View Full Version : LFG 1 Player WED nights, Sat, Sun afternoon GMT+10 D&D basic or 5e

January 2nd, 2017, 06:25
LFG 1 Player WED nights, Sat, Sun afternoon GMT+10 - ultimate lic.- no experience - D&D basic, 5e or pathfinder

FG License: Ultimate Subscription

Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (GMT+11, UTC+11)

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am available on Wednesday Nights from 8pm ish, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons from 2pm ish

Term: I am looking for a one shot game initially and then I will play long term if I find a group I fit well and vice versa.
Voice: I have Teamspeak installed and can install Skype or any other communication software required. I can install a web cam if all required. I can only speak English.

Game System Preferred: D&D basic, 5e

Game System Experience: I used to play advanced D&D back in the early to mid 80's. I drifted off to Everquest, baldurs gate etc and then settled down to have a family. This all meant I lost touch with D&D, but now my interest is peeked again, I have no experience with fantasy grounds or 5e, but I'm willing to learn if I can find a patient group willing to teach new players. Since I am new to this after many years I would prefer a game for new players using basic or 5e rules. I am also interested in playing pathfinder.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: None, but I've immersed myself watching a lot of videos on how games operate using fantasy grounds and aim more than willing to learn and be guided if your willing to help a new player get going.

Character Type Preferred: i have an affinity with Dwarves (maybe because I'm short, fat and like to get up to mischief). As far as classes go, I'm pretty easy going, but I prefer strategy over going in head first slashing and slaying (although I will do that if the right circumstance arises). As far as alignment goes, I will usually perform actions that are just, I defend the weak and don't like evil, no matter how just the evil dude thinks it is.

But saying all that, I am cool playing anything the DM requires.

About me: Hi there! My name is Bernie, my online name is beedub? I am a 48 years old Single father and spend most of my free time commentating sim motor racing events as well as competing in these events. I am looking at getting back into D&D as I've always enjoyed fantasy RPG, but lost contact with it as I went on the Everquest, and computer RPG (baldurs gate, ice wind dale etc). In the early to mid eighties I loved playing advanced D&D with a regular group of friends taking on many adventures. I,participated as a player and a DM to make sure all members got a rest from doing. We substituted the AD&D combat with arms law because being teenagers we wanted something far more gory.

As a player I prefer. Cooperative story to rpg's and I always try to play my character accurately. I find combat fun, but the suspense and unfolding adventure very enjoyable. It is great creating an adventure with other people and watching the magic of the story telling unfold as the game progresses. It has always left me with fond memories (I still remember my character from the mid 80's like an old friend, even though he has departed this earth.).

As a person, I approach D&D as a group effort and try to get Along with people. I understand that what happens in character is the character and not the player and don't take it personally (although it can be hard at times. :> ). I like a DM that enjoys to creating an enjoyable experience for their players so the group as a whole enjoys the experience. I do not like DM or players that are out to win at all costs because I feel D&D is not about winning, it's about the adventure that unfolds, and if my character dies I can still win if the adventure was epic and I had a good time. I prefer a sandbox type game, but since I'm beginning I am more than happy with one shot adventures that may or may not be on rails, so to speak.

If you are looking for new players and are willing to teach and have a fun, and have an easy going group I would love to hear from you.

January 4th, 2017, 13:21
Hello Bernie!

I just spotted your post. We're about the same age and looking to play around the same time (I'm in Japan). I was just looking at the possibility of running some Saturday afternoon one-shot 5e games to help me better learn FG and 5e.

I would start things off at level 1 and railroad the story some to get things moving. I'm actually thinking of running some encounters from the 5e Book of Lairs (or something similar).

Let me know if you are interested. I was about to post a new topic on this but decided to respond here first.


January 5th, 2017, 12:49
Hi Robert,

Thanks for responding to my post, I am definately interested in having a go at your adventure and seeing what FG is all about. I was also planning on DMing some small adventures, so you are also welcome to join my small adventures as well.

January 6th, 2017, 02:51
That sounds great! I'd love to have some back and forth DMing.

For me - I would need to arrange something on a Saturday afternoon. I'm currently tied up working Wednesdays and Sundays.

I've gained a little experience with FG and would be happy to connect with you some time to show you what I do know and maybe work with you to create a character.

Sound good?

January 7th, 2017, 02:28
Yeah, that sounds great. Let me know when you want to get together. I also have a Teamspeak server we can use if you do t have one lined up. I will be available from next Saturday. Looking forward to it.

January 7th, 2017, 14:00
I will shoot you a message about this coming Saturday.

Looking forward to it!

January 8th, 2017, 04:10
OK, sounds good.

January 8th, 2017, 12:23
If you guys are trying to get a group together I would love to be apart of it. Australian Teacher, so weeknights and weekends are my free time (and school holidays like now!). Some experience as a player and currently play in one group about once a month (next session is on the 22nd), but have no real experience with FG although I do have the standard license.

January 9th, 2017, 03:12

We're just trying to get together for some FG practice and maybe some character creation this Saturday. Want to join us? If so - I'll shoot you a message too about a time on Saturday afternoon.


January 10th, 2017, 09:23
Sure! No plans for this coming Saturday yet.

January 11th, 2017, 03:42
I wouldnt mind hooking up with you guys also. I am in the US time zones but i work night so this may line up with my schedule. If nothing else i would enjoy poking around FG with yall a bit. Please PM me with day and time and i will try to be there.

January 11th, 2017, 14:59
Tried to start a calendar.

See if this link works and if you can join.


January 12th, 2017, 13:50
Check the calendar if you can.

Shooting for Saturday around 1:30pm Japan time. Let me know if that will work for you.

We'll meet up using TS3.

January 16th, 2017, 01:53
I would be interested in joining up on Saturday, i am new to FG, i have played a bit of 5th edition and some 3.5. i applied on the calander.

I work week nights but am free most weekends.

Also if you have any interest in Pathfinder you can pick up the books in PDF form humble bundle right now. i got them and can say they are high res and good value.

Hope to hear form you soon =)


forgot the link


January 16th, 2017, 03:19
Hello from UTC +8

I recently moved (not as recent anymore but still under 6 months) to UTC +8 and can't seem to get my schedule to line up with any of the people I used to game with on the other side of the world. I am super eager to learn Fantasy grounds but have only gotten into a game that lasted one session and then fell apart.

An organic growth of a gaming group seems neat. I have a lot of availability at the moment, am usually busy in the afternoons.
I'm 36 years old with a life time of roleplaying games since I found my parents D&D box when I was a young lad. I have played All versions of D&D from the original except 4th and have become a huge fan of 5th Edition. I played pathfinder as well and found it a nice improvement over 3.5.

If you all are interested in picking up another for Fantasy grounds trial and error roleplaying i'm interested. Once I start to learn the program enough I would be interested in GMing a bit.

I have the standard license at the moment but if I get into the program more this might change.

Greetings and good gaming,

January 16th, 2017, 05:28
Hello Ragnu and Foomish!

I'll add you guys to the game calendar!

We're planning on learning FG and 5e together with rotating DMs.

Learn some, play some, DM a little...

If anyone wants to be accepted to the game just message here or private message me.
I'd like to hear from you first and establish some communication. :)

Look forward to meeting you!

February 12th, 2017, 02:32
I think this is the thread...
I am Jason from Tokyo looking to join you guys ^^

Im 39 Canadian living in Tokyo
Basic D&D to Ad&D 3.5 experience, D&D 5e shouldnt be too much trouble.
I will play any character needed to fill in the gaps.
I am new to FG but have created an adventure to learn the system and DM in the future.

Thanks Jason

March 11th, 2017, 08:11
Hello guys,

March 11th, 2017, 08:35
Welcome to the game userid!