View Full Version : Local and Server characters?

October 18th, 2005, 03:40
Okay I would like to know the difference between local and server characters? If I want the PC's to create a server character do I have to have the game up ? And if I do this, then will the characters be in my PC ? Thanks Grai

October 18th, 2005, 04:21
Ok, here's how it works:

When you log into your own machine and create a character, it is saved in your Program Files\FantasyGrounds\characters\d20 folder (d20 being the ruleset... if you are using a custom ruleset when you create your character it will be saved in that folder).

If you are a player and log into someone else's campaign session, you can choose a locally created character (if it matches the ruleset of the campaign session) or choose to create a new character. In either case the character is inserted into the campaign's db.xml file on the DM's machine. Important fact: Any changes to the character once you are in the campaign session (even if you chose your local character when you logged in) are made to the server character, not your local character.

So to answer your question, they can create the character on their end; when they first log into your session they can choose it; thereafter they should choose the server side version of the character and not the local character (they will see both versions). The only problem would come if the player creates a local character using a different ruleset than the campaign is running. I don't believe that you would see your local character when you are logging into the DM's server.

October 18th, 2005, 21:25
Thank you, Gurney,I think I got it, so have a good day. Grai

October 25th, 2005, 03:59
A question came up today at the end of my second FG session...

The player has some changes to make, how can he do this to the server character? Can it only be done while connected to the server or can he make local changes and it update when he connects?