View Full Version : Token Bags and token storage

January 9th, 2017, 17:38
Is there a way to display any sort of title or description on these token bags before I put in a suggestion for a better token library system? I would love to have a tree system rather than a bunch of unnamed bags I have to mouse over to see what is in it. I have found it to be very time consuming to grab things on the fly. But I am new enough to FG that there may be a better way and I just have not yet found it.

January 9th, 2017, 17:57
Not that I'm aware of. The thing is that you want to be making sure you don't have too many bags anyway so you don't really want a huge tree system or any other system really that means you have lost of bags in tokens. Depending on how you aquired them you could make your own token bags - this is what I do with tokens since I have too many really and find I don't really use most of them.

January 9th, 2017, 18:16
Don't quote me on this, but I think names appear on the token bags when (a) they are a token module, using the name of the module, or (b) they are in a folder inside the tokens/host or tokens/shared folder, using the name of the folder.

Either way, the names are tooltips that you have to hover over to see.

January 9th, 2017, 19:31
One other thing; you do know that you can type something in to the line beside the magnifying glass and it will open all the tokens in whichever bag they are in with that name? So if you type in Goblin or Fighter or whatever every token that has that name will then be listed in the window.