View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekend Game Sat or Weekday Game Mon-Fri PST Daylight Savings

December 22nd, 2016, 08:10
Time Zone: PST Daylight Savings
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly, open to other arrangements. Mon-Fri evenings (5:00 PM PST or later), Sat throughout.
Term: Ideally long-term.
Voice: Yes. Mainly use teamspeak, open to other software.

Game System Preferred: In order; Franchise systems (DBZ, Pokemon, etc), Reign, Iron Kingdoms, Rogue Trader, The One Ring, Animus, GURPS (Situational) DnD (Any edition) (Open to suggestions)
Game System Experience: Dnd (3.5 and 5.0e), Fallout EBB
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm new to this website, but not websites like it.

Character Type Preferred: I've been toying with the idea of playing a villain campaign, but other than that I've played everything from Dragonborn Warlords to Enclave Snipers.
About me: I've been playing TG for years now, I started IRL at a local community center. I've taken to online platforms since then out of convenience due to my college life. I generally have the most experience with more jokey groups, but not entirely jokey campaigns. I often end up as the member of the group who does the most out-of-combat activity. I like to experiment with new classes and concepts, even if it results in a weaker character or harder campaign. I ideally want to join a group who's doing a new system entirely, especially if it's either a franchise-based system or allows for such things as base/town/city-building, grand strategy, and politic. Thank you for reading, please feel free to ask for more information. I hope to be rolling nat 20s with you soon.

December 23rd, 2016, 23:55
Hi rockle

Here is a one shot D&D? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35703-D-amp-D-5e-One-Shot-Mini-Dungeon-9-pm-EST
And a one shot Call of Cthulhu - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35694-CoC-7e-One-Shot-(UK-Evening)-between-Christmas-and-the-New-Year

December 24th, 2016, 05:21
Any non one-shots?