View Full Version : Got a friend to connect but now modules will load?

December 26th, 2016, 19:21
He's wanting to dig through to make his first PC but doesn't seem to have access to of my modules, I have an ultimate license and the PH module bought and loaded. Am I missing something? I have some screens from both of out pov's below.


December 26th, 2016, 19:34
He likely needs to go into the Library, click on the Modules button at the bottom to go to the Data Activation screen. From there, he can "open" the book of the modules you've loaded.


December 26th, 2016, 19:47
In your first screen you are sharing a whole heap of unneeded stuff.

If you have the Player's Handbook (which you do) then you don't need to share the SRD nor the Basic Rules. You have also Shared the SRD Bestiary which is a DM ONLY module; you should not be sharing that with your players.

So make sure that you are only sharing the PHB with your players.

The problem you are most likely having is that there is so much shared that the stuff hasn't had time to download and may well also cause memory issues at the other end.

You may want to get your players to nuke their cache before they join you again (Radiation button top right of the join screen)

If after you have pared everything down to just the PHB and stopped sharing everything else and there's still a problem do post back.

December 26th, 2016, 20:44
Reduce the modules you give the players access to, as Zacchaeus says, down to just the PHB. They will then have to actually open the library module themselves, as it doesn't look like they have done this - hence the "Could not load data from unloaded module..." message in the chat window.

You may want to test this yourself - start up another instance of FG on the same computer as the GM instance, then "Join Game" with a server address of localhost This will allow you to see the same thing the players see and can go through the steps required to open the module on the player side - plus you'll find it's an invaluable tool to understand what the players see, which can be quite different to what the GM sees.

December 26th, 2016, 21:29
Reduce the modules you give the players access to, as Zacchaeus says, down to just the PHB. They will then have to actually open the library module themselves, as it doesn't look like they have done this - hence the "Could not load data from unloaded module..." message in the chat window.

You may want to test this yourself - start up another instance of FG on the same computer as the GM instance, then "Join Game" with a server address of localhost This will allow you to see the same thing the players see and can go through the steps required to open the module on the player side - plus you'll find it's an invaluable tool to understand what the players see, which can be quite different to what the GM sees.

This is what I did, he made his first character and we are stoked :D