lesser effect with lua files so that you don't have to include all the functions of the file in your extension (which cause a LOT of conflicts).

As for not breaking things, I guess that is a matter of opinion. When I hit a button and FG does something else, I consider it broken. You might consider changing the graphics back to the original sizes to avoid this in your themes (or dig into the frustration of reformatting the control sizes).

You also forgot the toolbar_20.png and toolbar_30.png in your post above. I see you don't have them in your theme, but you probably didn't feel the need to change them. Still, they are required for the toolbar buttons so I'll need to list them.

EDIT: This might have (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/modguide/templates.xcp) some of the info, though I think you can merge more than templates now.

January 11th, 2017, 01:48
When I hit a button and FG does something else, I consider it broken.

Is there somewhere that this is happening?

You also forgot the toolbar_20.png and toolbar_30.png in your post above. I see you don't have them in your theme, but you probably didn't feel the need to change them. Still, they are required for the toolbar buttons so I'll need to list them.

You have that exactly right, I didn't modify those, but you would need them for a full overhaul.

EDIT: This might have (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/modguide/templates.xcp) some of the info, though I think you can merge more than templates now.

Thank you very much sir! A little light reading... the wife will be so excited I now have something to occupy my time!

January 11th, 2017, 02:14
Is there somewhere that this is happening?

Well, the easiest example of this is to open a window. If you attempt to click on the help button, half the button closes the window (since FG is still using the larger-sized close button). The actual help button extends into the nothing to the left of the visible button (because again, default button size is used).

June 13th, 2017, 02:07
I see where it says Frame: window title bar ["windowtitle"] but how do you go about actually changing the title of the window? Or changing the "stitching" image of the header the title uses for each window?

June 13th, 2017, 02:46
its in the graphics>frame folder

June 13th, 2017, 03:46
I see where it says Frame: window title bar ["windowtitle"] but how do you go about actually changing the title of the window? Or changing the "stitching" image of the header the title uses for each window?
The text in the title is based off the <resource> (uses a string resource name) or <static> (hard coded text) or a <field> (uses the data in a child database node named in the <field> parameter) setting in controls based off the <windowtitlebar> template. Search (find in files) the CoreRPG ruleset for <windowtitlebar name=" and you'll see a few examples.

The image is indeed a frame, as Wookiee420 mentions. More info on using a custom frame for a window title here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38643-creating-theme-extensions-and-having-a-BUNCH-of-questions&p=341895&viewfull=1#post341895

August 7th, 2018, 21:43
This is really cool, and I am not sure if I missed it, but is there a way to set your own 'tabletop' picture. For example, rather than the standard pictures FG gives us to cycle through I would like to place an overall world map as the tabletop (kind of like the pathfinder module has) so the players have a ready view of the world without having to dig through all the shared pictures. If you can help - Thanks!, if not - Thanks anyway!

August 7th, 2018, 21:50
This is really cool, and I am not sure if I missed it, but is there a way to set your own 'tabletop' picture. For example, rather than the standard pictures FG gives us to cycle through I would like to place an overall world map as the tabletop (kind of like the pathfinder module has) so the players have a ready view of the world without having to dig through all the shared pictures. If you can help - Thanks!, if not - Thanks anyway!
Yes, that is considered a "Decal". It's really simple to make your own custom extension with multiple decals. You can see the Quick Reference Decal in my signature for an example of this, but even better, use the Custom Decal Tutorial found on this page; https://www.fg-con.com/free-downloads/

Art Wendorf
May 15th, 2019, 10:58
Is there a way to change the Font Size and/or Format of Fonts (bold, italics, etc.) within a theme?

May 15th, 2019, 16:19
Is there a way to change the Font Size and/or Format of Fonts (bold, italics, etc.) within a theme?
Yes, there are various font extensions already. You can read this thread to for some discussion, examples, and advice. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46013-Big-Fonts

Art Wendorf
May 19th, 2019, 00:03
Thanks, LorEntrails, for the pointer! Very much appreciate it.

Right now, I'm trying to mess with the guts of things because I'm unstable that way. ;) I know that if I go into Theme's graphics\graphics_fonts.xml that I can see each font, their size, bold or not, etc. However, I'm not sure what each font location is. I've figured out that <font name="modcollectorlable"> is the little "modifier" in the modifier box in the lower left of the screen. I've, of course, figured out that things like "whisperfont" are how it displays in the chatbox when someone whispers.

However, I have no idea what part of the screen <font name=defaultnumbercontrol" controls. Is there a list somewhere of what each of these elements means/impacts?

May 19th, 2019, 01:04
Thanks, LorEntrails, for the pointer! Very much appreciate it.

Right now, I'm trying to mess with the guts of things because I'm unstable that way. ;) I know that if I go into Theme's graphics\graphics_fonts.xml that I can see each font, their size, bold or not, etc. However, I'm not sure what each font location is. I've figured out that <font name="modcollectorlable"> is the little "modifier" in the modifier box in the lower left of the screen. I've, of course, figured out that things like "whisperfont" are how it displays in the chatbox when someone whispers.

However, I have no idea what part of the screen <font name=defaultnumbercontrol" controls. Is there a list somewhere of what each of these elements means/impacts?

You are working the wrong way.
The font definitions are definitions.
These definitions are not where they are used they are just names and settings.

Find the control or object or data type you want to change and from there find what font definition it uses.

May 20th, 2019, 03:33
However, I have no idea what part of the screen <font name=defaultnumbercontrol" controls. Is there a list somewhere of what each of these elements means/impacts?

Not exactly the easiest way to do what you are wanting, but to answer your question, use a program like Notepad++ (one that has the ability to search multiple files). Make a copy of the 5e and CoreRPG ruleset and unpack them (as if they were a zip file). Then have Notepad++ 'find in files' the name of the font definition. It will tell you every line number where the font definition is used.

Art Wendorf
May 21st, 2019, 12:26
Thanks everyone! I figured if there was several ways of doing something that I'd be doing it the hard way. lol.

Art Wendorf
May 24th, 2019, 21:53
I've been tweaking the Wonderful Notebook theme by Ezio. Mostly just changing colors of things, etc. I thought I'd make a little different frame for the Window Titles. As such, I replaced the windowtitle.png with my own, but I kept the exact same dimensions of the previous png, hoping to preserve formatting.

However, for some reason it's "cutting" (?) the frame. I attached a picture. Any ideas?

Moon Wizard
May 25th, 2019, 04:47
All frames are 9-slice graphics that are tiled to fill available space. In your picture, the specified height of the control/widget holding the text is larger than the middle slices, so it is tiling. You need to define a larger frame graphic. Also, you might think about making the corners transparent, instead of white.


Art Wendorf
May 25th, 2019, 12:21
All frames are 9-slice graphics that are tiled to fill available space. In your picture, the specified height of the control/widget holding the text is larger than the middle slices, so it is tiling. You need to define a larger frame graphic. Also, you might think about making the corners transparent, instead of white.Ooooh, ok. Got it.

I'd been planning to make the corners transparent before I ran into that little problem. I now have a solution! Thank so much!

Art Wendorf
May 26th, 2019, 15:03
Thought I'd stop by and say thanks for all the help. Managed to get it all figured out. Here's what it was supposed to look like. Heh.

September 3rd, 2019, 17:25
This list is super helpful and awesome, but it might be even more awesome if there were simple charts showing what tag corresponds to what graphic item/button/frame in the themes. What do you think?

September 3rd, 2019, 18:15
This list is super helpful and awesome, but it might be even more awesome if there were simple charts showing what tag corresponds to what graphic item/button/frame in the themes. What do you think?

Yep, I'm quite sure a lot of people would find that useful. Thanks for volunteering to do it.

September 3rd, 2019, 18:42
Yep, I'm quite sure a lot of people would find that useful. Thanks for volunteering to do it.

My apologies if I was offensive. I actually have been trying to figure this out on my own with no success. I had assumed the programmers knew, or had a chart, of what was what, but perhaps I was wrong. I am sorry but I am not capable of such a project, and that's why I suggested that someone might be interested. If by suggesting something you are obligated to do it, then I apologize for the suggestion.

September 3rd, 2019, 19:12
My apologies if I was offensive. I actually have been trying to figure this out on my own with no success. I had assumed the programmers knew, or had a chart, of what was what, but perhaps I was wrong. I am sorry but I am not capable of such a project, and that's why I suggested that someone might be interested. If by suggesting something you are obligated to do it, then I apologize for the suggestion.He was only trying to motivate you to contribute to the community.

This list is super helpful and awesome, but it might be even more awesome if there were simple charts showing what tag corresponds to what graphic item/button/frame in the themes. What do you think?What do you mean by 'tag'. Care to give an example of how the charts would be set up?

September 3rd, 2019, 19:13
My apologies if I was offensive. I actually have been trying to figure this out on my own with no success. I had assumed the programmers knew, or had a chart, of what was what, but perhaps I was wrong. I am sorry but I am not capable of such a project, and that's why I suggested that someone might be interested. If by suggesting something you are obligated to do it, then I apologize for the suggestion.

Ah, sorry. I just read your post as 'would anyone benefit from me doing this' kind of thing. Your post wasn't offensive in any way - no need for any apology. I just misread it.

September 4th, 2019, 04:35
Thank you both for being understanding. I should have chosen my words better.

I wish I could be of some help somehow.

I have tried to figure out where these graphic parts are to some extent. I tried the excellent theme creator that is posted on the forum, but it doesn't allow you to change fonts, reference window graphics, and so on. It mainly works on the sidebar buttons and desktop.

In particular, even after examining several themes, including the ones in the pak files, I still can't seem to change the bit of graphics under the item title for spells, items, and NPCs. I thought it was frame: ref manual page header ["headerref"], but changing the image associated with this tag doesn't do anything to the area I am trying to change.

To answer Nikademus's question, I imagine a mockup of each frame or dialog, with a bit of text saying this font or this graphic is called such-and-such in the theme file. For example, an image of the Item dialog for one item, showing what portion of the dialog graphics are changed when you change the "headerref" image, or what the font in the header is listed as in the theme so you know what line to edit.

September 4th, 2019, 19:02
I attempted to start this when assembling my themes. To do this right is a TALL order. A lot of the assets are used in multiple window instances. One of the first issues you will run into is how to organize it. There are at least a couple of strategies I considered:

1. Alphabetically
- Pro's:
most useful for quick lookup
- Con's
since some are used all over the place, you'll have many many instances to show

2. By window / area of the software
- Pro's:
less "representative" examples needed
- Con's:
harder to lookup specific uses, unless you make an index, which needs to point to each use case

In both of these scenarios, you now have the issue of what format is the "catalog"? Probably a pdf would be the most easily digested / used, suited for the task. In fact, you could use the "find" command to find all of the assets spread across all of the use cases.

Along with this, it would really be great to have actual pixel data for each, this is helpful when setting positions.

This is all quick thought stuff, but it's where I got to after quite a bit of thought. You'll be surprised at how widely used / re-used a lot of these assets are, it quickly becomes a pretty good sized project.

December 23rd, 2019, 13:25
Just a thought as I’m sure you are well on your way through this project...

You could organize all the info by window in an excel sheet... and the user of it could use ctrl+f to find what they want or could sort by whatever they wanted...

Just a thought

April 19th, 2020, 21:28
Tanx, gents. Old spell scrolls are good to keep around. 3 years old and still yousefull.
Off to coreRPG.pak to see if Unity is the same. I'll sneak out the back here. Hopefully unnoticed.