View Full Version : General questions re: FG

October 12th, 2005, 20:21
We are going to be giving the Fantasy Grounds demo a tryout this weekend using the downloadable demo, just to get an idea of the features and system. I had a couple questions:

1. The demo is old, and lacking a number of features that we wanted to see. Any chance the demo will be upgraded or can you upgrade the demo with the patch? We wanted to see how zooming worked for example and that's not on the demo version.

2. Are there any thoughts / plans for a dedicated FG server that one could connect to with a GM or Lite client? As clumsy as I am I would really feel badly if I closed a game session out unexpectedly. Having a dedicated server running on a separate box really helps. It also would permit the game to be hosted somewhere with a faster internet connection while the GM could be on a slower connection and not impact the players as much.

Sorry, second question really long and probably not a reality, but hey, worth asking / suggesting :)

October 12th, 2005, 23:17
Any chance the demo will be upgraded

Yes, we plan on bringing it up to speed as soon as we get 1.05d out the door.

Are there any thoughts / plans for a dedicated FG server that one could connect to with a GM or Lite client?

Yes there is, but not before 1.06 comes out.

October 14th, 2005, 07:22
Sure this doesnt mean much, but I have been running games in FG for about two months now. Just ran one tonight and had absolutely ZERO problems, FG ran completely perfect. And just to add to that, my players all love the software and what it allows me to add to the game. In my opinion, this is THE best software mae for gaming in a very very long time.