View Full Version : Just Bought Call of Chtulhu 7E Ruleset, And Savage worlds, need help or tips learning

JC the Roleslayer
December 23rd, 2016, 03:27
I want to run a game of 7E Call of Chtulhu, and i could use some tips. I am currently reading the rulebook but i would find it a huge help if someone could go over the game with me who is experienced at running the game or even playing it and knows how things work. I have played a few times but not enough to be a keeper yet. I want to get there really badly though. Please PM me if you can help

ALSO- I just bought the savage Worlds ruleset, ive been trying to find a game to join to learn but no luck yet. I also could use some tips about this game. I am also reading the rulebook but someone explaining it hits better for me.

December 23rd, 2016, 04:32
Slow down JC! Just work on one thing at a time or it will all go in one ear and out the other :)

December 23rd, 2016, 07:19
The best way to get along is to find yourself a game to play in-it could be a one shot or a campaign. I am a bit of a plodder and I am still discovering things after 7 years but I have had the most fun .
Oh, and welcome aboard JC.