View Full Version : Player Character Sheets, 3.5, and tabs

December 27th, 2016, 18:43
Since i started tinkering with FG and telling my players about the progress, one of them has asked me to add an additional tab on to the character sheet.

"No big deal," I thought. "I'll just have to make the sheet longer to accommodate it. Later, I'll stretch out the appropriate frames to account for the extra length."

For the most part, that's accurate. However I have encountered an issue with adding the tab that stretches beyond making the character sheet longer (See what i did there? :D )

It seems like after 7 tabs, something weird happens that i don't understand.. or am missing. It is not the history.png tab image nor the <tab>entry for it, as everything is peachy if i comment out another tab (or it) to have 7 tabs.. but the moment there's an 8th tab.. it acts wonky.


Is there a footer that is messing this up somehow? And why would it work fine for the first 7 but get weird at #8?

December 27th, 2016, 22:05
Try checking the tab graphic itself in CoreRPG and making a longer base graphic - eg one that includes more tabs to start with so it doesnt tile it.