View Full Version : Searching for a free place with a DM to discover FG II

January 7th, 2017, 21:34

I live in France.
I'm most interested with FG II to have fun with friends.
For now, i don't buy the license to try as a free player if possible...

If the DM is French, better is...

Is there anything like this to have a look ?!?

January 7th, 2017, 21:59
You just need to find a game with a GM that has the Ultimate license. Ultimate licenses can host as many demo licenses as they wish. My games are not in French, and the timezone would probably not work for you, however.

January 7th, 2017, 22:02
Just to inform you, Fantasy Ground II no longer exists. Technically speaking, we are on Fantasy Grounds III, however, they dropped the numbering from the name, so it is more correct to simply say Fantasy Grounds. Just a minor thing, but thought you would like to know.

January 7th, 2017, 22:04
Thanks for your answer ;)

is there any way to find a GM with the ultimate license or just need to wait here to have a response of one of them ?!?

January 7th, 2017, 22:08
Thx for this information, Vodokar ;)

January 7th, 2017, 22:25
It can take awhile to find a game. Partly because they often fill up pretty quickly. Which is good and bad.

You pretty much just missed out on FGDaze (which is running today). It's a one day con. But there are others, including FG Con.

Keep checking the forums here. Look at game postings, a lot of the GMs have ultimate licenses so you will be good there.

January 7th, 2017, 22:35
Ok, thanks a lot ;)

i install the free version and i see i can master a game for 2 players... How can i do to invite 2 friends discover FG with me ?!? is there a tutorial for this ?

January 8th, 2017, 00:12
Hi Drakh sometimes a GM will invite you to a game but far more often you must look for the game and apply to it.
As mentioned FGDaze kinda just wrapped up and is there for new players to try some stuff.
Also a lot of RPG players whose primary language is not English end to use local language sites to meet and recruit. Slowly more are using this site but for the most part that persists.
With the Demo you may have a GM and one player only.

What game system are you most interested in playing?

January 8th, 2017, 00:49
Ok, thanks...

I'm going to see this FGDaze !!! :)

I just saw videos on youtube of FG, for the moment... And i think it's a very ggod new experience for roleplaying gamers as we are, my friends and me... ;)

I have playing a lot of games but i have a preference for D&D, warhammer, Cthulhu... regardless D20 system or chaosium system...
