View Full Version : Are macros possible (or will they be?); + some suggestions.

October 10th, 2005, 15:07
One thing I'd like is the ability to create macros on the hotbar. For example, I drag the spell description for magic missile to a hotkey and edit the hotkey so that it 1) pops up the spell description, and 2) posts a chat message ("I cast magic missile.")

Additonal suggestions:

Importing sound files. It would be neat to tie a .wav of water dripping, for example, to a room on a map, or the sound of wolves howling when the PCs enter the forest.

A print or export to PDF option for the story. I find it easier to read the adventure to get an overview if it's in a single PDF.

An initiative log viewable by all. At our tabletop games, we currently keep track of initiative on a whiteboard, viewable to everyone. With so much other stuff to keep up with, we've always found it hard for the DM to track that, too. So it lets everyone help keep track.

The ability to type text onto an image would probably eliminate the need for the previous suggestion. If you could create labels that could then be manipulated (moved and rotated, for example), the GM could make a bunch of labels with each character and his initiative on it, then just grab and drag them around as needed.

November 20th, 2005, 17:36

I think that installing the latest version might help and do not forget to do its updates.

November 20th, 2005, 23:56
A macro language is coming in the next 1.06 upgrade.

Exporting to a pdf might be a problem as its Adobe's file format and it would cost $$ to be able to do it. Also exporting xml to pdf might be diffacult.


November 21st, 2005, 18:01
Exporting to a pdf might be a problem as its Adobe's file format and it would cost $$ to be able to do it. Also exporting xml to pdf might be diffacult.

Nah, Openoffice does it, and it is free, should be a way to handle it. Not sure how they handle it but I have been exporting pdfs in Openoffice for a couple of years now.