View Full Version : New Player - Brand New to FG

December 27th, 2016, 18:49

First off, I'm a fairly inexperienced RPG'er. I played D&D (either 2nd or 3rd edition, can't remember) with my family for about one summer when I was about 10 years old. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but our mom was the only one willing to do the DMing and she didn't really want to, so we stopped after only a few sessions. I've wanted to play again ever since, but my rather limited social circles weren't into this type of thing. Last year, I started playing Pathfinder Society games with a local group here in town, and again, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the group fell apart after only a few sessions when our area captain moved away, and his two lieutenants (the way PFS is organized), who were a husband and wife, split up and got divorced. From what I gathered, the husband started accusing the wife of cheating with the captain and it all turned into an episode of Days of Our Lives - Fantasy Edition.

At any rate, I've wanted to try playing online since, as I can't seem to find anyone around here to game with. Most of the games going on at the local gaming hall are junk (in my opinion - no offense intended) like Yu-Gi-Ho and Magic. The only group that I've found playing an RPG is a 5E group, but they play at a time I can't join, and the group is full and dedicated, so there isn't an opening.

First, I tried the other big VTT site (is it ok to name it here?), but I haven't had much luck with it. I saw Fantasy Grounds a long time ago, but just couldn't really justify the price. I put it in my Steam wishlist as soon as I saw it on there, hoping it would go on sale, and it finally did for their winter sale this year, so I grabbed it and a few modules. I very much like the look and layout better in FG than the other place. I'm planning to run a Pathfinder game for my niece (and nephew, if he still wants to), but I'd like to get experience as a player first. Also, I enjoy playing the games. I might enjoy DMing, but I'm so inexperienced at it that I don't know, and I can't get players organized to try, aside from my 11yo niece who knows nothing about RPGs, but thinks they look fun.

So, the point of this post, finally:

I'm looking for a group, preferably Pathfinder or PFS, though D&D 4E or 5E might also work. I say Pathfinder because it's the only system that I have recent experience with, and I have Hero Lab for PF. The problem is my timing. I need a group that plays on weekdays, during the early-mid morning time, US timezones. I work 12hrs/day, 6 days/wk, so my only real free time is between about 9am and 2pm central time on weekdays and Sunday, and all day Saturday. I don't want to get into a game every Saturday though, because being my one and only day off, I have to cram everything else into that day, including taking my niece to both of her music lessons every week.

Does anyone run an FG game that will work with my time slot that's looking for a new player? If there are other players out there in the same boat, I might be willing to DM a game if my players are willing to put up with my inexperience.

Sorry for the wall of text there...

December 27th, 2016, 20:38
Hello kananesgi ,
You will find a vibrant and helpful community here on Fantasy Grounds. It was just a few months ago when I first joined the community. Needless to say my schedule is pretty full playing or DM/GMing. Your time slot will be difficult but not impossible. Look to our brothers and sisters across the ponds and you should find what you are looking for. D&D 5e is by far the most prevalent game advertised here on FG but look at other systems also. I would recommend checking out FG Daze for games and meet the DM/GMs. It goes on 7 January at various times with various games and rule sets. Again welcome aboard and good luck. Do not get discouraged because you can't find a game right off. It will come. I suggest you look through the forums and calendar for games that meet your rule-set and time criteria.


December 28th, 2016, 00:32
Hi kananesgi, and Welcome! to the Community,

If you haven't done so already, let me encourage you to take a look at some of the great Tutorial Videos available on the Fantasy Grounds Wiki (and on YouTube). Damn's are good, as are Xorn's, and people seem to like mine as well (mine are also available from the links in my sig, below).

Start with the ones on the CoreRPG, because the CoreRPG forms the foundation of just about all the RPGs we play with Fantasy Grounds - so by learning how to use FG with the CoreRPG you'll learn about 80% of what you'll need to know to play any RPG with Fantasy Grounds. Once you've gone through the CoreRPG Videos you can then go on to Videos about your chosen RPG.

When you get familiar with the basic Fantasy Grounds product the next step is to check out some of the Extensions (Plug-Ins) for FG, such as the DOE: Sound, DOE: Locations, DOE: Weather and DOE: Organisations Extensions (to name a but a few).

And keep on asking questions - we're a pretty friendly lot here, and we love answering questions.


January 1st, 2017, 03:02
Welcome kananesgi - we are not so uptight as to stop you talking about the other tabletops here :) have a quick read here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35858-Are-you-new-and-looking-for-game