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January 5th, 2017, 00:00
I want this thread to be an open place for discussion and sharing, not just for my knowledge but for other developers to get a more firm idea of what people want. So I ask this:

As a DM running a 5e game, what products did you wish you had or would like more of?

If your answer is 'adventures', try to be more specific as to what kind of adventures (site-based/event-based, length, difficulty, combat-to-RP ratio, general terrain, campaign setting, etc.). For accessories, the more specific you are, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want.

Don't forget to check out the resources already available:
Fantasy Grounds Online Store (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/)
Dungeon Masters Guild (https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?filters=0_0_0_0_0_0_45545_0)
Free Community 5e Resources (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27298-Extensions-Modules-Pregens-and-other-5E-resources)
Free Compatible Community CoreRPG Resources (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20320-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-Extensions)

I would prefer this thread not to be a place where you advertise or link your DMsG products. Each product should have its own thread anyway to buyers can inform of bugs and give feedback. Please keep this thread clean and focused on being a wishlist for the consumers.

January 5th, 2017, 00:28
For me, NPC's.
Monsters and villains. So, more like the MM and Volo's, but also some things like some arch-enemies with plots and backgrounds. Also some organizations, both bad and others like guilds.

January 5th, 2017, 01:55
More ready NPCs at all levels would be nice.

Short adventures that can be inserted for a session that dont require extensive reworking to fit.

January 5th, 2017, 03:04
Adventure Paths not set in the Forgotten Realms (unless it is 2E or earlier Realms). Ideally they would be of the quality that most of the Paizo APs are. I haven't been particularly impressed with any of the APs that WotC (even those written by 3P) have pushed out other than Curse of Strahd.

I would have to say NPCs also. The Skullduggery NPCs available through the store are pretty good, but something along the lines of the Villain Codex that was recently released for Pathfinder would be something that I would really go for if there was a 5e analog. I would also say NPC organizations (again, that aren't Forgotten Realms specific) that could easily be dropped into a one shot or campaign. These types of things cut a lot of time off of my game prep.

January 5th, 2017, 03:19
Short adventures that can be inserted for a session that dont require extensive reworking to fit.

Care to expound? Single-session, generic setting, most likely site-based (as event would be harder for the GM to quickly prepare for). What else?

Adventure Paths not set in the Forgotten Realms (unless it is 2E or earlier Realms). Ideally they would be of the quality that most of the Paizo APs are. I haven't been particularly impressed with any of the APs that WotC (even those written by 3P) have pushed out other than Curse of Strahd.

Adventure Paths are very difficult for non-professional to make (and make well). The DMsG recommends shorter adventures, but it's not impossible to provide larger, quality adventures that chain together in a path. Do remember, though, that the DMsG requires the campaign setting to be either Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, or completely generic. Not a lot of options yet.

January 5th, 2017, 03:34
I read the original question wrong. I thought you meant the community developers that were working on conversions of the licensed material, but I see what you are asking now. That being said, if it were shorter adventures that do tie together to tell a larger story, as you mentioned, that would be very pleasing to me.

January 5th, 2017, 05:42
NPC's are always great to have. Seeing a MOD made like UA that was just multiple different NPC's to pick from would be cool. Like a MOD that constantly gets updated with community input. I run my own world and have created quite a few NPC's, and have some back story for a few of them, but I would be willing to "upload" them for free use to something like that. Then everyone could have an NPC MOD with different level/race/class NPC's for different reasons. Like having village, town, store, council, evil, friendly, etc. type NPC's to pick from.

I am really liking the generate options that are coming out, but hoping for more. Sometimes it is a lot of work to come up with everything that might be in a town/city, and it would be nice to almost auto-generate an entire town/city with one click of the button, then make adjustments from there if needed. I got that Kingdoms MOD and still trying to learn it, but if I had something like that (but a bit more), that could generate Who runs it, What kinds of shops/places are in it, What NPC's run those places, What type of things are in them.. etc. Yes, I have created many things on my own for my world (and I enjoy it), but it would be nice to have an "easy" button once in a while.. lol. Or a way to incorporate more into a generate option depending on the MODs I already have? Being able to change a table, add more to it, have it pull even more info? There is probably a way to do that, but I have not looked into it. Just thought about it.

January 5th, 2017, 06:00
NPCs. Oh for the love god NPCs... I hate making statblocks. :P

Generic Adventures (generally 4 hour ones, nothing major) for when I am feeling lazy would be awesome as well.

January 5th, 2017, 06:11
If there is one thing that I feel is lacking from 5e modules its the lack of random tables that assist in 'Gotcha' situations.
My players want to know all about the:

name of the Bar in town
details of the Barkeep
rumors in the Bar
names of the people in the bar
how many windows the bar has
the stock of the shops in town
the prices that those items fetch (not necessarily the actual worth, to allow for surplus/demand roleplay)
the food that the Inn serves

And as a DM i want:

Stat blocks for the locals
Stat blocks for the inevitable brawl at the barn
The health of the town
Stat blocks

Basically I want an expansion of the story templates provided by the WotC DMG module; both for creating adventures and for quick make-me-up references.

January 5th, 2017, 08:13
Good quality One Shots for running as one shots. Interesting hook, a twist, a villain with bite and pre-gens appropriately scaled.

January 5th, 2017, 08:48
I'd like some good variety of "starter area" modules which give an village(best) or maybe town and immediate area with perhaps simple caves/ruin/tomb to explore.

Think Village of Hommlett.

There were several decently created villages in past from detailed to not so much, I recall Lendor Isles, Against the Reptile God?, Keep?, etc.
Then there were the set of villages/towns in Haranshire (Into the Night?)

I remember, on the other extreme being filled with possibility reading the books on Sanctuary (Thieves World, Chaosium) and Carse (Midkemia Press - still putting out old PDFs, I bought them again) and Tulan of the Isles. Those were intriguing, but I'm sure fraught with licensing difficulties.

Ummm... if ever Castle Zagyg/Yggsburgh could ever emerge from Denied Rights hell... ;)

January 5th, 2017, 14:08
If there is one thing that I feel is lacking from 5e modules its the lack of random tables that assist in 'Gotcha' situations.
My players want to know all about the:

name of the Bar in town
details of the Barkeep
rumors in the Bar
names of the people in the bar
how many windows the bar has
the stock of the shops in town
the prices that those items fetch (not necessarily the actual worth, to allow for surplus/demand roleplay)
the food that the Inn serves

And as a DM i want:

Stat blocks for the locals
Stat blocks for the inevitable brawl at the barn
The health of the town
Stat blocks

Basically I want an expansion of the story templates provided by the WotC DMG module; both for creating adventures and for quick make-me-up references.

Check out DOE's Locations extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20794-DOE-Locations-Extension), it might not be quite what you are looking for, but it's a good start.

January 5th, 2017, 14:29
So a couple of things I forgot to mention a few things that I think would definitely be helpful (some of which I use pretty extensively when prepping). They are all in print/digital form but would translate into some fantastic tables that help flesh things out when putting an adventure together.

Your Whispering Homonculus by Kobold Press/Richard Pett. This contains numerous tables that cover a ton of different subjects. There are two books out of these but Kobold Press also features them regularly on their blog on their website. Here is an example: Your Whispering Homunculus: Obscure Symbols and Portents, Part 1 (https://koboldpress.com/your-whispering-homunculus-obscure-symbols-and-portents-part-1/).
All the fantastic resources by Raging Swan Press. Originally geared for Pathfinder, but they now offer System Neutral and 5e stuff. However, their free resources are all pretty neutral and are excellent. They also have a village backdrop line that comes in free & paid (more in-depth) that are great. I back their patreon and get some excellent material from it. Example: https://www.ragingswan.com/free-resources/
There was also a recent Kickstarter from a small publisher called Limitless Adventures. They routinely put out small PDF supplements monthly for things like encounters, locations, etc. I just received the Kickstarter rewards for their Limitless Encounters campaign and it is well done. Something like this would also be great. https://www.limitless-adventures.com/.

These types of things that could be used to add flavor and color would be excellent. Additionally, it might be possible to work with these small publishers to get their content added to Fantasy Grounds and for sale via DMsG, RPGNow, FG Store, etc.

January 5th, 2017, 15:49
As a... (clears throat obnoxiously) "developer", It would be nice to have some beta testers that will give some constructive feedback on early versions, without having to make wide releases on the forum to the entire community. So, like, extensions, mods, etc. that would be sent in PMs and kept at that until a full version can be released...

January 5th, 2017, 16:50
One thing I would like to see is a content delivery system for developers. Such as a developer could submit an module/extensions/addin and then the players have a list to choose from for installation. A good example is the Curse client and the way it deploys mods for WoW and other games. GM's could cherry pick their custom content and flag up new versions.

I know the store is one way this could work but its not so geared for developers of community items.

January 5th, 2017, 17:34
Maps, Maps and Maps.

I don't have the talent to make good maps. My PC's might find themselves in a Tavern, Alley Way or Forest and I need a map. It gets boring using the sames ones over and over.

Hands outs.
If there is one thing I appreciate and miss from running Pathfinder Adventures is the numerous handouts they had for the PC. Putting a quest for the PC's to look at is nice but handouts are more effective.

January 5th, 2017, 18:53
Good content everyone. I have a feeling this year will be very good for GMs. *wink wink*

So a couple of things I forgot to mention a few things that I think would definitely be helpful (some of which I use pretty extensively when prepping). They are all in print/digital form but would translate into some fantastic tables that help flesh things out when putting an adventure together.

Your Whispering Homonculus by Kobold Press/Richard Pett. This contains numerous tables that cover a ton of different subjects. There are two books out of these but Kobold Press also features them regularly on their blog on their website. Here is an example: Your Whispering Homunculus: Obscure Symbols and Portents, Part 1 (https://koboldpress.com/your-whispering-homunculus-obscure-symbols-and-portents-part-1/).
All the fantastic resources by Raging Swan Press. Originally geared for Pathfinder, but they now offer System Neutral and 5e stuff. However, their free resources are all pretty neutral and are excellent. They also have a village backdrop line that comes in free & paid (more in-depth) that are great. I back their patreon and get some excellent material from it. Example: https://www.ragingswan.com/free-resources/
There was also a recent Kickstarter from a small publisher called Limitless Adventures. They routinely put out small PDF supplements monthly for things like encounters, locations, etc. I just received the Kickstarter rewards for their Limitless Encounters campaign and it is well done. Something like this would also be great. https://www.limitless-adventures.com/.

These types of things that could be used to add flavor and color would be excellent. Additionally, it might be possible to work with these small publishers to get their content added to Fantasy Grounds and for sale via DMsG, RPGNow, FG Store, etc.
Conversions of products from official companies are handled by Smiteworks. This thread is for community developers to make products for the DMsG. We can't make those exact products, but similar content could be made for 5e. While I have many of those products, care to list what assets in them you want specifically?

As a... (clears throat obnoxiously) "developer", It would be nice to have some beta testers that will give some constructive feedback on early versions, without having to make wide releases on the forum to the entire community. So, like, extensions, mods, etc. that would be sent in PMs and kept at that until a full version can be released...
This is an interesting response. I had intended this thread to be for the consumers to post desires for the developers, but the idea of developers posting wants is also valid. A small playtesting community for the community devs would be a good facet to add. (By the way, PMs can't transfer files so you'll need email or file hosting.)

One thing I would like to see is a content delivery system for developers. Such as a developer could submit an module/extensions/addin and then the players have a list to choose from for installation. A good example is the Curse client and the way it deploys mods for WoW and other games. GM's could cherry pick their custom content and flag up new versions.

I know the store is one way this could work but its not so geared for developers of community items.The delivery system is mostly out of our hands. Any content that contains D&D copyright property must be sold either in the FG Store by Smiteworks or on the DMsG by us.

January 5th, 2017, 19:19
As a... (clears throat obnoxiously) "developer", It would be nice to have some beta testers that will give some constructive feedback on early versions, without having to make wide releases on the forum to the entire community. So, like, extensions, mods, etc. that would be sent in PMs and kept at that until a full version can be released...

*Raises hand*

January 5th, 2017, 19:37
As a... (clears throat obnoxiously) "developer", It would be nice to have some beta testers that will give some constructive feedback on early versions, without having to make wide releases on the forum to the entire community. So, like, extensions, mods, etc. that would be sent in PMs and kept at that until a full version can be released...
I've done this with others in the past. I post on the forums that I'm looking for reviewers, then see who message me. People have been pretty generous with their time and very helpful.

January 5th, 2017, 20:13
Sounds like someone with previous experience should put together a group of volunteer playtesters *cough* Entrails *cough*.

January 5th, 2017, 22:08
Sounds like someone with previous experience should put together a group of volunteer playtesters *cough* Entrails *cough*.
Just because I pointed out elsewhere you forgot to welcome a newbie and now you are picking on me!

Hmm, see ... https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35942-Seeking-Play-Testers-and-Editors

January 5th, 2017, 22:45
Good content everyone. I have a feeling this year will be very good for GMs. *wink wink*

Conversions of products from official companies are handled by Smiteworks. This thread is for community developers to make products for the DMsG. We can't make those exact products, but similar content could be made for 5e. While I have many of those products, care to list what assets in them you want specifically?

While I would love to have these particular products, I would be fine with content similar to them. Particularly dungeon dressing, lists of unique things that could be used for hooks for sidequests or incorporated into a story, town backdrops, etc. Any of those types of things would definitely catch my attention.

January 5th, 2017, 22:53
Just because I pointed out elsewhere you forgot to welcome a newbie and now you are picking on me!

You're looking too far into it. I would have picked on you regardless. :P

Back on topic. I see a lot of need for NPCs and short adventures, and bit of desire for fleshed out towns, guilds, buildings and such. One thing mentioned I'd like to see people go into more is the idea of random tables and helper articles. Raging Swan is great for these, but:

What kind of support content would you like to see?

Myrdin Potter
January 6th, 2017, 00:51
I see many requests for NPC and I have done 11/12 of the character classes and 11/16 of the WoTC "standard" characters and already made them available on DMS Guild (will try and finish a few more this weekend).

When you say NPC, do you mean a full character background written out? Art and special tokens?

For me, my number one and never ending need is good, generic maps that you can run random encounters on. Tha way the players don't get bored with the standard ones.

Myrdin Potter
January 6th, 2017, 00:55
You're looking too far into it. I would have picked on you regardless. :P

Back on topic. I see a lot of need for NPCs and short adventures, and bit of desire for fleshed out towns, guilds, buildings and such. One thing mentioned I'd like to see people go into more is the idea of random tables and helper articles. Raging Swan is great for these, but:

What kind of support content would you like to see?

I bought the raging swan super bundle recently and I converted some for personal use already. I also converted two other table books for personal use but want to try and get them onto the store at some point.

I saw in the 5e forums that someone had fully converted over one of the Ultimate equipment books. There is a dearth of premade equipment, items, art objects, etc. I am working on a gem release for 5e.

January 6th, 2017, 02:30
For NPC's I mean things like:
- Name, stats, background, description, art/portrait, current activities.

Something like:
Grando Gauchi, male gnome, merchant, neutral evil, <stats>. He looks.... Traits... Bonds...Grando runs a small transport business between several local towns in the region. He often transports illicit goods. He run about 6 different wagons and has a warehouse headquarters...

January 6th, 2017, 20:02
Quick question... when we are talking about NPC creation, stat blocks, etc in 5E.. do we mean with the Core package, or with the Basic Rules?

January 6th, 2017, 20:03
Check out DOE's Locations extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20794-DOE-Locations-Extension), it might not be quite what you are looking for, but it's a good start.
Certainly nice for additional tab for locations and organizations, but what I was referencing were the actual story templates that had prepared tables for rolling on. I find that the tables in the DMG are not that extensive, though they are a fantastic start to build on.

January 6th, 2017, 20:34
As a dm, I would love to see a module of traps with descriptive text and how it could be deployed. Also modules for riddles to be used by creatures, and experiences for players (i.e., an experienced and streetsmart market seller, a pickpocket who plants the stolen items on the players and comes back to collect the items later, etc.

January 6th, 2017, 20:58
Quick question... when we are talking about NPC creation, stat blocks, etc in 5E.. do we mean with the Core package, or with the Basic Rules?

I'm not thinking of NPC's being built like a PC. Though they can be, they can also just be put together like a monster. Add what's appropriate, no need to worry about any type of class levels.

January 6th, 2017, 20:59
I'm not thinking of NPC's being built like a PC. Though they can be, they can also just be put together like a monster. Add what's appropriate, no need to worry about any type of class levels.
To clarify, with SRD information only, or with the core pack (MM, DMG, etc...)?

January 6th, 2017, 21:32
To clarify, with SRD information only, or with the core pack (MM, DMG, etc...)?

We are referring to products that would be sold on the Dungeon Masters Guild site. So, they could use full use of the 5e rules, but would have to abide by the DMsG terms (i.e. FR, Ravenloft, generic setting only, no direct remakes of TSR products, etc.)

January 7th, 2017, 00:15
I'm not thinking of NPC's being built like a PC. Though they can be, they can also just be put together like a monster. Add what's appropriate, no need to worry about any type of class levels.

Whereas I personally like to build my classed NPCs just as if they were PCs, so full abilities, etc... as much as possible.

Many different ways to do it!

January 7th, 2017, 03:38
To clarify, with SRD information only, or with the core pack (MM, DMG, etc...)?
With core pack, and probably with Volo's too if desired.

January 7th, 2017, 05:16
As a dm, I would love to see a module of traps with descriptive text and how it could be deployed. Also modules for riddles to be used by creatures, and experiences for players (i.e., an experienced and streetsmart market seller, a pickpocket who plants the stolen items on the players and comes back to collect the items later, etc.

I believe Gwydion has done at least two of these. Basic and Exotic traps. I'm sure others have done some too.

Myrdin Potter
January 7th, 2017, 05:22
Lord Entrails did a trap module as well, I think. At least some are in the sticky up top. I do think they can be fleshed out a little and then offered for sale on DMS Guild. More people might find them.

The riddle suggestion probably would sell. Raging Swan did 3 PDF of riddles which I converted for personal use. That was really simple, just cut and paste and some extra LF removal. There are other compilations and even books of riddles on Amazon.com.

January 7th, 2017, 22:56
Lord Entrails did a trap module as well, I think. At least some are in the sticky up top. I do think they can be fleshed out a little and then offered for sale on DMS Guild. More people might find them.
Yea, don't go look at that *G*. That was one of the very first things I did when I got FG and I'm sure it's not very well done. I'd like to re-do it someday. But... hasn't been high on my list.

January 7th, 2017, 23:30
Care to expound? Single-session, generic setting, most likely site-based (as event would be harder for the GM to quickly prepare for). What else?

Yeah single session, could even be based around freely available map content so as to reduce time to generate. Site based, possibly with a sample adventure hook or two. A one or two paragraph succinct summary of what you get out of the content (i.e. useful for a small band of brigands laired in a small cave), including the maximum xp and treasure completion should reasonably provide.

Im thinking about the kind of thing a DM needs when the group follows the overgrown trace path instead of the well traveled road despite knowing they should be staying on the road. Something as little as 4/5 "rooms" and like numbered encounters.

January 7th, 2017, 23:32
I see many requests for NPC and I have done 11/12 of the character classes and 11/16 of the WoTC "standard" characters and already made them available on DMS Guild (will try and finish a few more this weekend).

When you say NPC, do you mean a full character background written out? Art and special tokens?

For me, my number one and never ending need is good, generic maps that you can run random encounters on. Tha way the players don't get bored with the standard ones.

Do you have a link?

January 7th, 2017, 23:33
Yeah single session, could even be based around freely available map content so as to reduce time to generate. Site based, possibly with a sample adventure hook or two. A one or two paragraph succinct summary of what you get out of the content (i.e. useful for a small band of brigands laired in a small cave), including the maximum xp and treasure completion should reasonably provide.

Im thinking about the kind of thing a DM needs when the group follows the overgrown trace path instead of the well traveled road despite knowing they should be staying on the road. Something as little as 4/5 "rooms" and like numbered encounters.

AaW already does this with their Mini Dungeon content, right?

January 7th, 2017, 23:44
AaW already does this with their Mini Dungeon content, right?

You may very well be right, but I've never had a look at one.

January 8th, 2017, 03:27
The mini-dungeons are actually very good for that. I have a few and have used one for a game. It fills exactly the need you are looking for.

But, there is always room for more, especially with unique monsters and NPCs.

January 13th, 2017, 18:06
Back in the 4e days, I loved the 4e Tree of Life to convert an NPC into a PC - I used to do this for the characters that needed to be more fleshed out - that's one of the extensions I've tried to resurrect, but sadly my knowledge of LUA is not that strong.

February 6th, 2017, 18:23
I've stickied this so that it gets a little more exposure.

February 6th, 2017, 18:28
Thank you kindly. But where?

February 6th, 2017, 18:39
Here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27298-Extensions-Modules-Pregens-and-other-5E-resources)

February 6th, 2017, 18:43
Ah, I see. Thought it would be in the Developer Assets section of the other thread. Thanks.

February 6th, 2017, 19:06
Ah, I see. Thought it would be in the Developer Assets section of the other thread. Thanks.

Good idea, I put it there as well.

February 7th, 2017, 10:50
My biggest want is.........

a version number in your MOD or EXT so I call tell if I'm running the latest one. Even if the version number is only something like 2017.02.07.

February 7th, 2017, 14:19
In the first place, i'd like to see fully fleshed out Cities, with shops, important npcs, more generic npcs, city maps, building maps, scenery and such. It took me 50+ hours each to somewhat flesh out Neverwinter and Yartar. That's a lot of preparation for an already burdened DM (something that for me, deepens the feeling of unfairness between the workload of a DM and that of the players, but that's another story...)

Second. I'd like to see shorter and "less heroic" campaigns. I'm tired of the official "saving the world" style campaings. I end up hacking up half the content of the official modules to make a decent story.

February 7th, 2017, 17:01
Take a look at DOE's locations and shop extensions. It generates the shops & NPC's then you just place them on your city map.

February 7th, 2017, 17:27
Random entities will never replace planned ones.

February 7th, 2017, 20:53
Take a look at DOE's locations and shop extensions. It generates the shops & NPC's then you just place them on your city map.
These extension don't generate data. They provide a database to store all of your own data in. From Dulux in the Locations extension thread: "This Extension provides a database for the recording of Physical and Geopolitical Locations, including Forests, Mountains, Bodies of Water, Kingdoms, Duchies, Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Shops and other Buildings, plus Worlds, Star Systems, Planes of Existence, Cosmologies and even Portals."

February 7th, 2017, 23:41
Admit I would be in the minority but for some of the conversions of classic modules, I would love the conversion as digital to use in FG. Happy to buy the PDF from DMGuild, or wherever; like "Against the Slavelords" which has been converted here (https://classicmodulestoday.com/modules-conversion-list/)

Unless the parsers available can read those (and I am sure they can).

February 8th, 2017, 00:04
From what I can see those aren't conversions as much as conversion guides. Also there's no license available that would allow those to be issued as 5e modules I don't think.

February 8th, 2017, 01:15
The next official 5e book appears to be brining some of the classics forward...

Tales from the Yawning Portal includes the following adventures:

Against the Giants
Dead in Thay
Forge of Fury
Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
Sunless Citadel
Tomb of Horrors
White Plume Mountain

February 8th, 2017, 02:35
From what I can see those aren't conversions as much as conversion guides. Also there's no license available that would allow those to be issued as 5e modules I don't think.
These conversions require you to own the original module as well as the conversion. Making them into an FG module wouldn't really work, since you would want to include the maps and the story entries. Both or which are not available under the DMsG license :(

February 8th, 2017, 08:21
These extension don't generate data. They provide a database to store all of your own data in. From Dulux in the Locations extension thread: "This Extension provides a database for the recording of Physical and Geopolitical Locations, including Forests, Mountains, Bodies of Water, Kingdoms, Duchies, Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Shops and other Buildings, plus Worlds, Star Systems, Planes of Existence, Cosmologies and even Portals."

As Trenloe says, it doesn't generate data. Dulux extension is a boon to have the city content stored in one place and to keep the clutter off the story entries, in that regard it helped a lot. Thanks dulux!

February 8th, 2017, 17:46
As Trenloe says, it doesn't generate data. Dulux extension is a boon to have the city content stored in one place and to keep the clutter off the story entries, in that regard it helped a lot. Thanks dulux!
Note, for those of you interested in this type of data, I have had some preliminary discussions with Dulux about the possibility of community generated content for settings. He's open to the idea, if you're interested, you can talk to him or PM me for thoughts and ideas.

Baron Von Mandrick
February 8th, 2017, 23:54
I want a lot of what's been said already. I may be in the minority, but in the semi-old days I really enjoyed the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. I would love to have that for 5e. It's probably something that would need to be worked out with Kenzer and WotC before it could even be brought to FG. But it is my wish.

February 9th, 2017, 03:59
This thread is for freelance developers making unique content for the DMsG. Official product conversions have to go through Smiteworks and are handled differently.

April 26th, 2017, 05:16
There is a NPC generator that someone generated. Think it's part of the Community Mods (that should be near the top of the 5e subforum)?

The Hawk and Sparrow
April 27th, 2017, 10:06
Some type of mobile space / tool where I can play test monsters against my party; work on encounters before the session... I am on the go during the week, so my smart phone is where I need the capability. Combat tracker, encounter builder, import / export to and from FG capability. Tall order probably. Just dreaming. Cheers!

April 27th, 2017, 11:06
I'm not sure that this can be done inside Fantasy Ground. Perhaps I should have been more clear in the intention of this thread. It is based on the assumption of the developers being community developers making Fantasy Grounds products for sale either in the FG Store or on the DMsG.

For what you want, you will have to check out applications from other companies, such as D&D Beyond, Realm Worlks, Obsidian Portal or such.

The High Druid
April 27th, 2017, 12:36
Dragon Mountain, Ruins of Undermountain, Ruins of Myth Drannor - the big epic adventures updated to 5e and turned into FG modules.

I can't see it happening, but that's what I would like to see.

April 27th, 2017, 14:37
Personally I'd love to see a bunch of high quality battle maps (I tend to like the style of the WotC maps supplied with LMoP, PotA, etc) that could be used for whatever I'd want. Already I pull from the wotc modules for my own campaign and re-purpose stuff to fit, but if anyone's good at map-making, I'd definitely drop a bit of pocket change on some extra maps if again, they were the right style and quality.

April 27th, 2017, 14:49
Personally I'd love to see a bunch of high quality battle maps
This guy does great work: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36512-Meanders-2-Brave-New-Worlds-(400-New-Terrains) And produces the maps (Meanders 1 and 2) ready for VTT use.

This video (made to chwo how to quickly resize an image) shows some of the forest meanders: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6oOdW6SsMwsOG9TdHczb0pHZ2c

2 Minute Tabletop: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?26912-2-Minute-Table-Top-s-hand-drawn-maps-and-set-pieces

But, there are hundreds of map sources out there... DramaScape, Heroic Maps, Jared Blando, Forge Studios, Mike Schley, Jonathan Roberts, Black Scrolls, 0One Games, Lord Zsezse Works, Steve Gaudreu ... to name but a few...

April 27th, 2017, 17:28
Personally I'd love to see a bunch of high quality battle maps (I tend to like the style of the WotC maps supplied with LMoP, PotA, etc) that could be used for whatever I'd want. Already I pull from the wotc modules for my own campaign and re-purpose stuff to fit, but if anyone's good at map-making, I'd definitely drop a bit of pocket change on some extra maps if again, they were the right style and quality.

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?90-Maps might be of use.

April 27th, 2017, 19:10
Dragon Mountain, Ruins of Undermountain, Ruins of Myth Drannor - the big epic adventures updated to 5e and turned into FG modules.

I can't see it happening, but that's what I would like to see.
I'm still months away from publishing, but see my signature for one of your wishes.

April 27th, 2017, 22:13
I see a few other people requested, but I'd like to reiterate: battle maps! That's the thing I spent by FAR the most time trying to source and create while setting up my current campaign. Having a good catalog of interior/exterior/dungeon/cave maps to choose from would be awesome.

In the same vein, a dungeon-tile style tool for putting together maps on the fly would be great. As is, the image system doesn't allow for combining multiple images together, so I just do it in Photoshop. It would be great if there was some light tile tool available - buy a few tile packs, drag/drop them together, and you're good to go. Would be especially great for making random encounters feel more like the rest of the campaign.

April 27th, 2017, 22:23

In the same vein, a dungeon-tile style tool for putting together maps on the fly would be great. As is, the image system doesn't allow for combining multiple images together, so I just do it in Photoshop. It would be great if there was some light tile tool available - buy a few tile packs, drag/drop them together, and you're good to go. Would be especially great for making random encounters feel more like the rest of the campaign.
Have you seen the FGU demo? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37980-FGU-Images-and-Layers-Demo-Titles

April 27th, 2017, 22:25
Check out the maps forum (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?90-Maps); there's quite a few maps in there that should suite your needs.

Also you should take a look at this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37980-FGU-Images-and-Layers-Demo-Titles) if you haven't seen it already.

April 27th, 2017, 22:30
Have you seen the FGU demo? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37980-FGU-Images-and-Layers-Demo-Titles

I had not! But that's perfect! :D

Check out the maps forum (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?90-Maps); there's quite a few maps in there that should suite your needs.

Also you should take a look at this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37980-FGU-Images-and-Layers-Demo-Titles) if you haven't seen it already.

Thanks, I'll check out the maps forum too :)

April 27th, 2017, 22:31
Dragon Mountain, Ruins of Undermountain, Ruins of Myth Drannor - the big epic adventures updated to 5e and turned into FG modules.

I can't see it happening, but that's what I would like to see.

I'm still months away from publishing, but see my signature for one of your wishes.

Without a license with WotC, I don't think anyone can produce these old adventure as FG modules. The Smiteworks license doesn't cover older editions.

April 27th, 2017, 23:40
Without a license with WotC, I don't think anyone can produce these old adventure as FG modules. The Smiteworks license doesn't cover older editions.
Ah, but I'm not republishing Undermountain. What I'm doing is using the location and other product identity that has been released for use in the DMsGuild. I have to redo all the maps (tried to get a license to use the maps from the FRIA, but that wasn't going to happen). So I will be releasing a return/revisit/newname Undermountain level by level. It will be based off the original various published adventures and maps, but other than names and the layout, it will be all new to 5E.

Lots to do, hundreds of rooms per level. And I'm at least making a story entry for all of them. And trying to make everyone unique.

April 27th, 2017, 23:57
I see. You have to let me tear that up... I mean play in that.

On the maps, I believe you can use the same layout as long as the art assets are yours or licensed by you. You might be able to use one of the map-making websites posted here to recreate the UM maps.

April 28th, 2017, 00:13
On the maps, I believe you can use the same layout as long as the art assets are yours or licensed by you.
Yep, that certainly seems to be the case. Take this as an example: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205617/Heroic-Maps--Foxtail-Hills-Goblin-Caves May look familiar... ;)

April 28th, 2017, 00:49
Wow, yeah! I love Heroic Maps but haven't been able to buy any recently. I hope they remake more 5e adventure maps. Actually... the "Foxtail" line is directly from the Lost Mines. I'll have to look again at some of their newer stuff.

April 28th, 2017, 00:53
Wow, yeah! I love Heroic Maps but haven't been able to buy any recently.
Yeah, I love them too. Have to wait for the sales to pick more up...

April 28th, 2017, 03:46
I see. You have to let me tear that up... I mean play in that.

On the maps, I believe you can use the same layout as long as the art assets are yours or licensed by you. You might be able to use one of the map-making websites posted here to recreate the UM maps.
I've run parts of it a couple of times on FG Daze/Con. Will have to run them again in the future :)

Yea, that's my understanding on the maps too. And my intent. Still :) Lots of work and I have to get back to it.

May 7th, 2017, 12:15
I know there has been several discussions regarding NPC generator.

What I would like to see is a module containing pregenerated/stated NPC's for all of the classes from level 1-20 - the NPC's should ideally be raceless but equipped with a variety of weapons and spells. What I would be able to do is to copy them and "tweak" as appropriate.

Imagine the amount of time saved dragging and dropping a prestated wizard with sample spells. I could them remove the odd spell and replace it with what ever I require.

I know there are pregenerated Characters but it would be easier to have these as NPC's.

And yes I would be prepared to pay for a single module with these pre-created as the amount of time saved would be great.

Myrdin Potter
May 7th, 2017, 15:28
Between the MM and Volo's there is a huge variety of NPC available. Not level by level, but they are all human so easy to adjust to other races.

May 7th, 2017, 17:36
What I would like to see is a module containing pregenerated/stated NPC's for all of the classes from level 1-20 - the NPC's should ideally be raceless but equipped with a variety of weapons and spells. What I would be able to do is to copy them and "tweak" as appropriate.
Not exactly what you're asking for, but still could be very useful in providing a long list of multi-level NPCs you can tweak: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=NGFG5EUNS

May 8th, 2017, 00:43
I know there has been several discussions regarding NPC generator.

What I would like to see is a module containing pregenerated/stated NPC's for all of the classes from level 1-20 - the NPC's should ideally be raceless but equipped with a variety of weapons and spells. What I would be able to do is to copy them and "tweak" as appropriate.

Imagine the amount of time saved dragging and dropping a prestated wizard with sample spells. I could them remove the odd spell and replace it with what ever I require.

I know there are pregenerated Characters but it would be easier to have these as NPC's.

And yes I would be prepared to pay for a single module with these pre-created as the amount of time saved would be great.

Thanks for sharing.

This thread has been full of good ideas for community developers to focus their efforts. I know that development has been slow on our end. (I think many of the community devs are tied up blasting out Pathfinder content right now or with Real Life issues.) These ideas have not been ignored and I can say there are at least several projects in the works as a result.

May 18th, 2017, 03:09
Question, as I put together a module that creates random dungeon room descriptions with something like 1.5 -2 billion unique combinations, how much would that be worth if I publish it on the DMsG?

I don't want to over charge, and I'm not looking to make a living at this, but I do think the work should be valued so that those who do make a living at RPG's don't have their work de-valued.

I'm thinking $2.98. Thoughts?

May 18th, 2017, 04:05
Depends on what it offers beyond what the DMG story entry dungeon creators do.

May 18th, 2017, 04:34
Depends on what it offers beyond what the DMG story entry dungeon creators do.
All new (I actually forgot to look at those!).

Right now I've got it building descriptions by making a combination of the following fields/entries:
- Doors
- Floor Surface
- Floor Features
- Wall Features
- Ceiling Shapes
- Ceiling Features
- Notables

For example, it would provide a story entry like (still draft, I have to cleanup the editing/grammar):
"Stone door with a sliding bolt lock. Smoothly hewn floors that are mostly clean with a stylized sun burst centered in the floor of this room. Close inspection reveals that it is made from one continuous piece of black obsidian that has been formed into grooves etched about two inches deep. The ceiling is a barrel vault (a semi-circular ceiling running in s single direction) that has numerous finger wide gouges randomly carved into it in sets of threes, as if some clawed beast scratched at it. The walls to both sides of the door have crude arrows carved into them, both pointing directly at the door you just came through. A dented metal helmet with a bloodied feather plume lies discarded on the floor."

May 18th, 2017, 18:44
I like the vivid description! A plus would be theme categories associated with religious/demonic/lair, composition, temperature, and environment (e.g., aquatic, noxious chlorine). These categories would inform descriptions so that there's some continuity. As an example, the use of obsidian throughout a dungeon area might make sense, pointing to either volcanic activity or some other common underlying reason. The why is critical and should be left to the DM.
Interesting. And thanks, I did go back and look at the DMG samples and now I remember why I haven't been using them. I needed descriptions, not concepts.

I started this because as I work on Undermountain, I need interesting room descriptions. So theme wise, everything I have done to date have been classic dungeon themed. But adding in other themes is a good idea. I'll have to consider that for the future.

L. R. Ballard
May 18th, 2017, 18:57
Interesting. I started this because as I work on Undermountain, I need interesting room descriptions. So theme wise, everything I have done to date have been classic dungeon themed. But adding in other themes is a good idea. I'll have to consider that for the future.

Have you considered Central Casting: Dungeons? I don't own it and can't vouch for it, but it's saved for later in my Amazon shopping cart.


May 18th, 2017, 20:21
Have you considered Central Casting: Dungeons? I don't own it and can't vouch for it, but it's saved for later in my Amazon shopping cart.

Hmm, interesting, thanks for the link.

I doubt I will buy it though. $38 is a lot for a what appears to be a bunch of tables. I paid $30 for the mega bundle from Raging Swan and it has lots of tables on dungeon dressing too. And while I like the raging swan stuff, it's not anything special and doesn't get me the types of descriptions tables and story templates get me in FG.

L. R. Ballard
May 18th, 2017, 21:00
Hmm, interesting, thanks for the link.

I doubt I will buy it though. $38 is a lot for a what appears to be a bunch of tables. I paid $30 for the mega bundle from Raging Swan and it has lots of tables on dungeon dressing too. And while I like the raging swan stuff, it's not anything special and doesn't get me the types of descriptions tables and story templates get me in FG.

You're welcome. I thought it was pricey, too. But it gives you an idea of the market for dungeon-creating tables. I'd pay $2.99 for a well-made FG dungeon creator--when I got to that stage of the development process.

May 18th, 2017, 23:08
More rulesets, and more GM utility supplements (books like "Ultimate Toolbox"), more indie RPG material

January 19th, 2018, 01:36
Trinkets, both magical and mundane. Would love to see a bunch of actual FG objects items and not just tables. Might have to be ruleset dependent, but maybe not.

April 21st, 2019, 13:52
I'd like to see this converted for use in Fantasy Grounds: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/176361/The-Dark-Maiden-beckons-On-the-drow-goddess-Eilistraee-and-her-Faith?filters=0_0_0_0_45356_45462_0_0

April 21st, 2019, 14:10
Welcome to Fantasy Grounds velvetsanity.

You can easily create a class in fantasy Grounds yourself. See here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37112-New-Class-Creation-Video

April 21st, 2019, 17:04
Also, as a DM I really wanted and still want more conversion tools. I have sought these out and have found the following tools to be invaluable, especially for creating custom content! Sadly, these mainly only work for the DnD5e ruleset so far.
DnD Beyond PC to Fantasy Grounds Format! Not 100% working, but close enough... https://ai6k.com/dndbeyond/

Convert NPC stat blocks from various sources into Fantasy Grounds modules! It organizes them, allows editing, and consolidates into a project to be parsed into a FG module. https://www.masq.net/search/label/Engineer%20Suite

Print your PC into a PDF for tabletop use and for reference. Online AL tool so you can print off your PC and use it face to face! (If it asks you to login, just refresh your browser) https://www.alonlinetools.net/FGCharacterSheet.aspx

And to turn your favorite pictures into mugshots for custom tokens, many of us use the Roll Advantage Token Stamp website utility. This works well with custom options...

FG College

April 21st, 2019, 19:25
Convert NPC stat blocks from various sources into Fantasy Grounds modules! It organizes them, allows editing, and consolidates into a project to be parsed into a FG module. https://www.masq.net/search/label/Engineer%20Suite

I know things like this exist, I really need to get the time to try them. The NPC engineer, and the spell engineer, all these things. They sound cool and very useful.

April 22nd, 2019, 12:59
Hey Gavin

They both exist in the same package now - Engineer Suite - and there are other modules on the way within it. Give them a try! There's an active Discord group if you ever need any help.


April 23rd, 2019, 07:09
Hey Gavin

They both exist in the same package now - Engineer Suite - and there are other modules on the way within it. Give them a try! There's an active Discord group if you ever need any help.


Thanks. They just come off as intimidating so I keep thinking "maybe I'll try this on a day that I have more time". But those days always end up being game day, lol. So I have no time.

February 16th, 2022, 02:24
I wish some of the popular dnd modules were written in a solo adventurer format as well, like a choose your own adventure format. Similar in style to Folklore the Affliction.

February 16th, 2022, 03:35
I wish some of the popular dnd modules were written in a solo adventurer format as well, like a choose your own adventure format. Similar in style to Folklore the Affliction.
They are not the classic modules, but there are a bunch of solo adventures for FG you can get. https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?filters=0_0_45393_0_0_0_45545_0&keywords=solo&src=fid45393