View Full Version : The Token/Tracker issue

Ken L
December 27th, 2016, 17:03
So when I'm running a combat with a large number of combatants, it becomes increasingly difficult to connect the map's token representation with the corresponding combat tracker position (add effects, alter init etc..).

The main issue here is that the mouse over text to display the name which is available in the options.. is super small. Perhaps FG holds this artifact for smaller monitors, but on modern large UHD or even 1080p monitors, this is almost impossible to read. To compensate, I end up ctrl-clicking the representation in the combat tracker to force a highlight of the token. That in itself requires me to manually have to reverse-lookup the creature in question. Sometimes if I'm throwing 15 generic 'thugs', this means I need to fish though 15 similar combat tracker entries.

Is there a way to simply skip directly to the connected combat tracker location from the token so I can access the meta there? I'm aware I can double click the token to access the NPC data, but I'd like to be able to access the meta data such as wounds without spawning another window.

December 27th, 2016, 17:51
A couple of things (and I don't have a collossully sized monitor so none of this may be relevant)

First right click the token and Release token scale, then lock it, then remove it then add to the map again. This might help (the text can sometimes be very small if the token scale isn't right)

Second if you have the option on then when the NPCs turn comes around the map centres on that creatures token. This is probably most effective if you have the map zoomed in a bit more rather than zoomed way out.

Lastly clicking on the creatures token in the CT switches it on and off so that it's easier to find it. However I think this breaks any targeting which might not be desirable (I don't have a problem with that but some chaps do)

December 27th, 2016, 17:53
You can drop effects directly onto the token, you know...

December 27th, 2016, 18:45
You can drop effects directly onto the token, you know...

If I'm reading his post correctly his problem is actually finding the token to drop them on; but I could be wrong of course.

December 27th, 2016, 20:16
If I'm reading his post correctly his problem is actually finding the token to drop them on; but I could be wrong of course.

From his description, he's trying to find the entry in the CT that corresponds to a token to apply effects (that's why he started out with the claim about the mouse-over text being too small...). He can just drop the effect right onto the token...

As far as changing initiative goes (I don't do this, normally), I think the easiest might be to create an effect that indicates this, drop that effect onto the token, then when that token's initiative order comes up on the CT, you'll know right off that it needs to be adjusted down at that time.

Ken L
December 27th, 2016, 20:23
For on-the-spot effects, I create them directly on the combat entry itself. I play SR5e so I gain no use out of the effects system outside a label (no rules system to take advantage of). Many of my effects are simply tags and durations for the purpose of mental tracking.

I could keep the effects window open, create the effect there, then drag it over; but many of these are ad-hoc, and specific compared to structured conditions which can be easily enumerated (3.5/5e/PF/etc...)

Also the ability to use the combat tracker's quick reference as opposed to double clicking each token to adjust wounds or check AC is a nice bonus since my CT is always on the foreground.

December 27th, 2016, 20:41
I just have a handful of useful tags that I drag and drop onto tokens, like "sleep", "prone", "wait", "stumble", etc, for indicating these types of things. I even have these tied to voice prompts (via Voice-Bot) so that when I say that word during the game, it automatically drops the effect into the chat box as a GM-only message and I can drag it from there onto the token easily.

Ken L
December 27th, 2016, 23:45
That's the thing, many of the effects are named after the abilities they use which can vary depending on their load out. There is a set of enumerable conditions, but many effects are specific to the ability. I'm not in the mind to put them all in such that I need to use the search function to simply fish out a tag note to drag drop when I'd rather write them in as needed.

December 28th, 2016, 00:21
Sounds too much like work.

December 28th, 2016, 01:24
Hey KenL could you post some screenshots of what you have done with the icons?

December 28th, 2016, 09:06
Indeed, damned, because I'm totally confused as to why you need to find an entry on the CT from the token on order to put effects on it.

December 28th, 2016, 10:35
Indeed, damned, because I'm totally confused as to why you need to find an entry on the CT from the token on order to put effects on it.

I think I get that bit. You have a big melee going on. Player A hits the critter next to Player B with some sort of spell and he needs to drop an effect on that critter - and its not an effect from a library so it goes in via the CT.

I would like to see what he has done with the noun tokens and how he is using them.

Ken L
December 28th, 2016, 18:07
? You're involving a cross post. That's PF related and PF has a set of easily enumerable conditions. This is for SR5e which I use Core for.