View Full Version : Formatted Text In Chat Frames?

October 13th, 2005, 01:18
I would like to create a list in a chat frame that I can drag and drop into the chat window, but it appears that text in a chat frame cannot have any special formatting. Do you know if there is a way to have formatted text in a chat frame? If so, can you provide a snippet of xml showing this?

Thanks much.

October 13th, 2005, 15:49
If I understand your question correctly (a big if) you can format text as the GM in a story page by entering edit mode and selecting the appropriate paragraph type. Then you can drag and drop it onto the chat screen. However, I know of no way to do this as a player.

October 13th, 2005, 15:55
I think he wants to make a list that is drag and droppable.

As you can only pick one paragraph format type: list or chat text, you can't make a list that is chat text.


October 13th, 2005, 15:58
Craw, Thanks for responding. If you format the text in a chat frame, then yes, you can drag and drop into the chat window. What I would like to do is format a chat frame, and within that chat frame, format a list with bullets. I could then, in theory, drag and drop this list into the chat window. If that is not possible, I'd like to drag a chat frame that allows me to include lightly formated text. For example:

This is the first blurb.

This is the second blurb.

And finally, the last blurb.

With the current implementation of chat frames for FG, the above example is not possible because the chat frame does not like the empty lines between the blurb statements. Hopefully I'm making myself clear on this topic...

October 13th, 2005, 16:02
Richvalle, Thanks for the info. I was afraid of this. I suspected as much, so, I'm duplicating the formatted data (lists, tables, etc) I add to FG in emails to the players. I will have the info in FG, if needed, and when the players need it (formatted in a list or other special format), I will send it to them via email.

Thanks again for the response.